JavaScript: Reverse the order of the bits in a given integer
JavaScript Basic: Exercise-127 with Solution
Reverse Bits in Integer
Write a JavaScript program to reverse the order of bits in a integer.
14 -> 00001110 -> 01110000 -> 112
56 -> 00111000 -> 00011100 -> 28
234 -> 11101010 -> 01010111 -> 87
Visual Presentation:

Sample Solution:
JavaScript Code:
// Function to mirror bits of a given number
function mirror_bits(n) {
// Convert number to binary and split into array of bits
let t = n.toString(2).split("");
// Get the length of the binary string
let str_len = t.length;
// Add leading zeroes to make the length of the binary string 8
for (let i = 0; i < 8 - str_len; i++) {
// Reverse the bits and convert the binary string back to a number
return parseInt(t.reverse().join(""), 2);
// Test cases with comments showing the step-by-step process
// 14 -> 00001110 -> 01110000 -> 112
// 56 -> 00111000 -> 00011100 -> 28
// 234 -> 11101010 -> 01010111 -> 87
112 28 87
Live Demo:
See the Pen javascript-basic-exercise-127 by w3resource (@w3resource) on CodePen.

ES6 Version:
// Function to mirror bits of a given number
const mirror_bits = (n) => {
// Convert number to binary and split into array of bits
let t = n.toString(2).split("");
// Get the length of the binary string
let str_len = t.length;
// Add leading zeroes to make the length of the binary string 8
for (let i = 0; i < 8 - str_len; i++) {
// Reverse the bits and convert the binary string back to a number
return parseInt(t.reverse().join(""), 2);
// Test cases with comments showing the step-by-step process
// 14 -> 00001110 -> 01110000 -> 112
// 56 -> 00111000 -> 00011100 -> 28
// 234 -> 11101010 -> 01010111 -> 87
For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:
- Write a JavaScript program that reverses the order of bits in an 8-bit integer using bitwise operators.
- Write a JavaScript function that converts an integer to its binary representation, reverses the bit string, and converts it back to a decimal value.
- Write a JavaScript program that performs bit reversal on a given integer and verifies the result with test cases.
Improve this sample solution and post your code through Disqus.
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