JavaScript Linked List - Exercises, Practice, Solution
This resource offers a total of 175 JavaScript Linked List (Singly and Doubly) problems for practice. It includes 35 main exercises, each accompanied by solutions, detailed explanations, and four related problems.
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Singly Linked List :
From Wikipedia,
In computer science, a linked list is a linear collection of data elements whose order is not given by their physical placement in memory. Instead, each element points to the next. It is a data structure consisting of a collection of nodes which together represent a sequence. This structure allows for efficient insertion or removal of elements from any position in the sequence during iteration. A drawback of linked lists is that access time is linear. Faster access, such as random access, is not feasible. Arrays have better cache locality compared to linked lists.
1. Create and display a SLL
Write a JavaScript program to create and display a Singly Linked List.
2. Create a SLL of n nodes and display in reverse
Write a JavaScript program to create a singly linked list of n nodes and display it in reverse order.
3. Count the number of nodes in a SLL
Write a JavaScript program to create a singly linked list of n nodes and count the number of nodes.
4. Insert a node at any position in a SLL
Write a JavaScript program to insert a node at any position in a Singly Linked List.
5. Insert a node at the beginning of a SLL
Write a JavaScript program to insert a node at the beginning of a Singly Linked List.
6. Insert a node at the end of a SLL
Write a JavaScript program to insert a node at the end of a Singly Linked List.
7. Get a node in a SLL
Write a JavaScript program to get a node in an existing singly linked list.
8. Find the first index that matches a given element
Write a JavaScript program to find the first index that matches a given element. Return -1 for no matching.
9. Check if a SLL is empty
Write a JavaScript program to check whether a single linked list is empty or not. Return true otherwise false.
10. Empty a SLL
Write a JavaScript program to empty a singly linked list by pointing the head towards null.
11. Remove the node from a SLL at the specified index
Write a JavaScript program that removes the node from the singly linked list at the specified index.
12. Calculate the size of a SLL
Write a JavaScript program that calculates the size of a Singly Linked list.
13. Remove the first element from a SLL
Write a JavaScript program that removes the first element from a Singly Linked list.
14. Remove the tail element from a SLL
Write a JavaScript program that removes the tail element from a Singly Linked list.
15. Convert a SLL into an array
Write a JavaScript program to convert a Singly Linked list into an array.
16. Convert a SLL into a string
Write a JavaScript program to convert a Singly Linked list into a string.
17. Get the index of an element in a SLL
Write a JavaScript program to get the index of an element in a Singly Linked list.
18. Check if an element is present in a SLL
Write a JavaScript program to check if an element is present in the Singly Linked list.
Doubly Linked List :
1. Create and display a DLL
Write a JavaScript program to create and display Doubly Linked Lists.
2. Create a DLL of n nodes and count the number of nodes
Write a JavaScript program to create a Doubly Linked Lists of n nodes and count the number of nodes.
3. Check if a DLL is empty
Write a JavaScript program to check whether a Doubly Linked Lists is empty or not. Return true otherwise false.
4. Get the head and tail of a DLL
Write a JavaScript program to get the head and tail of a Doubly Linked Lists.
5. Insert a new node at any position in a DLL
Write a JavaScript program to insert a new node at any position of a Doubly Linked List.
6. Insert a new node at the beginning of a DLL
Write a JavaScript program to insert a new node at the beginning of a Doubly Linked List.
7. Insert a new node at the end of a DLL
Write a JavaScript program to insert a new node at the end of a Doubly Linked List.
8. Get the value of a node at a given position in a DLL
Write a JavaScript program to get the value of a node at a given position in a Doubly Linked List.
9. Create a DLL of n nodes and display in reverse
Write a JavaScript program to create a Doubly Linked lists of n nodes and display it in reverse order.
10. Convert a DLL into an array
Write a JavaScript program to convert a Doubly Linked lists into an array and returns it.
11. Convert a DLL into a string
Write a JavaScript program to convert a Doubly Linked List into a string and return it.
12. Get the index of an element in a DLL
Write a JavaScript program to get the index of an element in a Doubly Linked lists.
13. Check if an element is present in a DLL
Write a JavaScript program to check if an element is present in a Doubly Linked lists.
14. Remove the node from a DLL at the specified index
Write a JavaScript program that removes the node from the Doubly linked lists at the specified index.
15. Remove the head element from a DLL
Write a JavaScript program that removes the head element from a doubly Linked lists.
16. Remove the tail element from a DLL
Write a JavaScript program that removes the tail element from a doubly Linked lists.
17. Update the value of a node at a specific index in a DLL
Write a JavaScript program that updates the value of a node at a specific index in a Doubly Linked list.
More to Come !
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