
JavaScript Object-Oriented Programming - Exercises, Practice, Solution

This resource offers a total of 60 JavaScript Object-Oriented Programming problems for practice. It includes 12 main exercises, each accompanied by solutions, detailed explanations, and four related problems.

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1. Person Class with Details

Write a JavaScript program to create a class called "Person" with properties for name, age and country. Include a method to display the person's details. Create two instances of the 'Person' class and display their details.

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2. Rectangle Class with Area and Perimeter

Write a JavaScript program to create a class called 'Rectangle' with properties for width and height. Include two methods to calculate rectangle area and perimeter. Create an instance of the 'Rectangle' class and calculate its area and perimeter.

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3. Vehicle and Car Classes with Inheritance

Write a JavaScript program that creates a class called 'Vehicle' with properties for make, model, and year. Include a method to display vehicle details. Create a subclass called 'Car' that inherits from the 'Vehicle' class and includes an additional property for the number of doors. Override the display method to include the number of doors.

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4. BankAccount Class with Deposit and Withdrawal

Write a JavaScript program that creates a class called "BankAccount" with properties for account number and balance. Include methods to deposit and withdraw money from the account. Create some instances of the "BankAccount" class, deposit some money, and withdraw a portion of it.

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5. Shape, Circle, and Triangle Classes with Area Calculation

Write a JavaScript program that creates a class called 'Shape' with a method to calculate the area. Create two subclasses, 'Circle' and 'Triangle', that inherit from the 'Shape' class and override the area calculation method. Create an instance of the 'Circle' class and calculate its area. Similarly, do the same for the 'Triangle' class.

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6. Employee and Manager Classes with Salary Calculation

Write a JavaScript program that creates a class called 'Employee' with properties for name and salary. Include a method to calculate annual salary. Create a subclass called 'Manager' that inherits from the 'Employee' class and adds an additional property for department. Override the annual salary calculation method to include bonuses for managers. Create two instances of the 'Manager' class and calculate their annual salary.

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7. Book and Ebook Classes with Price

Write a JavaScript program that creates a class `Book` with properties for title, author, and publication year. Include a method to display book details. Create a subclass called 'Ebook' that inherits from the 'Book' class and includes an additional property for book price. Override the display method to include the book price. Create an instance of the 'Ebook' class and display its details.

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8. Animal and Dog Classes with Sound

Write a JavaScript program that creates a class called 'Animal' with properties for species and sound. Include a method to make the animal's sound. Create a subclass called 'Dog' that inherits from the 'Animal' class and adds an additional property for color. Override the make sound method to include the dog's color. Create an instance of the 'Dog' class and make it make its sound.

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9. Bank Class with Branch Management

Write a JavaScript program that creates a class called Bank with properties for bank names and branches. Include methods to add a branch, remove a branch, and display all branches. Create an instance of the Bank class and perform operations to add and remove branches.

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10. Product and PersonalCareProduct Classes with Warranty

Write a JavaScript program that creates a class called Product with properties for product ID, name, and price. Include a method to calculate the total price by multiplying the price by the quantity. Create a subclass called PersonalCareProduct that inherits from the Product class and adds an additional property for the warranty period. Override the total price calculation method to include the warranty period. Create an instance of the PersonalCareProduct class and calculate its total price.

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11. BankAccount Class with Transfers Between Accounts

Write a JavaScript program that creates a class called BankAccount with properties for account number, account holder name, and balance. Include methods to deposit, withdraw, and transfer money between accounts. Create multiple instances of the BankAccount class and perform operations such as depositing, withdrawing, and transferring money.

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12. University Class with Department Management

Write a JavaScript program that creates a class called University with properties for university name and departments. Include methods to add a department, remove a department, and display all departments. Create an instance of the University class and add and remove departments.

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More to Come !

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