
JavaScript basic - Exercises, Practice, Solution

This resource offers a total of 600 JavaScript basic problems for practice. It includes 150 main exercises, each accompanied by solutions, detailed explanations, and three related problems.

[An Editor is available at the bottom of the page to write and execute the scripts.]

1. Display Current Day and Time

Write a JavaScript program to display the current day and time in the following format.  
Sample Output : Today is : Tuesday.
Current time is : 10 PM : 30 : 38
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2. Print Current Window Contents

Write a JavaScript program to print the current window contents.  
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3. Get Current Date in Various Formats

Write a JavaScript program to get the current date.  
Expected Output :
mm-dd-yyyy, mm/dd/yyyy or dd-mm-yyyy, dd/mm/yyyy
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4. Calculate Area of Triangle (Sides: 5, 6, 7)

Write a JavaScript program to find the area of a triangle where three sides are 5, 6, 7.  
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5. Rotate String 'w3resource' Periodically

Write a JavaScript program to rotate the string 'w3resource' in the right direction. This is done by periodically removing one letter from the string end and attaching it to the front.  
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6. Check Leap Year (Gregorian Calendar)

Write a JavaScript program to determine whether a given year is a leap year in the Gregorian calendar.  
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7. Find Years When Jan 1 is Sunday (2014?2050)

Write a JavaScript program to find out if 1st January will be a Sunday between 2014 and 2050.  
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8. Random Integer Guess Game

Write a JavaScript program where the program takes a random integer between 1 and 10, and the user is then prompted to input a guess number. The program displays a message "Good Work" if the input matches the guess number otherwise "Not matched".  
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9. Days Left Before Christmas

Write a JavaScript program to calculate the days left before Christmas.  
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10. Multiplication and Division (User Input)

Write a JavaScript program to calculate multiplication and division of two numbers (input from the user).  
Sample form :
sample form
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11. Convert Temperatures Between Celsius and Fahrenheit

Write a JavaScript program to convert temperatures to and from Celsius, Fahrenheit.  
[ Formula : c/5 = (f-32)/9 [ where c = temperature in Celsius and f = temperature in Fahrenheit ]
Expected Output :
60°C is 140 °F
45°F is 7.222222222222222°C
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12. Get Current Website URL

Write a JavaScript program to get the website URL (loading page).  
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13. Create Variable with User-Defined Name

Write a JavaScript exercise to create a variable using a user-defined name.  
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14. Get File Extension of Filename

Write a JavaScript exercise to get the filename extension.  
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15. Difference Between Number and 13

Write a JavaScript program to get the difference between a given number and 13, if the number is broader than 13 return double the absolute difference.  
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16. Sum Two Integers (Triple if Equal)

Write a JavaScript program to compute the sum of the two given integers. If the two values are the same, then return triple their sum.  
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17. Difference Between Number and 19 (Triple if >19)

Write a JavaScript program to compute the absolute difference between a specified number and 19. Returns triple the absolute difference if the specified number is greater than 19.  
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18. Check if Number or Sum is 50

Write a JavaScript program to check a pair of numbers and return true if one of the numbers is 50 or if their sum is 50.  
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19. Check if Integer is Within 20 of 100 or 400

Write a JavaScript program to check whether a given integer is within 20 of 100 or 400.  
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20. Check if One Integer is Positive and One is Negative

Write a JavaScript program to check two given integers whether one is positive and another one is negative.  
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21. Add 'Py' to Start of String if Not Present

Write a JavaScript program to create another string by adding "Py" in front of a given string. If the given string begins with "Py" return the original string.  
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22. Remove Character at Specified Position in String

Write a JavaScript program to remove a character at the specified position in a given string and return the modified string.  
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23. Swap First and Last Characters in String

Write a JavaScript program to create a new string from a given string by changing the position of the first and last characters. The string length must be broader than or equal to 1.  
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24. Add First Character to Front and Back of String

Write a JavaScript program to create another string from a given string with the first character of the given string added to the front and back.  
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25. Check if Number is Multiple of 3 or 7

Write a JavaScript program to check whether a given positive number is a multiple of 3 or 7.  
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26. Add Last 3 Characters to Front and Back of String

Write a JavaScript program to create a string from a given string. This is done by taking the last 3 characters and adding them at both the front and back. The string length must be 3 or more.  
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27. Check if String Starts with 'Java'

Write a JavaScript program to check whether a string starts with 'Java' if it does not otherwise.  
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28. Check if Two Integers are in Range 50?99

Write a JavaScript program to check whether two given integer values are in the range 50..99 (inclusive). Return true if either of them falls within the range.  
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29. Check if Three Integers are in Range 50?99

Write a JavaScript program to check whether three given integer values are in the range 50..99 (inclusive). Return true if one or more of them are in the specified range.  
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30. Remove 'Script' from String at 5th Position

Write a JavaScript program to check whether a string "Script" appears at the 5th (index 4) position in a given string. If "Script" appears in the string, return the string without "Script" otherwise return the original one.  
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31. Find Largest of Three Integers

Write a JavaScript program to find the largest of three given integers.  
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32. Find Closest Value to 100 from Two Numbers

Write a JavaScript program to find the closest value to 100 from two numerical values.  
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33. Check if Two Numbers are in Specific Ranges

Write a JavaScript program to check whether two numbers are in the range 40..60 or 70..100 inclusive.  
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34. Find Larger Number in Range 40?60

Write a JavaScript program to find the largest number from the two given positive integers. The two numbers are in the range 40..60 inclusive.  
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35. Check Character Between 2nd and 4th Positions in String

Write a program to check whether a specified character exists between the 2nd and 4th positions in a given string.  
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36. Check if Last Digit of Three Integers is Same

Write a JavaScript program that checks whether the last digit of three positive integers is the same.  
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37. Modify String Based on Length (First 3 Lowercase/Uppercase)

Write a JavaScript program to produce a new string that has the first 3 characters in lower case from a given string. If the string length is less than 3 convert all the characters to upper case.  
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38. Evaluate Grades Based on Total Marks and Final Exam

Write a JavaScript program to evaluate a student's total marks across various examinations and determine their grade. The grading criteria are as follows:

  • If the total marks fall within the range of 89 to 100 (inclusive), the student receives an A+ grade.
  • If the examination is labeled as "Final-exam," the student will receive an A+ grade only if their total marks are 90 or greater. Assume that final examination means we pass 'true' as second parameter otherwise blank.
  • If the student achieves an A+ grade, the program should return 'true'; otherwise, it should return 'false'.

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39. Sum Two Integers and Return Based on Range

Write a JavaScript program to compute the sum of the two given integers. If the sum is in the range 50..80 return 65 otherwise return 80.  
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40. Check if Integer is 8 or Difference/Sum Equals 8

Write a JavaScript program to check from two given integers whether one of them is 8 or their sum or difference is 8.  
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41. Return 30, 40, or 20 Based on Same Numbers

Write a JavaScript program to check a set of three numbers; if the three numbers are the same return 30; otherwise return 20; and if two numbers are the same return 40.  
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42. Check Numbers in Strict or Soft Increasing Mode

Write a JavaScript program to check whether three given numbers are increasing in strict or in soft mode.  
Note: Strict mode -> 10, 15, 31 : Soft mode -> 24, 22, 31 or 22, 22, 31
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43. Check Rightmost Digits of Three Numbers

Write a JavaScript program to check from three given numbers (non negative integers) that two or all of them have the same rightmost digit.  
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44. Evaluate if Integer is =20 and Less Than Another

Write a JavaScript program that evaluates three given integers to determine if any one of them is greater than or equal to 20 and less than at least one of the other two.  
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45. Check if Integer is 15, or Sum/Difference is 15

Write a JavaScript program that checks two integer values and returns true if either one is 15 or if their sum or difference is 15.  
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46. Check if Only One Integer is Multiple of 7 or 11

Write a JavaScript program to check two given non-negative integers if one (not both) is a multiple of 7 or 11.  
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47. Check if Integer is in Range 40?10,000

Write a JavaScript program to check whether a given number exists in the range 40..10000.  
For example 40 presents in 40 and 4000
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48. Reverse a Given String

Write a JavaScript program to reverse a given string.  
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49. Replace Each Character with Next Alphabet Letter

Write a JavaScript program to replace every character in a given string with the character following it in the alphabet.  
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50. Capitalize First Letter of Each Word in String

Write a JavaScript program to capitalize the first letter of each word in a given string.  
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51. Transform Number to Hours and Minutes

Write a JavaScript application that transforms a provided numerical value into hours and minutes.  
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52. Sort Letters Alphabetically in String

Write a JavaScript program to convert letters of a given string alphabetically.  
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53. Check 'a' and 'b' Separated by Exactly 3 Places

Write a JavaScript program to check whether the characters a and b are separated by exactly 3 places anywhere (at least once) in a given string.  
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54. Count Vowels in String

Write a JavaScript program to count the number of vowels in a given string.  
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55. Check Equal Number of 'p's and 't's

Write a JavaScript program to check whether a given string contains an equal number of p's and t's.  
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56. Divide Numbers and Format with Commas

Write a JavaScript program to divide two positive numbers and return the result as string with properly formatted commas.  
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57. Create String of Specified Copies

Write a JavaScript program to create one string of specified copies (positive numbers) of a given string.  
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58. Four Copies of Last 3 Characters

Write a JavaScript program to create an updated string of 4 copies of the last 3 characters of a given original string. The string length must be 3 and above.  
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59. Extract First Half of Even-Length String

Write a JavaScript program to extract the first half of a even string.  
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60. Remove First and Last Characters in String

Write a JavaScript program to create a new string without the first and last characters of a given string.  
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61. Concatenate Two Strings Without First Character

Write a JavaScript program to concatenate two strings except for their first character.  
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62. Move Last 3 Characters to Start of String

Write a JavaScript program to move the last three characters to the start of a given string. The string length must be greater than or equal to three.  
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63. Extract Middle 3 Characters from Odd-Length String

Write a JavaScript program to create a string using the middle three characters of a given string of odd length. The string length must be greater than or equal to three.  
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64. Concatenate Strings with Matching Length

Write a JavaScript program to concatenate two strings and return the result. If the length of the strings does not match, then remove the characters from the longer string.  
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65. Check if String Ends with 'Script'

Write a JavaScript program to test whether a string ends with "Script". The string length must be greater than or equal to 6.  
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66. Return City Name if Starts with 'Los' or 'New'

Write a JavaScript program to display the city name if the string begins with "Los" or "New" otherwise return blank.  
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67. Remove First/Last 'P' Characters in String

Write a JavaScript program to create a new string from a given string. This program removes the first and last characters of the string if the first or last character is 'P'. Return the original string if the condition is not satisfied.  
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68. Use First and Last 'n' Characters from String

Write a JavaScript program to create a new string using the first and last n characters from a given string. The string length must be larger than or equal to n.  
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69. Sum of 3 Elements in Array (Length 3)

Write a JavaScript program to compute the sum of three elements of a given array of integers of length 3.  
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70. Rotate Elements Left in Array (Length 3)

Write a JavaScript program to rotate the elements left in a given array of integers of length 3.  
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71. Check if 1 is First/Last Element in Array

Write a JavaScript program to check whether 1 appears in the first or last position of a given array of integers. The array length must be larger than or equal to 1.  
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72. Check if First and Last Elements Are Same

Write a JavaScript program to check whether the first and last elements are the same in a given array of integers of length 3.  
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73. Reverse Elements of Array (Length 3)

Write a JavaScript program to reverse the elements of a given array of integers of length 3.  
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74. Set All Elements to Largest of First/Last in Array

Write a JavaScript program to find the largest value between the first and last elements and set all the other elements to that value. Display the updated array.  
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75. Create Array with Middle Elements from Two Arrays

Write a JavaScript program to create an array taking the middle elements of the two arrays of integer and each length 3.  
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76. Create Array with First/Last Elements from Array

Write a JavaScript program to create an array by taking the first and last elements from a given array of integers. The length must be larger than or equal to 1.  
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77. Check if Array Contains 1 or 3

Write a JavaScript program to test whether an array of integers of length 2 contains 1 or 3.  
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78. Check if Array Does Not Contain 1 or 3

Write a JavaScript program to test whether an array of integers of length 2 does not contain 1 or 3.  
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79. Check if Array Contains 30 and 40 Twice

Write a JavaScript program to test whether a given array of integers contains 30 and 40 twice. The array length should be 0, 1, or 2.  
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80. Swap First and Last Elements in Array

Write a JavaScript program to swap the first and last elements of a given array of integers. The array length should be at least 1.  
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81. Add Two Digits in a Two-Digit Number

Write a JavaScript program to add two digits to a given positive integer of length two.  
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82. Add Two Integers Without Carrying

Write a JavaScript program to add two positive integers without carrying.  
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83. Find Longest String in Array

Write a JavaScript program to find the longest string from a given array of strings.  
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84. Replace Characters with Next in Alphabet

Write a JavaScript program to replace each character in a given string with the next in the English alphabet.  
Note: 'a' will be replace by 'b' or 'z' would be replaced by 'a'.
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85. Split Array into Two Sums Alternating Elements

Write a JavaScript program to divide a given array of positive integers into two parts. First element belongs to the first part, second element belongs to the second part, and third element belongs to the first part and so on. Now compute the sum of two parts and store it in an array of size two.  
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86. Find Type of Given Angle

Write a JavaScript program to find the types of a given angle.  

    Types of angles:
  • Acute angle: An angle between 0 and 90 degrees.
  • Right angle: An 90 degree angle.
  • Obtuse angle: An angle between 90 and 180 degrees.
  • Straight angle: A 180 degree angle.
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87. Check if Two Arrays Are Similar with One Swap

Write a JavaScript program to determine if two arrays of integers of the same length are similar. The arrays will be similar if one array can be obtained from another array by swapping at most one pair of elements.  
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88. Check Similarity of Two Integers with Divisor

Write a JavaScript program that takes two integers and a divisor. If the given divisor divides both integers and does not divide either, two specified integers are similar. Check whether two integers are similar or not.  
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89. Replace $ in Expression to Make True

Write a JavaScript program to check whether it is possible to replace $ in a given expression x $ y = z with one of the four signs +, -, * or / to obtain a correct expression.  
For example x = 10, y = 30 and z = 300, we can replace $ with a multiple operator (*) to obtain x * y = z
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90. Find kth Greatest Element in Array

Write a JavaScript program to find the kth greatest element in a given array of integers.  
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91. Find Max Sum of k Consecutive Numbers in Array

Write a JavaScript program to find the maximum possible sum of some of its k consecutive numbers (numbers that follow each other in order) in a given array of positive integers. 
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92. Find Max Difference Between Adjacent Elements

Write a JavaScript program to find the maximum difference between any two adjacent elements of a given array of integers. 
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93. Find Max Difference Among All Pairs in Array

Write a JavaScript program to find the maximum difference among all possible pairs of a given array of integers. 
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94. Find Most Frequent Number in Array

Write a JavaScript program to find the number appearing most frequently in a given array of integers. 
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95. Replace Numbers with Specified Value in Array

Write a JavaScript program to replace all numbers with a specified number in an array of integers. 
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96. Sum of Absolute Differences of Consecutive Numbers

Write a JavaScript program to compute the sum of the absolute differences of consecutive numbers in a given array of integers. 
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97. Shortest String to Convert into Palindrome

Write a JavaScript program to find the shortest possible string. This can be converted into a string and converted into a palindrome by adding characters to the end of it. 
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98. Change Case Minimally for Upper or Lower Case

Write a JavaScript program to change the case of the minimum number of letters to make a given string written in upper case or lower case. 
Fox example "Write" will be write and "PHp" will be "PHP"
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99. Check if String Can Rearrange to Match Another

Write a JavaScript program to check whether it is possible to rearrange the characters of a given string. This is in such a way that it will become equal to another given string. 
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100. Check if Arrays Share at Least One Common Element

Write a JavaScript program to check if there is at least one element in two given sorted arrays of integers. 
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101. Check Latin Letters with No Adjacent Upper/Lower Case

Write a JavaScript program to check whether a given string contains only Latin letters and no two uppercase and no two lowercase letters are in adjacent positions. 
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102. Count Inversions in Array

Write a JavaScript program to find the number of inversions of a given array of integers. 
Note: Two elements of the array a stored at positions i and j form an inversion if a[i] > a[j] and i < j.
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103. Max Integer by Removing One Digit

Write a JavaScript program to find the maximum number of a given positive integer by deleting exactly one digit of the given number.  
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104. Find Pair with Closest Absolute Difference

Write a JavaScript program to find two elements of an array such that their absolute difference is not larger than a given integer. However, it is as close as possible to the integer. 
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105. Replace Number with Digit Sum Until Single Digit

Write a JavaScript program to find the number of times to replace a given number with the sum of its digits. This is until it converts to a single-digit number. 
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106. Divide Integers Until Result is Integer

Write a JavaScript program to divide an integer by another integer as long as the result is an integer and return the result. 
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107. Count Divisible Sorted Pairs in Array

Write a JavaScript program to find the number of sorted pairs formed by arrays of integers. This is such that one element in the pair is divisible by the other one. 
For example - The output of [1, 3, 2] ->2 - (1,3), (1,2).
The output of [2, 4, 6] -> 2 - (2,4), (2,6)
The output of [2, 4, 16] -> 3 - (2,4), (2,16), (4,16)
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108. Dot Product of Two 3D Vectors

Write a JavaScript program to create the dot products of two given 3D vectors. 
Note: The dot product is the sum of the products of the corresponding entries of the two sequences of numbers.
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109. Sort All Primes Between 1 and n

Write a JavaScript program to sort an array of all prime numbers between 1 and a given integer. 
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110. Count Evens Before First Occurrence of Number

Write a JavaScript program to find the number of even values in sequence before the first occurrence of a given number. 
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111. Find Unique Number Among Three

Write a JavaScript program to check a number from three given numbers where two numbers are equal. Find the third one. 
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112. Count Trailing Zeros in Factorial

Write a JavaScript program to find the number of trailing zeros in the decimal representation of the factorial of a given number. 
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113. Sum n + n/2 + n/4 + ...

Write a JavaScript program to calculate the sum of n + n/2 + n/4 + n/8 + .... where n is a positive integer and all divisions are integers. 
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114. Check String as Correct Sentence

Write a JavaScript program to check whether a given string represents a correct sentence or not. A string is considered a correct sentence if it starts with a capital letter and ends with a full stop (.) 
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115. Check if Matrix is Diagonal Matrix

Write a JavaScript program to check whether a matrix is a diagonal matrix or not. In linear algebra, a diagonal matrix is a matrix in which the entries outside the main diagonal are all zero (the diagonal from the upper left to the lower right). 
[1, 0, 0], [0, 2, 0], [0, 0, 3] ]) = true
[1, 0, 0], [0, 2, 3], [0, 0, 3] ]) = false
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116. Replace Hash in String to Make Divisible by 3

Write a JavaScript program to find all the possible options to replace the hash in a string (Consists of digits and one hash (#)) with a digit to produce an integer divisible by 3. 
For a string "2*0", the output should be : ["210", "240", "270"]
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117. Check if Matrix is Identity Matrix

Write a JavaScript program to check whether a given matrix is an identity matrix. 
Note: In linear algebra, the identity matrix, or sometimes ambiguously called a unit matrix, of size n is the n ? n square matrix with ones on the main diagonal and zeros elsewhere.
[[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]] -> true
[[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1]] -> false
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118. Check if Number is in Range

Write a JavaScript program to check whether a given number is in a given range. 
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119. Check if Digits in Integer Are Increasing

Write a JavaScript program to check if a given integer has an increasing digit sequence. 
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120. Check if Point is Inside Circle

Write a JavaScript program to check if a point lies strictly inside the circle. 
Center of the circle (x, y)
Radius of circle: r
Point inside a circle (a, b)
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121. Check if Matrix is Lower Triangular

Write a JavaScript program to check whether a given matrix is lower triangular or not. 
Note: A square matrix is called lower triangular if all the entries above the main diagonal are zero.
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122. Check if Array is Strictly Increasing/Decreasing

Write a JavaScript program to check whether a given array of integers represents a strictly increasing or decreasing sequence. 
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123. Check if Array is Permutation of Numbers 1 to n

Write a JavaScript program to find out if the members of a given array of integers are a permutation of numbers from 1 to a given integer. 
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124. Compute NOR of Two Booleans

Write a JavaScript program to create the NOR value of two given booleans. 
Note: In boolean logic, logical nor or joint denial is a truth-functional operator which produces a result that is the negation of logical or. That is, a sentence of the form (p NOR q) is true precisely when neither p nor q is true - i.e. when both of p and q are false
Sample Example:
For x = true and y = false, the output should be logical_Nor(x, y) = false; For x = false and y = false, the output should be logical_Nor(x, y) = true.

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125. Find Longest String in Array

Write a JavaScript program to find the longest string in a given array. 
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126. Find Largest Even Number in Array

Write a JavaScript program to get the largest even number from an array of integers. 
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127. Reverse Bits in Integer

Write a JavaScript program to reverse the order of bits in a integer. 
14 -> 00001110 -> 01110000 -> 112
56 -> 00111000 -> 00011100 -> 28
234 -> 11101010 -> 01010111 -> 87
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128. Find Smallest Round Number = Value

Write a JavaScript program to find the smallest round number not less than a given value. 
Note: A round number is informally considered to be an integer that ends with one or more zeros.[3] So, 590 is rounder than 592, but 590 is less round than 600.
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129. Find Smallest Prime > Value

Write a JavaScript program to find the smallest prime number strictly greater than a given number. 
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130. Count Even Digits in Integer

Write a JavaScript program to find the number of even digits in a given integer. 
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131. Create Prefix Sum Array

Write a JavaScript program to create an array of prefix sums of the given array. 
In computer science, the prefix sum, cumulative sum, inclusive scan, or simply scan of a sequence of numbers x0, x1, x2, ... is a second sequence of numbers y0, y1, y2, ..., the sums of prefixes of the input sequence:
y0 = x0
y1 = x0 + x1
y2 = x0 + x1+ x2
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132. Find Distinct Prime Factors of Integer

Write a JavaScript program to find all distinct prime factors of a given integer. 
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133. Check if Fraction is Proper

Write a JavaScript program to check whether a given fraction is proper or not. 
Note: There are two types of common fractions, proper or improper. When the numerator and the denominator are both positive, the fraction is called proper if the numerator is less than the denominator, and improper otherwise.
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134. Reverse Alphabetical Order of Lowercase Letters

Write a JavaScript program to change the characters (lower case) in a string where a turns into z, b turns into y, c turns into x, ..., n turns into m, m turns into n, ..., z turns into a. 
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135. Remove Characters Appearing More Than Once

Write a JavaScript program to remove all characters from a given string that appear more than once. 
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136. Replace First Digit in String with $

Write a JavaScript program to replace the first digit in a string (should have at least one digit) with the $ character. 
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137. Return Number if >15, Else 15

Write a JavaScript program to test whether a given integer is greater than 15 and return the given number, otherwise return 15. 
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138. Reverse Bits in 16-Bit Unsigned Integer

Write a JavaScript program to reverse the bits of a given 16-bit unsigned short integer. 
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139. Find Position of Rightmost Round Number

Write a JavaScript program to find the position of the rightmost round number in an array of integers. If there are no round numbers, the function returns 0.  
Note: A round number is informally considered to be an integer that ends with one or more zeros.
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140. Check if All Digits in Number Are Same

Write a JavaScript program to check whether all the digits in a given number are the same or not.  
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141. Find Number of Elements in Both Arrays

Write a JavaScript program to find the number of elements in both arrays.  
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142. Simplify Unix-Style Absolute File Path

Write a JavaScript program to simplify a given absolute path for a file in Unix-style.  
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143. Sort Strings by Increasing Length

Write a JavaScript program to sort the strings of a given array of strings in order of increasing length.  
Note: Do not change the order if the lengths of two string are same.
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144. Break URL into Parts

Write a JavaScript program to break an URL address and put its parts into an array.  
Note: url structure : ://.org[/] and there may be no part in the address.
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145. Max n for 1+2+...+n = Value

Write a JavaScript program to find the maximum integer n such that 1 + 2 + ... + n <= a given integer.  
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146. Sum of Cubes from 1 to n

Write a JavaScript program to compute the sum of cubes of all integers from 1 to a given integer.  
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147. Sum of Digits in String

Write a JavaScript program to compute the sum of all the digits that occur in a given string.  
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148. Swap Halves of Even-Length Array

Write a JavaScript program to swap two halves of a given array of integers of even length.  
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149. Change Capitalization of All Letters

Write a JavaScript program to change the capitalization of all letters in a given string.  
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150. Swap Adjacent Pairs in Even-Length Integer

Write a JavaScript program to swap pairs of adjacent digits of a given integer of even length.  
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* To run the code mouse over on Result panel and click on 'RERUN' button.*

See the Pen javascript-common-editor by w3resource (@w3resource) on CodePen.

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