JavaScript: Find the number of times to replace a given number with the sum of its digits until it convert to a single digit number
JavaScript Basic: Exercise-105 with Solution
Replace Number with Digit Sum Until Single Digit
Write a JavaScript program to find the number of times to replace a given number with the sum of its digits. This is until it converts to a single-digit number.
Visual Presentation:

Sample Solution:
JavaScript Code:
// Function to calculate the sum of digits in a number
function digit_to_one(num) {
// Inner function to compute the sum of digits in a number
var digitSum = function(num) {
var digit_sum = 0; // Initialize the variable to store the sum of digits
while (num) { // Loop to extract digits and sum them
digit_sum += num % 10; // Add the last digit to the sum
num = Math.floor(num / 10); // Remove the last digit from the number
return digit_sum; // Return the sum of digits
var result = 0; // Initialize the counter for the number of steps
while (num >= 10) { // Loop until the number becomes a single digit
result += 1; // Increment the counter for each step
num = digitSum(num); // Get the sum of digits and assign it to the number
return result; // Return the count of steps required
// Example usage of the function
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Live Demo:
See the Pen javascript-basic-exercise-105 by w3resource (@w3resource) on CodePen.

ES6 Version:
// Function to calculate the sum of digits in a number
const digitSum = (num) => {
let digit_sum = 0; // Initialize sum of digits variable
while (num) { // Loop to calculate the sum of digits
digit_sum += num % 10; // Add the last digit to the sum
num = Math.floor(num / 10); // Remove the last digit from the number
return digit_sum; // Return the sum of digits
// Function to convert a number to one digit by finding the sum of its digits until it becomes a single digit
const digit_to_one = (num) => {
let result = 0; // Initialize count of steps to convert number to a single digit
while (num >= 10) { // Loop until the number becomes a single digit
result += 1; // Increment the step count
num = digitSum(num); // Calculate the sum of digits and assign it to the number
return result; // Return the count of steps taken
// Example usage of the function
For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:
- Write a JavaScript program that repeatedly replaces a number with the sum of its digits until the result is a single digit, and counts the iterations.
- Write a JavaScript function that applies the digit sum operation recursively and returns both the final single-digit result and the iteration count.
- Write a JavaScript program that simulates the process of digit summing, stopping when a single-digit number is reached, and handles large numbers efficiently.
Improve this sample solution and post your code through Disqus.
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