C# Sharp Basic Algorithm: Exercises, Practice, Solution
C# Sharp Basic Algorithm Exercises [150 exercises with solution]
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1. Triple Sum for Equal Integers
Write a C# Sharp program to compute the sum of the two numerical values. If the two values are the same, return triple their sum.
Sample Input:
1, 2
3, 2
2, 2
Expected Output:
3 5 12Click me to see the solution
2. Absolute Difference with Triple for Greater
Write a C# Sharp program to get the absolute difference between n and 51. If n is broader than 51 return triple the absolute difference.
Sample Input:
Expected Output:
6 21 0Click me to see the solution
3. Check 30 or Sum Equals 30
Write a C# Sharp program to check two given integers, and return true if one of them is 30 or if their sum is 30.
Sample Input:
30, 0
25, 5
20, 30
20, 25
Expected Output:
True True True FalseClick me to see the solution
4. Within 10 of 100 or 200
Write a C# Sharp program to check a given integer and return true if it is within 10 of 100 or 200.
Sample Input:
Expected Output:
True True FalseClick me to see the solution
5. Add 'if' to String if Absent
Write a C# Sharp program to create a string where 'if' is added to the front of a given string. If the string already begins with 'if', return it unchanged.
Sample Input:
"if else"
Expected Output:
if else if elseClick me to see the solution
6. Remove Character at Position
Write a C# Sharp program to remove the character at a given position in the string. The given position will be in the range 0..(string length -1) inclusive.
Sample Input:
"Python", 1
"Python", o
"Python", 4
Expected Output:
Pthon ython PythnClick me to see the solution
7. Exchange First and Last Characters
Write a C# Sharp program to exchange the first and last characters in a given string and return the new string.
Sample Input:
Expected Output:
dbca a yxClick me to see the solution
8. Four Copies of First Two Characters
Write a C# Sharp program to create a string which is 4 copies of the 2 front characters of a given string. If the given string length is less than 2 return the original string.
Sample Input:
"C Sharp"
Expected Output:
C C C C JSJSJSJS aClick me to see the solution
9. Last Character at Front and Back
Write a C# Sharp program to create a string with the last char added at the front and back of a given string of length 1 or more.
Sample Input:
Expected Output:
dRedd nGreenn 111Click me to see the solution
10. Multiple of 3 or 7
Write a C# Sharp program to check if a given positive number is a multiple of 3 or 7.
Sample Input:
Expected Output:
True True True FalseClick me to see the solution
11. First Three Characters Front and Back
Write a C# Sharp program to create a string taking the first 3 characters of a given string. Return the string with the 3 characters added at both the front and back. If the given string length is less than 3, use whatever characters are there.
Sample Input:
Expected Output:
PytPythonPyt JSJSJS CodCodeCodClick me to see the solution
12. Starts with 'C#'
Write a C# Sharp program to check if a given string starts with 'C#' or not.
Sample Input:
"C# Sharp"
Expected Output:
True True FalseClick me to see the solution
13. Temperature Comparison
Write a C# Sharp program that checks whether one temperature is less than 0 and another is greater than 100.
Sample Input:
120, -1
-1, 120
2, 120
Expected Output:
True True FalseClick me to see the solution
14. One Integer in Range 100-200
Write a C# Sharp program to check two given integers whether either of them is in the range 100..200 inclusive.
Sample Input:
100, 199
250, 300
105, 190
Expected Output:
True False TrueClick me to see the solution
15. Check Integers in Range 20-50
Write a C# Sharp program to check whether three given integer values are in the range 20..50 inclusive. Return true if 1 or more of them are in the said range otherwise false.
Sample Input:
11, 20, 12
30, 30, 17
25, 35, 50
15, 12, 8
Expected Output:
True True True FalseClick me to see the solution
16. One of Two Integers in Range 20-50
Write a C# Sharp program to check whether two given integer values are in the range 20..50 inclusive. Return true if one or other is in the range, otherwise false.
Sample Input:
20, 84
14, 50
11, 55
25, 40
Expected Output:
True True False TrueClick me to see the solution
17. Remove 'yt' at Index 1
Write a C# Sharp program to check if a string 'yt' appears at index 1 in a given string. If it appears return a string without 'yt' otherwise return the original string.
Sample Input:
Expected Output:
Phon ytade jsuesClick me to see the solution
18. Largest Among Three Integers
Write a C# Sharp program to check the largest number among three given integers.
Sample Input:
Expected Output:
3 3 1 2Click me to see the solution
19. Closest to 100 Between Two
Write a C# Sharp program to check which number is closest to 100 among two given integers. Return 0 if the two numbers are equal.
Sample Input:
78, 95
95, 95
99, 70
Expected Output:
95 0 99Click me to see the solution
20. Both Integers in Ranges 40-50 or 50-60
Write a C# Sharp program to check whether two given integers are in the range 40..50 inclusive, or they are both in the range 50..60 inclusive.
Sample Input:
78, 95
25, 35
40, 50
55, 60
Expected Output:
False False True TrueClick me to see the solution
21. Largest in Range 20-30
Write a C# Sharp program to find the largest value from two positive integer values in the range 20..30 inclusive. Return 0 if neither is in that range.
Sample Input:
78, 95
20, 30
21, 25
28, 28
Expected Output:
0 30 25 28Click me to see the solution
22. Contains 2-4 'z' Characters
Write a C# Sharp program to check if a given string contains between 2 and 4 'z' characters.
Sample Input:
Expected Output:
True False True False True FalseClick me to see the solution
23. Same Last Digit for Two Integers
Write a C# Sharp program to check if two given non-negative integers have the same last digit.
Sample Input:
123, 456
12, 512
7, 87
12, 45
Expected Output:
False True True FalseClick me to see the solution
24. Uppercase Last Three Characters
Write a C# Sharp program to convert the last 3 characters of a given string to uppercase. If the length of the string is less than 3, then uppercase all the characters.
Sample Input:
Expected Output:
PytHON JavascrIPT JS PHPClick me to see the solution
25. n Copies of String
Write a C# Sharp program to create a string which is n (non-negative integer) copies of a given string.
Sample Input:
"JS", 2
"JS", 3
"JS", 1
Expected Output:
JSJS JSJSJS JSClick me to see the solution
26. n Copies of First Three Characters
Write a C# Sharp program to create a string that is n (non-negative integer) copies of the first 3 characters of a given string. If the given string is shorter than 3, return n copies of the string.
Sample Input:
"Python", 2
"Python", 3
"JS", 3
Expected Output:
PytPyt PytPytPyt JSJSJSClick me to see the solution
27. Count 'aa' in String
Write a C# Sharp program to count the string "aa" in a given string and assume "aaa" contains two "aa".
Sample Input:
Expected Output:
2 2 3Click me to see the solution
28. First 'a' Followed by Another 'a'
Write a C# Sharp program to check if the first appearance of "a" in a given string is immediately followed by another "a".
Sample Input:
Expected Output:
True False TrueClick me to see the solution
29. Every Other Character in String
Write a C# Sharp program to create a string made of every other character starting with the first in a given string.
Sample Input:
Expected Output:
Pto PP JClick me to see the solution
30. Cumulative Substrings
Write a C# Sharp program to create a string like "aababcabcd" from a given string "abcd".
Sample Input:
Expected Output:
aababcabcd aababc aClick me to see the solution
31. Count Substring Matching Last Two Characters
Write a C# Sharp program to count a substring of length 2 that appears in a given string. This substring appears as the last 2 characters of the string. Do not count the end substring.
Sample Input:
Expected Output:
1 2 3 0Click me to see the solution
32. Check if Element Present in Array
Write a C# Sharp program to check if a specified number is present in a given array of integers.
Sample Input:
{1,2,9,3}, 3
{1,2,2,3}, 2
{1,2,2,3}, 9
Expected Output:
True True FalseClick me to see the solution
33. Element in First 4 Positions of Array
Write a C# Sharp program to check if one of the first 4 elements in an array of integers is equal to a given element.
Sample Input:
{1,2,9,3}, 3
{1,2,3,4,5,6}, 2
{1,2,2,3}, 9
Expected Output:
True True FalseClick me to see the solution
34. Check Sequence 1, 2, 3 in Array
Write a C# Sharp program to check whether the sequence of numbers 1, 2, 3 appears in a given array of integers somewhere.
Sample Input:
Expected Output:
True False TrueClick me to see the solution
35. Count Matching Substrings in Two Strings
Write a C# Sharp program to compare two given strings and return the number of positions where they contain the same length of 2 substrings.
Sample Input:
"abcdefgh", "abijsklm"
"abcde", "osuefrcd"
"pqrstuvwx", "pqkdiewx"
Expected Output:
1 1 2Click me to see the solution
36. Remove Character Except First and Last
Write a C# Sharp program to create a string from a given string where a specified character is removed except for the beginning and ending positions.
Sample Input:
"xxHxix", "x"
"abxdddca", "a"
"xabjbhtrb", "b"
Expected Output:
xHix abxdddca xajhtrbClick me to see the solution
37. Characters at Index 0,1,4,5,...
Write a C# Sharp program to create a string of characters at indexes 0,1, 4,5, 8,9 ... from a given string.
Sample Input:
Expected Output:
Pyon JaScpt HTClick me to see the solution
38. Count 5's Next to Each Other
Write a C# Sharp program to count the number of two 5's next to each other in an array of integers. Count the situation where the second 5 is actually a 6.
Sample Input:
{ 5, 5, 2 }
{ 5, 5, 2, 5, 5 }
{ 5, 6, 2, 9}
Expected Output:
1 2 1Click me to see the solution
39. Check Triple in Array
Write a C# Sharp program to check if a triple is present in an array of integers or not. If a value appears three times in a row in an array it is called a triple.
Sample Input:
{ 1, 1, 2, 2, 1 }
{ 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3 }
{ 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1 }
Expected Output:
False False TrueClick me to see the solution
40. Sum in Range 10-20 Returns 30
Write a C# Sharp program to compute the sum of the two given integers. If the sum is in the range 10..20 inclusive return 30.
Sample Input:
12, 17
2, 17
22, 17
20, 0
Expected Output:
29 30 39 30Click me to see the solution
41. Check for 5 or Sum/Difference Equals 5
Write a C# Sharp program that accepts two integers and returns true if either is 5 or their sum or difference is 5.
Sample Input:
5, 4
4, 3
1, 4
Expected Output:
True False TrueClick me to see the solution
42. Multiple of 13 or 1 More
Write a C# Sharp program to test if a given non-negative number is a multiple of 13 or one more than a multiple of 13.
Sample Input:
Expected Output:
True True True FalseClick me to see the solution
43. Multiple of 3 or 7 but Not Both
Write a C# Sharp program to check if a given number that is not negative is a multiple of 3 or 7, but not both.
Sample Input:
Expected Output:
True True FalseClick me to see the solution
44. Within 2 of Multiple of 10
Write a C# Sharp program to check if a given number is within 2 of a multiple of 10.
Sample Input:
Expected Output:
False False True TrueClick me to see the solution
45. Sum is 18 if One Value in 10-20 Range
Write a C# Sharp program to compute the sum of the two given integers. Return 18 if one of the given integer values is in the range of 10..20 inclusive.
Sample Input:
3, 7
10, 11
10, 20
21, 220
Expected Output:
10 18 18 241Click me to see the solution
46. Fizz, Buzz, FizzBuzz
Write a C# Sharp program to check whether a given string begins with "F" or ends with "B". If the string starts with "F" return "Fizz" and return "Buzz" if it ends with "B" If the string starts with "F" and ends with "B" return "FizzBuzz". In other cases return the original string.
In other cases return the original string.
Sample Input:
Expected Output:
Fizz Fizz Buzz FizzClick me to see the solution
47. Sum of Two Equals Third
Write a C# Sharp program to check if it is possible to add two integers to get the third integer from three given integers.
Sample Input:
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
-1, 1, 0
Expected Output:
True False TrueClick me to see the solution
48. Strict Increasing Order for Three Numbers
Write a C# Sharp program to check if y is greater than x, and z is greater than y from three given integers x,y,z.
Sample Input:
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
-1, 1, 0
Expected Output:
True True FalseClick me to see the solution
49. Strictly Increasing or Equal if Flag True
Write a C# Sharp program to check if three given numbers are in strict increasing order.
For example, 4 7 15, or 45, 56, 67, but not 4 ,5, 8 or 6, 6, 8. However, if a fourth parameter is true, equality is allowed, such as 6, 6, 8 or 7, 7, 7.
Sample Input:
1, 2, 3, false
1, 2, 3, true
10, 2, 30, false
10, 10, 30, true
Expected Output:
True True False TrueClick me to see the solution
50. Same Rightmost Digit in Two or More Integers
Write a C# Sharp program to check if two or more integers that are not negative have the same rightmost digit.
Sample Input:
11, 21, 31
11, 22, 31
11, 22, 33
Expected Output:
True True FalseClick me to see the solution
51. Check if One Integer 20 Less Than Another
Write a C# Sharp program to check three given integers and return true if one of them is 20 or more less than one of the others.
Sample Input:
11, 21, 31
11, 22, 31
10, 20, 15
Expected Output:
True True FalseClick me to see the solution
52. Largest of Two Integers or Smallest if Same Remainder by 7
Write a C# Sharp program to find the largest of two given integers. However if the two integers have the same remainder when divided by 7, then return the smallest integer. If the two integers are the same, return 0.
Sample Input:
11, 21
11, 20
10, 10
Expected Output:
21 20 0Click me to see the solution
53. Digit Appears in Both Integers
Write a C# Sharp program to check two given integers, each in the range 10..99. Return true if a digit appears in both numbers, such as the 3 in 13 and 33.
Sample Input:
11, 21
11, 20
10, 10
Expected Output:
True False TrueClick me to see the solution
54. Sum of Integers with Same Digit Count
Write a C# Sharp program to compute the sum of two given non-negative integers x and y as long as the sum has the same number of digits as x. If the sum has more digits than x return x without y.
Sample Input:
4, 5
7, 4
10, 10
Expected Output:
9 7 20Click me to see the solution
55. Sum of Three Integers or Return Third if Two Match
Write a C# Sharp program to compute the sum of three given integers. Return the third value if the two values are the same.
Sample Input:
4, 5, 7
7, 4, 12
10, 10, 12
12, 12, 18
Expected Output:
16 23 12 18Click me to see the solution
56. Sum of Three Integers Ignoring 13 and Right
Write a C# Sharp program to compute the sum of the three integers. If one of the values is 13 then do not count it and its right towards the sum.
Sample Input:
4, 5, 7
7, 4, 12
10, 13, 12
13, 12, 18
Expected Output:
16 23 10 0Click me to see the solution
57. Sum Ignoring 10-20 Except 13, 17
Write a C# Sharp program to compute the sum of the three given integers. All values in the range 10..20 inclusive count as 0, except 13 and 17.
Sample Input:
4, 5, 7
7, 4, 12
10, 13, 12
14, 15, 16
Expected Output:
16 11 13 0Click me to see the solution
58. Nearest to 13 Without Crossing
Write a C# Sharp program to check two integers and return the value nearest to 13 without crossing over. Return 0 if both numbers exceed.
Sample Input:
4, 5
7, 12
10, 13
17, 33
Expected Output:
5 12 13 0Click me to see the solution
59. Check Equal Differences in Three Integers
Write a C# Sharp program to compare three integers (small, medium, and large) and return true if the difference between small and medium and the difference between medium and large is the same.
Sample Input:
4, 5, 6
7, 12, 13
-1, 0, 1
Expected Output:
True False TrueClick me to see the solution
60. String Format s1s2s2s1
Write a C# Sharp program to create a string using the two given strings s1, s2. The new string format will be s1s2s2s1.
Sample Input:
"Hi", "Hello"
"whats", "app"
Expected Output:
HiHelloHelloHi whatsappappwhatsClick me to see the solution
61. Insert String into Middle of Another
Write a C# Sharp program to insert a given string into the middle of another given string of length 4.
Sample Input:
"(())", "Hi"
Expected Output:
[[Hello]] ((Hi))Click me to see the solution
62. Three Copies of Last Two Characters
Write a C# Sharp program to create a string using three copies of the last two characters of a given string of length at least two.
Sample Input:
Expected Output:
lololo HiHiHiClick me to see the solution
63. First Two Characters or Original String
Write a C# Sharp program to create a new string using the first two characters of a given string. If the string length is less than 2, return the original string.
Sample Input:
" "
Expected Output:
He Hi HClick me to see the solution
64. First Half of Even-Length String
Write a C# Sharp program to create a string from the first half of a given string of even length.
Sample Input:
Expected Output:
He HClick me to see the solution
65. Remove First and Last Character
Write a C# Sharp program to create a new string without the first and last character of a given string of length at least two.
Sample Input:
Expected Output:
ell ythoClick me to see the solution
66. Format Long+Short+Long Strings
Write a C# Sharp program to create a new string from two given strings, one of which is shorter and one of which is longer. The new string format will be long string + short string + long string.
Sample Input:
"Hello", "Hi"
"JS", "Python"
Expected Output:
HelloHiHello PythonJSPythonClick me to see the solution
67. Combine Strings After Removing First Char
Write a C# Sharp program to combine two strings of length at least 1, after removing their first character.
Sample Input:
"Hello", "Hi"
"JS", "Python"
Expected Output:
elloi SythonClick me to see the solution
68. Move First Two Characters to End
Write a C# Sharp program to move the first two characters to the end of a given string of length at least two.
Sample Input:
Expected Output:
lloHe JSClick me to see the solution
69. Move Last Two Characters to Start
Write a C# Sharp program to move the last two characters to the start of a given string of length at least two.
Sample Input:
Expected Output:
loHel JSClick me to see the solution
70. Remove First and Last Char
Write a C# Sharp program to create a new string without the first and last characters of a given string of any length.
Sample Input:
Expected Output:
ellClick me to see the solution
71. Two Middle Characters of Even-Length String
Write a C# Sharp program to create a string using the two middle characters of a given string of even length (at least 2).
Sample Input:
Expected Output:
el JSClick me to see the solution
72. Ends with 'on'
Write a C# Sharp program to check if a given string ends with "on".
Sample Input:
Expected Output:
False True True FalseClick me to see the solution
73. First and Last n Characters of String
Write a C# Sharp program to create a new string using the first and last n characters from a given string of length at least n.
Sample Input:
"Hello", 1
"Python", 2
"on", 1
"o", 1
Expected Output:
Ho Pyon on ooClick me to see the solution
74. Two Characters Starting at Index
Write a C# Sharp program to create a new string of length 2 starting at the given index of a given string.
Sample Input:
"Hello", 1
"Python", 2
"on", 1
Expected Output:
el th onClick me to see the solution
75. Three Characters from Middle of String
Write a C# Sharp program to create a string by taking at least 3 characters from the middle of a given string.
Sample Input:
Expected Output:
ell yth abcClick me to see the solution
76. First Two Characters with Missing '#' if Short
Write a C# Sharp program to create a new string of length 2, using the first two characters of a given string. If the given string length is less than 2 use '#' as missing characters.
Sample Input:
Expected Output:
He Py a# ##Click me to see the solution
77. First and Last Char of Two Strings
Write a C# Sharp program to create a string by taking the first character from a string and the last character from another string. If a string's length is 0, use '#' as its missing character.
Sample Input:
"Hello", "Hi"
"Python", "PHP"
"JS", "JS"
"Csharp", ""
Expected Output:
Hi PP JS C#Click me to see the solution
78. Combine Strings Removing Duplicates
Write a C# Sharp program to combine two given strings (lowercase). If there are any double characters in the string, omit one character.
Sample Input:
"abc", "cat"
"python", "php"
"php", "php"
Expected Output:
abcat pythonphp phphpClick me to see the solution
79. Swap Last Two Characters
Write a C# Sharp program to create a new string from a given string after swapping the last two characters.
Sample Input:
Expected Output:
Helol Pythno PPH SJ CClick me to see the solution
80. Starts with 'abc' or 'xyz'
Write a C# Sharp program to check if a given string begins with 'abc' or 'xyz'. If the string begins with 'abc' or 'xyz' return 'abc' or 'xyz' otherwise return an empty string.
Sample Input:
Expected Output:
abc abc xyz xyzClick me to see the solution
81. First Two and Last Two Characters Same
Write a C# Sharp program to check whether the first two characters and the last two characters of a given string are the same.
Sample Input:
Expected Output:
True False TrueClick me to see the solution
82. Combine Strings After Adjusting Lengths
Write a C# Sharp program to combine two given strings. If the given strings have different lengths remove the characters from the longer string.
Sample Input:
"abc", "abcd"
"Python", "Python"
"JS", "Python"
Expected Output:
abcbcd PythonPython JSonClick me to see the solution
83. Three Copies of First Two Characters
Write a C# Sharp program to create a new string using 3 copies of the first 2 characters of a given string. If the string length is less than 2 use the whole string.
Sample Input:
Expected Output:
ababab PyPyPy JJJClick me to see the solution
84. Remove First Two if Start and End Match
Write a C# Sharp program to create a new string from a string. In the case that the two characters at the beginning and end of the given string are the same, return the given string without the first two characters, otherwise return the original string.
Sample Input:
Expected Output:
cab PythonClick me to see the solution
85. Remove First Two Except 'p' and 'y'
Write a C# Sharp program to create a new string from a given string without the first two characters. Keep the first character if it is "p" and keep the second character if it is "y".
Sample Input:
Expected Output:
cab python pess ythonClick me to see the solution
86. Remove 'a' if at Start or End
Write a C# Sharp program to create a string from a given string without the first and last character. This is if the first or last characters are 'a' otherwise return the original given string.
Sample Input:
Expected Output:
bcab python bcd jythonClick me to see the solution
87. Remove First Two 'a's if Present
Write a C# Sharp program to create a new string from a given string. Return the string without the first or first two 'a' characters otherwise return the original string.
Sample Input:
Expected Output:
bcab python cda jythonClick me to see the solution
88. 10 as First or Last Element in Array
Write a C# Sharp program to check a given array of integers of length 1 or more. Return true if 10 appears as either the first or last element in the given array.
Sample Input:
{ 10, 20, 40, 50 }
{ 5, 20, 40, 10 }
{ 10, 20, 40, 10 }
{ 12, 24, 35, 55 }
Expected Output:
True True True FalseClick me to see the solution
89. First and Last Array Elements Equal
Write a C# Sharp program to check a given array of integers of length 1 or more. Return true if the first and the last element in the array are equal.
Sample Input:
{ 10, 20, 40, 50 }
{ 10, 20, 40, 10 }
{ 12, 24, 35, 55 }
Expected Output:
False True FalseClick me to see the solution
90. Same First or Last Element in Two Arrays
Write a C# Sharp program to check two given arrays of integers of length 1 or more. Return true if they have the same first element or the same last element.
Sample Input:
{ 10, 20, 40, 50 }, { 10, 20, 40, 50 }
{ 10, 20, 40, 50 }, { 10, 20, 40, 5 }
{ 10, 20, 40, 50 }, { 1, 20, 40, 5 }
Expected Output:
True True FalseClick me to see the solution
91. Sum of Array Elements
Write a C# Sharp program to compute the sum of the elements of an array of integers.
Sample Input:
{ 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 }
{ 10, 20, -30, -40, 50 }
Expected Output:
150 10Click me to see the solution
92. Rotate Array Left
Write a C# Sharp program to rotate the elements of a given array of integers (length 4 ) in the left direction and return the array.
Sample Input:
{ 10, 20, -30, -40 }
Expected Output:
Rotated array: 20 -30 -40 10
93. Reverse Array
Write a C# Sharp program to reverse a given array of integers and length 5.
Sample Input:
{ 10, 20, -30, -40, 50 }
Expected Output:
Reverse array: 50 -40 -30 20 10Click me to see the solution
94. Replace All Elements with Max of First/Last
Write a C# Sharp program to find out the maximum element between the first and last element in a given array of integers ( length 4), replace all elements with the maximum element.
Sample Input:
{ 10, 20, -30, -40 }
Expected Output:
New array: 20 20 20 20Click me to see the solution
95. Middle Elements from Two Arrays
Write a C# Sharp program to create an array containing the middle elements from the two given arrays of integers, each length 5.
Sample Input:
{ 10, 20, -30, -40, 30 }, { 10, 20, 30, 40, 30 }
Expected Output:
New array: -30 30Click me to see the solution
96. First and Last Elements of Array
Write a C# Sharp program to create an array taking the first and last elements of a given array of integers and length 1 or more.
Sample Input:
{ 10, 20, -30, -40, 30 }
Expected Output :
New array: 10 30Click me to see the solution
97. Array of Length 2 Contains 15 or 20
Write a C# Sharp program to check if an array of integers length 2 contains 15 or 20.
Sample Input:
{ 12, 20 }
{ 14, 15 }
{ 11, 21 }
Expected Output :
True True FalseClick me to see the solution
98. Array of Length 2 Does Not Contain 15 or 20
Write a C# Sharp program to check if an array of integers with length 2 does not contain 15 or 20.
Sample Input:
{ 12, 20 }
{ 14, 15 }
{ 11, 21 }
Expected Output :
False False TrueClick me to see the solution
99. Double Length Array with First Element Copied
Write a C# Sharp program to create an array of integers with a length of 1 or more. The array length will be double the given array length. All the elements are 0 except the first element which is equal to the given array.
Sample Input:
{ 10, 20, -30, -40, 30 }
Expected Output :
New array: 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Click me to see the solution
100. Check if 10 or 20 Appears Twice in Array
Write a C# Sharp program to check a given array of integers and return true if it contains 10 or 20 twice. The array length will be 0, 1, or 2.
Sample Input:
{ 12, 20 }
{ 20, 20 }
{ 10, 10 }
{ 10 }
Expected Output :
False True True FalseClick me to see the solution
101. Set 7 to 1 if Followed by 5
Write a C# Sharp program to check a given array of integers length 3 and create a array. If there is a 5 in the given array immediately followed by a 7 then set 7 to 1.
Sample Input:
{ 1, 5, 7 }
Expected Output :
Original array: 1, 5, 7 New array: 1 5 1Click me to see the solution
102. Largest Sum Between Two Arrays
Write a C# Sharp program to compute the sum of the two given arrays of integers, length 3. Find the array with the largest sum.
Sample Input:
{ 10, 20, -30 }, { 10, 20, 30 }
Expected Output :
Original array: 1, 5, 7 Larger array: 10 20 30Click me to see the solution
103. Middle Elements of Even-Length Array
Write a C# Sharp program to create an array taking two middle elements from a given array of integers of length even.
Sample Input:
{ 1, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 }
Expected Output:
Original array: 1, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 New array: 7 9Click me to see the solution
104. Merge Two Arrays of Length 3
Write a C# Sharp program to create an array from two arrays of integers, each length 3.
Sample Input:
{ 10, 20, 30 }, { 40, 50, 60 }
Expected Output :
Array 1: 10, 20, 30 Array 2: 40, 50, 60 New array: 10 20 30 40 50 60Click me to see the solution
105. Swap First and Last Array Elements
Write a C# Sharp program to create an array by swapping the first and last elements of a given array of integers with a length of at least 1.
Sample Input:
{ 1, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 }
Expected Output :
Original array: 1, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 After swapping first and last elements: 13 5 7 9 11 1Click me to see the solution
106. Middle Elements in New Array of Length 3
Write a C# Sharp program to create an array length 3 from a given array (length at least 3) using the elements in the middle of the array.
Sample Input:
{ 1, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 }
Expected Output :
Original array: 1, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 New array: 7 9 11Click me to see the solution
107. Largest Among First, Middle, and Last Elements
Write a C# Sharp program to find the largest value from first, last, and middle elements of a given array of integers of odd length (at least 1).
Sample Input:
Expected Output :
1 9 9 7 8Click me to see the solution
108. First Two Elements or Full Array
Write a C# Sharp program to create an array by taking the first two elements from an array. If the given array length is shorter than 2, return the given array.
Sample Input:
{ 1, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 }
Expected Output :
New array: 1 5Click me to see the solution
109. Count Even Elements in Array
Write a C# Sharp program to count the even number of elements in a given array of integers.
Sample Input:
{ 1, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12 }
Expected Output :
Original array: 1, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12 2Click me to see the solution
110. Difference Between Largest and Smallest Values
Write a C# Sharp program to compute the difference between the largest and smallest values in a given array of integers and lengths of one or more.
Sample Input:
{ 1, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12 }
Expected Output:
Original array: 1, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12 Difference between the largest and smallest values: 11Click me to see the solution
111. Sum Excluding 17
Write a C# Sharp program to compute the sum of values in a given array of integers except 17. Return 0 if the given array has no integers.
Sample Input:
{ 1, 5, 7, 9, 10, 17 }
Expected Output :
Original array: 1, 5, 7, 9, 10, 17 Sum of values in the array of integers except the number 17: 32Click me to see the solution
112. Sum Excluding Numbers Starting with 5 and 6
Write a C# Sharp program to compute the sum of the numbers in a given array except those that begin with 5 followed by at least one 6. Return 0 if the given array has no integers.
Sample Input:
{ 5, 6, 1, 5, 6, 9, 10, 17, 5, 6 }
{ 5, 6, 1, 5, 6, 9, 10, 17 }
{ 1, 5, 6, 9, 10, 17, 5, 6 }
{ 1, 5, 9, 10, 17, 5, 6 }
{ 1, 5, 9, 10, 17, 5}
Expected Output :
Sum of the numbers of the said array except those numbers starting with 5 followed by atleast one 6: 37 37 37 42 47Click me to see the solution
113. Check for 5 Next to 5
Write a C# Sharp program to check if a given array of integers contains 5 next to a 5 somewhere.
Sample Input:
{ 1, 5, 6, 9, 10, 17 }
{ 1, 5, 5, 9, 10, 17 }
{ 1, 5, 5, 9, 10, 17, 5, 5 }
Expected Output :
False True TrueClick me to see the solution
114. Check for Both 5's and 7's in Array
Write a C# Sharp program to check whether a given array of integers contains 5's and 7's.
Sample Input:
{ 1, 5, 6, 9, 10, 17 }
{ 1, 4, 7, 9, 10, 17 }
{ 1, 1, 2, 9, 10, 17}
Expected Output :
True True FalseClick me to see the solution
115. Sum of 5's Equals 15
Write a C# Sharp program to check if the sum of all 5' in the array is exactly 15 in a given array of integers.
Sample Input:
{ 1, 5, 6, 9, 10, 17 }
{ 1, 5, 5, 5, 10, 17 }
{ 1, 1, 5, 5, 5, 5}
Expected Output :
False True FalseClick me to see the solution
116. Check If 3's Outnumber 5's
Write a C# Sharp program to check if the number of 3's is greater than the number of 5's.
Sample Input:
{ 1, 5, 6, 9, 3, 3 }
{ 1, 5, 5, 5, 10, 17 }
{ 1, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5}
Expected Output :
True False FalseClick me to see the solution
117. Check If Array Contains 3 or 5
Write a C# Sharp program to check if a given array of integers contains a 3 or a 5.
Sample Input:
{ 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 }
{ 3, 3, 3, 3 }
{ 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5}
{ 1, 6, 8, 10}
Expected Output :
True True True FalseClick me to see the solution
118. Check If Array Contains No 3 or 5
Write a C# Sharp program to check if a given array of integers contains no 3 or 5.
Sample Input:
{ 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 }
{ 3, 3, 3, 3 }
{ 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5}
{ 1, 6, 8, 10}
Expected Output :
True True False TrueClick me to see the solution
119. Check for 3 or 5 Next to Each Other
Write a C# Sharp program to check if an array of integers contains a 3 next to a 3 or a 5 next to a 5 or both.
Sample Input:
{ 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 }
{ 1, 2, 3, 4 }
{ 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5}
{ 1, 5, 5, 7, 8, 10}
Expected Output :
True False True TrueClick me to see the solution
120. Check for Two 5's Adjacent or Separated by One
Write a C# Sharp program to check a given array of integers. Return true if the given array contains two 5's next to each other, or two 5's separated by one element.
Sample Input:
{ 5, 5, 1, 5, 5 }
{ 1, 2, 3, 4 }
{ 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5}
{ 1, 5, 5, 7, 8, 10}
Expected Output :
True False True TrueClick me to see the solution
121. Check for 3 Before 5 in Array
Write a C# Sharp program to check a given array of integers and return true if there is a 3 with a 5 somewhere later in the given array.
Sample Input:
{ 3, 5, 1, 3, 7 }
{ 1, 2, 3, 4 }
{ 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5}
{ 2, 5, 5, 7, 8, 10}
Expected Output :
True False True FalseClick me to see the solution
122. Two Consecutive Even or Odd Values
Write a C# Sharp program to check a given array of integers. Return true if the given array contains 2 even or 2 odd values all next to each other.
Sample Input:
{ 3, 5, 1, 3, 7 }
{ 1, 2, 3, 4 }
{ 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5}
{ 2, 4, 5, 6}
Expected Output :
True False True TrueClick me to see the solution
123. Check for 5 Exactly Five Times Without Adjacent
Write a C# Sharp program to check a given array of integers and return true if 5 appears 5 times. There are no 5 next to each other.
Sample Input:
{ 3, 5, 1, 5, 3, 5, 7, 5, 1, 5 }
{ 3, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 }
{ 3, 5, 2, 5, 4, 5, 7, 5, 8, 5 }
{ 2, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5 }
{ 3, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 }
Expected Output :
True False True False FalseClick me to see the solution
124. Check If Every 5 is Next to Another 5
Write a C# Sharp program to check a given array of integers. Return true if every 5 in the given array is next to another 5.
Sample Input:
{ 3, 5, 5, 3, 7 }
{ 3, 5, 5, 4, 1, 5, 7}
{ 3, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5}
{ 2, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 5}
Expected Output :
True False True FalseClick me to see the solution
125. Check Equal Elements at Start and End
Write a C# Sharp program to check a given array of integers. Return true if the specified number of same elements appears at the start and end of the given array.
Sample Input:
{ 3, 7, 5, 5, 3, 7 }, 2
{ 3, 7, 5, 5, 3, 7 }, 3
{ 3, 7, 5, 5, 3, 7, 5 }, 3
Expected Output :
True False TrueClick me to see the solution
126. Check for Three Increasing Adjacent Numbers
Write a C# Sharp program to check a given array of integers and return true if the array contains three increasing adjacent numbers.
Sample Input:
{ 1, 2, 3, 5, 3, 7 }
{ 3, 7, 5, 5, 3, 7 }
{ 3, 7, 5, 5, 6, 7, 5 }
Expected Output :
True False TrueClick me to see the solution
127. Shift Elements Left in Array
Write a C# Sharp program to shift an element left and return an array.
Sample Input:
{ 10, 20, -30, -40, 50 }
Expected Output :
New array: 20 -30 -40 50 10Click me to see the solution
128. Elements Before 5 in Array
Write a C# Sharp program to create an array taking the elements before 5 from a given array of integers.
Sample Input:
{ 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 }
Expected Output :
New array: 1 2 3Click me to see the solution
129. Elements After 5 in Array
Write a C# Sharp program to create an array by taking the elements after element value 5 from a given array of integers.
Sample Input:
{ 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 }
Expected Output :
New array: 7 9 11Click me to see the solution
130. Shift Zeros to Left in Array
Write a C# Sharp program to create an array from a given array of integers by shifting all zeros to the left direction.
Sample Input:
{ 1, 2, 0, 3, 5, 7, 0, 9, 11 }
Expected Output :
New array: 0 0 1 3 5 7 2 9 11Click me to see the solution
131. Replace 5 with 0 and Shift Zeros Right
Write a C# Sharp program to create an array after replacing all values 5 with 0 and shifting all zeros to the right.
Sample Input:
{ 1, 2, 5, 3, 5, 7, 5, 9, 11 }
Expected Output :
New array: 1 2 3 7 9 11 0 0 0Click me to see the solution
132. Shift Even Numbers Before Odd Numbers
Write a C# Sharp program to create an array from a given array of integers. Shift all even numbers before all odd numbers.
Sample Input:
{ 1, 2, 5, 3, 5, 4, 6, 9, 11 }
Expected Output :
New array: 2 4 6 3 5 1 5 9 11Click me to see the solution
133. Check If Each Element ≥ Previous
Write a C# Sharp program to check if the value of each element is equal or greater than the value of the previous element in a given array of integers.
Sample Input:
{ 5, 5, 1, 5, 5 }
{ 1, 2, 3, 4 }
{ 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5}
{ 1, 5, 5, 7, 8, 10}
Expected Output:
False True True TrueClick me to see the solution
134. Check for Two 15's Next to Each Other
Write a C# Sharp program to check a given array (length will be at least 2) of integers and return true if there are two values 15, 15 next to each other.
Sample Input:
{ 5, 5, 1, 15, 15 }
{ 15, 2, 3, 4, 15 }
{ 3, 3, 15, 15, 5, 5}
{ 1, 5, 15, 7, 8, 15}
Expected Output :
True False True FalseClick me to see the solution
135. Largest Average Between Array Halves
Write a C# Sharp program to find the largest average value between the first and second half of a given array of integers. Minimum length is at least 2. Assume that the second half begins at index (array length)/2.
Sample Input:
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 }
{ 15, 2, 3, 4, 15, 11 }
Expected Output:
6 10Click me to see the solution
136. Count Strings Matching Length
Write a C# Sharp program to count the number of strings with given lengths in a given array of strings.
Sample Input:
{"a", "b", "bb", "c", "ccc" }, 1
Expected Output:
Number of Strings: 3Click me to see the solution
137. First n Strings from String Array
Write a C# Sharp program to create an array using the first n strings from a given array of strings. (n>=1 and <=length of the array).
Sample Input:
{"a", "b", "bb", "c", "ccc" }, 3
Expected Output :
New array: a b bbClick me to see the solution
138. Strings Matching Given Length
Write a C# Sharp program to create an array from a given array of strings. This is done using all the strings whose lengths matches given string length.
Sample Input:
{"a", "aaa", "b", "bbb", "c", "ccc" }, 3
Expected Output :
New array: aaa bbb cccClick me to see the solution
139. Check If Number Contains 2
Write a C# Sharp program to check a positive integer and return true if it contains a number 2.
Sample Input:
Expected Output:
True False TrueClick me to see the solution
140. Array of Odd Numbers from Given Length
Write a C# Sharp program to create an array of given length using odd numbers from a given array of positive integers.
Sample Input:
Expected Output:
New array: 1 3 5Click me to see the solution
141. Multiply Each Integer by 3
Write a C# Sharp program to create a list from a given list of integers where each element is multiplied by 3.
Sample Input:
{ 1, 2, 3 , 4 }
Expected Output :
New array: 3 6 9 12Click me to see the solution
142. Cube Each Integer
Write a C# Sharp program to create a list from a given list of integers. Each integer is multiplied by itself three times.
Sample Input:
{ 1, 2, 3 , 4 }
Expected Output:
New array: 1 8 27 64Click me to see the solution
143. Add # at Start and End of Strings
Write a C# Sharp program to create a list from a given list of strings. Each element has "#" added at the beginning and end position.
Sample Input:
{ "1", "2", "3" , "4" }
Expected Output :
#1# #2# #3# #4#Click me to see the solution
144. Repeat Strings Four Times
Write a C# Sharp program to create a list from a given list of strings. Each element is replaced by 4 copies of the string concatenated together.
Sample Input:
{ "1", "2", "3" , "4" }
Expected Output :
1111 2222 3333 4444Click me to see the solution
145. (Value+2) * 5 for Each Integer
Write a C# Sharp program to create a list from a given list of integers. In this program, each integer value is added to 2 and the resulting value is multiplied by 5.
Sample Input:
{ 1, 2, 3 , 4 }
Expected Output :
15 20 25 30Click me to see the solution
146. Rightmost Digits of Integers
Write a C# Sharp program to create a list of the rightmost digits from a given list of positive integers.
Sample Input:
{ 10, 22, 35 , 41 }
Expected Output:
0 2 5 1Click me to see the solution
147. Convert Strings to Uppercase
Write a C# Sharp program to create a list from a given list of strings. Strings will be in upper case in the new string.
Sample Input:
{ "Abc", "cdef", "js" , "php" }
Expected Output :
ABC CDEF JS PHPClick me to see the solution
148. Remove 'a' from Each String
Write a C# Sharp program to remove all "a"s from each string in a given list of strings and return the result string.
Sample Input:
{ "abc", "cdaef", "js" , "php" }
Expected Output :
bc cdef js phpClick me to see the solution
149. Remove Integers Less Than 4
Write a C# Sharp program to create a list from a given list of integers removing those values less than 4.
Sample Input:
{ 0, -2, 1, 2, 3, 5 , 4, 7, 8 }
Expected Output :
0 -2 1 2 3Click me to see the solution
150. Remove Integers Ending in 7
Write a C# Sharp program to create a list from a given list of integers, removing all values ending in 7.
Sample Input:
{ 10, 22, 35 , 47, 53, 67 }
Expected Output :
10 22 35 53Click me to see the solution
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