
JavaScript: Break an address of an url and put it's part into an array

JavaScript Basic: Exercise-144 with Solution

Break URL into Parts

Write a JavaScript program to break an URL address and put its parts into an array.

Note: url structure : ://.org[/] and there may be no part in the address.

Visual Presentation:

JavaScript: Break an address of an url and put it's part into an array.

Sample Solution:

JavaScript Code:

 * Function to break down a URL address into protocol, domain, and optional path
 * @param {string} url_add - The URL address to be broken down
 * @returns {array} - An array containing protocol, domain, and optional path (if available)
function break_address(url_add) {
    // Splitting the URL to separate protocol and the rest of the address
    var data = url_add.split("://");
    var protocol = data[0];
    // Splitting the rest of the address to extract domain and possible path
    data = data[1].split(".com");
    var domain = data[0];
    // Splitting the address after .com to extract the path if available
    data = data[1].split("/");

    // Checking if a path exists and returning the relevant parts
    if (data[1]) {
        return [protocol, domain, data[1]];

    // Returning protocol and domain if path doesn't exist
    return [protocol, domain];

// Sample URL address
var url_add = "https://www.w3resource.com/javascript-exercises/";

// Display original address
console.log("Original address: " + url_add);

// Display the broken down parts of the address


Original address: https://www.w3resource.com/javascript-exercises/

Live Demo:

See the Pen javascript-basic-exercise-144 by w3resource (@w3resource) on CodePen.


Flowchart: JavaScript - Break an address of an url and put it's part into an array

ES6 Version:

 * Function to break down a URL address into protocol, domain, and optional path
 * @param {string} url_add - The URL address to be broken down
 * @returns {array} - An array containing protocol, domain, and optional path (if available)
const break_address = (url_add) => {
    // Splitting the URL to separate protocol and the rest of the address
    let data = url_add.split("://");
    let protocol = data[0];
    // Splitting the rest of the address to extract domain and possible path
    data = data[1].split(".com");
    let domain = data[0];
    // Splitting the address after .com to extract the path if available
    data = data[1].split("/");

    // Checking if a path exists and returning the relevant parts
    if (data[1]) {
        return [protocol, domain, data[1]];

    // Returning protocol and domain if path doesn't exist
    return [protocol, domain];

// Sample URL address
const url_add = "https://www.w3resource.com/javascript-exercises/";

// Display original address
console.log("Original address: " + url_add);

// Display the broken down parts of the address

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Write a JavaScript program that decomposes a URL into its constituent parts: protocol, host, domain, and path.
  • Write a JavaScript function that parses a URL string and returns an array containing its different segments.
  • Write a JavaScript program that splits an input URL into its components based on standard delimiters, handling missing parts gracefully.

Improve this sample solution and post your code through Disqus.

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Next: JavaScript program to find the maximum integer n such that 1 + 2 + ... + n <= a given integer.

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