
JavaScript: Check whether two given integer values are in the range 50..99

JavaScript Basic: Exercise-28 with Solution

Write a JavaScript program to check whether two given integer values are in the range 50..99 (inclusive). Return true if either of them falls within the range.

Visual Presentation:

JavaScript: Check whether two given integer values are in the range 50..99

Sample Solution:

JavaScript Code:

// Define a function named check_numbers that takes two parameters x and y
function check_numbers(x, y) {
  // Check if x or y is in the range between 50 and 99 (inclusive)
  if ((x >= 50 && x <= 99) || (y >= 50 && y <= 99)) {
    // If true, return true
    return true;
  } else {
    // If not in the specified range, return false
    return false;

// Log the result of calling the check_numbers function with the arguments 12 and 101 to the console
console.log(check_numbers(12, 101));

// Log the result of calling the check_numbers function with the arguments 52 and 80 to the console
console.log(check_numbers(52, 80));

// Log the result of calling the check_numbers function with the arguments 15 and 99 to the console
console.log(check_numbers(15, 99)); 



Live Demo:

See the Pen JavaScript: check if two given integer values are in a range-basic- ex-28 by w3resource (@w3resource) on CodePen.


Flowchart: JavaScript - Check whether two given integer values are in the range 50..99

ES6 Version:

 // Define a function named check_numbers using arrow function syntax
const check_numbers = (x, y) => {
  // Check if x or y is in the range between 50 and 99 (inclusive)
  return (x >= 50 && x <= 99) || (y >= 50 && y <= 99);

// Log the result of calling the check_numbers function with the arguments 12 and 101 to the console
console.log(check_numbers(12, 101));

// Log the result of calling the check_numbers function with the arguments 52 and 80 to the console
console.log(check_numbers(52, 80));

// Log the result of calling the check_numbers function with the arguments 15 and 99 to the console
console.log(check_numbers(15, 99));

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Previous: JavaScript program to check if a string starts with 'Java' and false otherwise.
Next: JavaScript program to check if three given integer values are in the range 50..99.

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