
JavaScript: Get the difference between a given number

JavaScript Basic: Exercise-15 with Solution

Difference Between Number and 13

Write a JavaScript program to get the difference between a given number and 13, if the number is broader than 13 return double the absolute difference.

This JavaScript program calculates the difference between a given number and 13. If the number is less than or equal to 13, it returns the absolute difference. However, if the number is greater than 13, it returns double the absolute difference. It demonstrates conditional statements to determine the appropriate action based on the value of the given number.

Sample Solution:

JavaScript Code:

// Define a function named difference that takes a parameter n
function difference(n) {
    // Check if n is less than or equal to 13
    if (n <= 13) {
        // If true, return the difference between 13 and n
        return 13 - n;
    } else {
        // If false, return the double of the difference between n and 13
        return (n - 13) * 2;

// Log the result of calling the difference function with the argument 32 to the console

// Log the result of calling the difference function with the argument 11 to the console



Live Demo:

See the Pen JavaScript: Number difference - basic-ex-15 by w3resource (@w3resource) on CodePen.

ES6 Version:

 // Difference function using arrow function
const difference = (n) => {
  return n <= 13 ? 13 - n : (n - 13) * 2;

// Example usage

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Write a JavaScript program that computes the difference between a given number and 13, doubling the difference if the number exceeds 13 by more than 10.
  • Write a JavaScript program that calculates the difference between a number and 13, returning a negative result if the number is less than 13.
  • Write a JavaScript program that processes an array of numbers and returns a new array with the differences from 13, applying a double rule when necessary.

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Next: JavaScript program to compute the sum of the two given integers.

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