JavaScript Stack - Exercises, Practice, Solution
This resource offers a total of 175 JavaScript Stack problems for practice. It includes 35 main exercises, each accompanied by solutions, detailed explanations, and four related problems.
[An Editor is available at the bottom of the page to write and execute the scripts.]
1. Stack Operations
Write a JavaScript program to implement a stack with push and pop operations. Find the top element of the stack and check if it is empty or not.
2. Sort Stack Descending
Write a JavaScript program to sort the elements of a given stack in descending order.
3. Sort Stack Ascending
Write a JavaScript program to sort the elements of a given stack in ascending order.
4. Reverse Stack
Write a JavaScript program to reverse the elements of a given stack.
5. Max & Min in Stack
Write a JavaScript program to find the maximum and minimum elements in a stack.
6. Clear Stack
Write a JavaScript program to remove all elements from a given stack.
7. Count Stack Elements
Write a JavaScript program to count all the elements in a given stack.
8. Check Element in Stack
Write a JavaScript program to implement a stack that checks if a given element is present or not in the stack.
9. Remove Duplicates from Stack
Write a JavaScript program to remove duplicates from a given stack.
10. Top & Bottom of Stack
Write a JavaScript program to find the top and bottom elements of a given stack.
11. Rotate Stack Left
Write a JavaScript program to rotate the stack elements to the left direction.
12. Rotate Stack Right
Write a JavaScript program to rotate the stack elements to the right direction.
13. Middle Element(s) of Stack
Write a JavaScript program to get the middle element(s) of a given stack.
14. Remove Specific Element from Stack
Write a JavaScript program to remove a specific element from a stack.
15. Swap Top Two Elements
Write a JavaScript program to swap the top two elements of a given stack.
16. Nth Element from Top
Write a JavaScript program to get the nth element from the top of the stack.
17. Nth Element from Bottom
Write a JavaScript program to get the nth element from the bottom of the stack.
18. Move Nth from Top to Top
Write a JavaScript program to implement a stack and move the nth element from the top of the stack to the top.
19. Move Nth from Bottom to Top
Write a JavaScript program to implement a stack and move the nth element from the bottom of the stack to the top.
20. Merge Two Stacks
Write a JavaScript program to merge two stacks into one.
21. Linked List Stack Implementation
Write a JavaScript program to implement a stack using a linked list with push and pop operations. Find the top element of the stack and check if the stack is empty or not.
22. Stack to Array
Write a JavaScript program to implement a stack that supports toArray() operation, which converts the stack into an array.
23. Create Stacks from Arrays
Write a JavaScript program that can create stacks from arrays.
24. Stack Concat Operation
Write a JavaScript program to implement a stack that supports concat() operation, which concatenates two stacks into a new stack.
25. Copy Stack
Write a JavaScript program to implement a stack that creates a copy of the stack.
26. Check Subset Stack
Write a JavaScript program that implements a stack and checks if a stack is a subset of another stack.
27. Compare Two Stacks
Write a JavaScript program that implements a stack and checks if two stacks are equal.
28. Common Elements in Two Stacks
Write a JavaScript program that implements a stack and finds elements that are common in two stacks..
29. Elements in Stack1 Not in Stack2
Write a JavaScript program that implements a stack and find elements that are in the first stack but not in the second stack.
30. Union of Two Stacks
Write a JavaScript program that implements a stack and creates a new stack that contains all elements from both stacks without duplicates.
31. Stack Symmetric Difference
Write a JavaScript program that implements a stack and creates a new stack that contains only elements that are in either the first or the second stack, but not in both.
32. New Stack from Portion
Write a JavaScript program that implements a stack and creates a new stack from a portion of the original stack.
33. Check All Satisfy Condition
Write a JavaScript program that implements a stack and checks if all elements of the stack satisfy a condition.
34. Check Any Satisfy Condition
Write a JavaScript program that implements a stack and checks if at least one element of the stack satisfies a condition.
35. Filter Stack by Condition
Write a JavaScript program that implements a stack and create a new stack by removing elements that do not satisfy a condition.
More to Come !
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