
JavaScript: Switch case of the minimum possible number of letters to make a given string written in the upper case or in the lower case

JavaScript Basic: Exercise-98 with Solution

Change Case Minimally for Upper or Lower Case

Write a JavaScript program to change the case of the minimum number of letters to make a given string written in upper case or lower case.

Fox example "Write" will be write and "PHp" will be "PHP"

Sample Solution:

JavaScript Code:

// Function to change case based on the character count of upper and lower case letters
function change_case(new_str) {
  var x = 0; // Variable to count the number of uppercase letters
  var y = 0; // Variable to count the number of lowercase letters

  // Loop through each character in the input string
  for (var i = 0; i < new_str.length; i++) {
    // Check if the current character is an uppercase letter using a regular expression
    if (/[A-Z]/.test(new_str[i])) {
      x++; // Increment the count of uppercase letters
    } else {
      y++; // Increment the count of lowercase letters

  // Compare the counts and change the case of the input string accordingly
  if (y > x) {
    return new_str.toLowerCase(); // If lowercase count is greater, return string in lowercase
  return new_str.toUpperCase(); // Otherwise, return string in uppercase

console.log(change_case("Write")); // Output the result of the function for the input "Write"
console.log(change_case("PHp")); // Output the result of the function for the input "PHp"



Live Demo:

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Flowchart: JavaScript - Switch case of the minimum possible number of letters to make a given string written in the upper case or in the lower case

ES6 Version:

// Function to change the case of the string based on character counts
const change_case = (new_str) => {
  let x = 0; // Variable to count uppercase characters
  let y = 0; // Variable to count lowercase characters

  // Loop through each character of the string
  for (let i = 0; i < new_str.length; i++) {
    if (/[A-Z]/.test(new_str[i])) {
      x++; // Increment the count of uppercase characters
    } else {
      y++; // Increment the count of lowercase characters

  // If the count of lowercase characters is greater, convert the string to lowercase; otherwise, convert to uppercase
  if (y > x) {
    return new_str.toLowerCase();
  return new_str.toUpperCase();

console.log(change_case("Write")); // Example usage
console.log(change_case("PHp")); // Example usage

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Write a JavaScript program that analyzes a string and converts it entirely to upper or lower case based on which option requires fewer character changes.
  • Write a JavaScript function that computes the number of changes needed to convert a string to all uppercase versus all lowercase, then applies the minimal change option.
  • Write a JavaScript program that transforms a string to uniform case (upper or lower) by altering the minimal number of characters, and returns the converted string.

Improve this sample solution and post your code through Disqus.

Previous: JavaScript program to find the shortest possible string which can create a string to make it a palindrome by adding characters to the end of it.
Next: JavaScript program to check whether it is possible to rearrange characters of a given string in such way that it will become equal to another given string.

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