
JavaScript: Sort the strings of a given array of strings in the order of increasing lengths

JavaScript Basic: Exercise-143 with Solution

Sort Strings by Increasing Length

Write a JavaScript program to sort the strings of a given array of strings in order of increasing length.

Note: Do not change the order if the lengths of two string are same.

Visual Presentation:

JavaScript: Sort the strings of a given array of strings in the order of increasing lengths.

Sample Solution:

JavaScript Code:

 * Function to sort an array of strings based on string length
 * @param {array} arra - The array of strings to be sorted
 * @returns {array} - The sorted array of strings
function sort_by_string_length(arra) {
    // Loop through each element in the array
    for (var i = 0; i < arra.length; i++) {
        // Compare the current element with the subsequent elements
        for (var j = i + 1; j < arra.length; j++) {
            // If the length of the current element is greater than the subsequent element
            if (arra[i].length > arra[j].length) {
                var m = arra[i]; // Store the current element in a temporary variable
                arra[i] = arra[j]; // Swap the current element with the subsequent element
                arra[j] = m; // Place the temporary variable (previous value of current element) in the subsequent element
    return arra; // Return the sorted array

var arra = ["xyz", "acd", "aa", "bb", "zzz", "", "a", "b"]; // Input array
console.log("Original array: " + arra + "\n"); // Display original array
console.log(sort_by_string_length(["xyz", "acd", "aa", "bb", "zzz", "", "a", "b"])); // Sort and display the array 


Original array: xyz,acd,aa,bb,zzz,,a,b


Live Demo:

See the Pen javascript-basic-exercise-143 by w3resource (@w3resource) on CodePen.


Flowchart: JavaScript - Sort the strings of a given array of strings in the order of increasing lengths

ES6 Version:

 * Function to sort an array of strings based on string length
 * @param {array} arra - The array of strings to be sorted
 * @returns {array} - The sorted array of strings
const sort_by_string_length = (arra) => {
    // Loop through each element in the array
    for (let i = 0; i < arra.length; i++) {
        // Compare the current element with the subsequent elements
        for (let j = i + 1; j < arra.length; j++) {
            // If the length of the current element is greater than the subsequent element
            if (arra[i].length > arra[j].length) {
                // Swap the current element with the subsequent element using destructuring assignment
                [arra[i], arra[j]] = [arra[j], arra[i]];
    return arra; // Return the sorted array

// Input array
const arra = ["xyz", "acd", "aa", "bb", "zzz", "", "a", "b"];

// Display original array
console.log("Original array: ", arra, "\n");

// Sort and display the array
console.log(sort_by_string_length(["xyz", "acd", "aa", "bb", "zzz", "", "a", "b"]));

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Write a JavaScript program that sorts an array of strings by increasing length while preserving the order of strings with equal lengths.
  • Write a JavaScript function that orders strings based on their length using a stable sorting algorithm.
  • Write a JavaScript program that rearranges an array of strings into ascending order by length, ensuring the original order is maintained for same-length strings.

Improve this sample solution and post your code through Disqus.

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