
C# Sharp Array : Exercises, Practice, Solution

C# Sharp Array [41 exercises with solution]

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1. Write a C# Sharp program that stores elements in an array and prints them.
Test Data:
Input 10 elements in the array:
element - 0 : 1
element - 1 : 1
element - 2 : 2
Expected Output :
Elements in array are: 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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2. Write a C# Sharp program to read n values in an array and display them in reverse order.
Test Data :
Input the number of elements to store in the array :3
Input 3 number of elements in the array :
element - 0 : 2
element - 1 : 5
element - 2 : 7
Expected Output:
The values store into the array are:
2 5 7
The values store into the array in reverse are :
7 5 2
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3. Write a program in C# Sharp to find the sum of all array elements.
Test Data :
Input the number of elements to be stored in the array :3
Input 3 elements in the array :
element - 0 : 2
element - 1 : 5
element - 2 : 8
Expected Output :
Sum of all elements stored in the array is : 15
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4. Write a C# Sharp program to copy the elements of one array into another array.
Test Data :
Input the number of elements to be stored in the array :3
Input 3 elements in the array :
element - 0 : 15
element - 1 : 10
element - 2 : 12
Expected Output:
The elements stored in the first array are :
15 10 12
The elements copied into the second array are :
15 10 12
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5. Write a C# Sharp program in to count duplicate elements in an array.
Test Data :
Input the number of elements to be stored in the array :3
Input 3 elements in the array :
element - 0 : 5
element - 1 : 1
element - 2 : 1
Expected Output :
Total number of duplicate elements found in the array is : 1
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6. Write a program in C# Sharp to print all unique elements in an array.
Test Data :
Input the number of elements to be stored in the array :3
Input 3 elements in the array :
element - 0 : 1
element - 1 : 5
element - 2 : 1
Expected Output :
The unique elements found in the array are :
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7. Write a C# Sharp program to merge two arrays of the same size sorted in ascending order.
Test Data :
Input the number of elements to be stored in the first array :3
Input 3 elements in the array :
element - 0 : 1
element - 1 : 2
element - 2 : 3
Input the number of elements to be stored in the second array :3
Input 3 elements in the array:
element - 0 : 1
element - 1 : 2
element - 2 : 3
Expected Output:
The merged array in ascending order is :
1 1 2 2 3 3
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8. Write a C# Sharp program to count the frequency of each element in an array.
Test Data :
Input the number of elements to be stored in the array :3
Input 3 elements in the array :
element - 0 : 25
element - 1 : 12
element - 2 : 43
Expected Output :
Frequency of all elements of array :
25 occurs 1 times
12 occurs 1 times
43 occurs 1 times
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9. Write a C# Sharp program to find the maximum and minimum elements in an array.
Test Data :
Input the number of elements to be stored in the array :3
Input 3 elements in the array :
element - 0 : 45
element - 1 : 25
element - 2 : 21
Expected Output :
Maximum element is : 45
Minimum element is : 21
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10. Write a program in C# Sharp to separate odd and even integers into separate arrays.
Test Data :
Input the number of elements to be stored in the array :5
Input 5 elements in the array :
element - 0 : 25
element - 1 : 47
element - 2 : 42
element - 3 : 56
element - 4 : 32
Expected Output:
The Even elements are:
42 56 32
The Odd elements are :
25 47
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11. Write a C# Sharp program to sort elements of an array in ascending order.
Test Data :
Input the size of array : 5
Input 5 elements in the array :
element - 0 : 2
element - 1 : 7
element - 2 : 4
element - 3 : 5
element - 4 : 9
Expected Output :
Elements of array in sorted ascending order:
2 4 5 7 9
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12. Write a C# Sharp program to sort array elements in descending order.
Test Data :
Input the size of array : 3
Input 3 elements in the array :
element - 0 : 5
element - 1 : 9
element - 2 : 1
Expected Output :
Elements of the array in sorted descending order:
9 5 1
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13. Write a C# Sharp program to insert an additional value into an array (sorted list).
Test Data :
Input the size of array : 3
Input 3 elements in the array in ascending order:
element - 0 : 5
element - 1 : 7
element - 2 : 9
Input the value to be inserted : 8
Expected Output :
The exist array list is :
5 7 9
After Insert the list is :
5 7 8 9
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14. Write a C# Sharp program to insert another value in the array (unsorted list).
Test Data :
Input the size of array : 4
Input 4 elements in the array in ascending order:
element - 0 : 1
element - 1 : 8
element - 2 : 7
element - 3 : 10
Input the value to be inserted : 5
Input the Position, where the value to be inserted :2
Expected Output :
The current list of the array :
1 8 7 10
After Insert the element the new list is :
1 5 8 7 10
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15. Write a C# Sharp program to delete an element at the desired position from an array.
Test Data :
Input the size of array : 5
Input 5 elements in the array in ascending order:
element - 0 : 1
element - 1 : 2
element - 2 : 3
element - 3 : 4
element - 4 : 5
Input the position where to delete: 3
Expected Output :
The new list is : 1 2 4 5
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16. Write a C# Sharp program to find the second largest element in an array.
Test Data :
Input the size of array : 5
Input 5 elements in the array :
element - 0 : 2
element - 1 : 9
element - 2 : 1
element - 3 : 4
element - 4 : 6
Expected Output :
The Second largest element in the array is: 6
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17. Write a C# Sharp program to find the second smallest element in an array.
Test Data :
Input the size of array : 5
Input 5 elements in the array (value must be <9999) :
element - 0 : 0
element - 1 : 9
element - 2 : 4
element - 3 : 6
element - 4 : 5
Expected Output :
The Second smallest element in the array is : 4
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18. Write a program in C# Sharp for a 2D array of size 3x3 and print the matrix.
Test Data :
Input elements in the matrix :
element - [0],[0] : 1
element - [0],[1] : 2
element - [0],[2] : 3
element - [1],[0] : 4
element - [1],[1] : 5
element - [1],[2] : 6
element - [2],[0] : 7
element - [2],[1] : 8
element - [2],[2] : 9
Expected Output :
The matrix is :

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
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19. Write a C# Sharp program for adding two matrices of the same size.
Test Data :
Input the size of the square matrix (less than 5): 2
Input elements in the first matrix :
element - [0],[0] : 1
element - [0],[1] : 2
element - [1],[0] : 3
element - [1],[1] : 4
Input elements in the second matrix :
element - [0],[0] : 5
element - [0],[1] : 6
element - [1],[0] : 7
element - [1],[1] : 8
Expected Output:
The First matrix is:

1 2
3 4
The Second matrix is :

5 6
7 8
The Addition of two matrix is :

6 8
10 12
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20. Write a C# Sharp program for the subtraction of two matrixes.
Test Data :
Input the size of the square matrix (less than 5): 2
Input elements in the first matrix :
element - [0],[0] : 5
element - [0],[1] : 6
element - [1],[0] : 7
element - [1],[1] : 8
Input elements in the second matrix :
element - [0],[0] : 1
element - [0],[1] : 2
element - [1],[0] : 3
element - [1],[1] : 4
Expected Output :
The First matrix is :

5 6
7 8
The Second matrix is :

1 2
3 4
The Subtraction of two matrix is :

4 4
4 4
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21. Write a C# Sharp program for multiplication of two square matrices.
Test Data :
Input the rows and columns of first matrix : 2 2
Input the rows and columns of second matrix : 2 2
Input elements in the first matrix :
element - [0],[0] : 1
element - [0],[1] : 2
element - [1],[0] : 3
element - [1],[1] : 4
Input elements in the second matrix :
element - [0],[0] : 5
element - [0],[1] : 6
element - [1],[0] : 7
element - [1],[1] : 8
Expected Output :
The First matrix is :

1 2
3 4
The Second matrix is :

5 6
7 8
The multiplication of two matrix is :

19 22
43 50
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22. Write a C# Sharp program to find the transpose of a given matrix.
Test Data :
Input the rows and columns of the matrix : 2 2
Input elements in the first matrix :
element - [0],[0] : 1
element - [0],[1] : 2
element - [1],[0] : 3
element - [1],[1] : 4
Expected Output :
The matrix is :

1 2
3 4

The Transpose of a matrix is :
1 3
2 4
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23. Write a C# Sharp program to find the sum of the right diagonals of a matrix.
Test Data :
Input the size of the square matrix : 2
Input elements in the first matrix :
element - [0],[0] : 1
element - [0],[1] : 2
element - [1],[0] : 3
element - [1],[1] : 4
Expected Output :
The matrix is :
1 2
3 4
Addition of the right Diagonal elements is :5
Elements in array are:
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24. Write a C# Sharp program to find the sum of the left diagonals of a matrix.
Test Data:
Input the size of the square matrix : 2
Input elements in the first matrix :
element - [0],[0] : 1
element - [0],[1] : 2
element - [1],[0] : 3
element - [1],[1] : 4
Expected Output :
The matrix is :
1 2
3 4
Addition of the left Diagonal elements is :5
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25. Write a C# Sharp program to find the sum of rows and columns in a matrix.
Test Data :
Input the size of the square matrix: 2
Input elements in the first matrix:
element - [0],[0] : 5
element - [0],[1] : 6
element - [1],[0] : 7
element - [1],[1] : 8
Expected Output :
The First matrix is :
The matrix is :
5 6
7 8
The sum or rows and columns of the matrix is :
5 6 11
7 8 15

12 14
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26. Write a program in C# Sharp to print or display the lower triangular of a given matrix.
Test Data :
Input the size of the square matrix : 3
Input elements in the first matrix :
element - [0],[0] : 1
element - [0],[1] : 2
element - [0],[2] : 3
element - [1],[0] : 4
element - [1],[1] : 5
element - [1],[2] : 6
element - [2],[0] : 7
element - [2],[1] : 8
element - [2],[2] : 9
Expected Output :
The matrix is :
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

Setting zero in lower triangular matrix

1 2 3
0 5 6
0 0 9
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27. Write a C# Sharp program to print or display an upper triangular matrix.
Test Data :
Input the size of the square matrix : 3
Input elements in the first matrix :
element - [0],[0] : 1
element - [0],[1] : 2
element - [0],[2] : 3
element - [1],[0] : 4
element - [1],[1] : 5
element - [1],[2] : 6
element - [2],[0] : 7
element - [2],[1] : 8
element - [2],[2] : 9
Expected Output :
The matrix is :
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

Setting zero in upper triangular matrix

1 0 0
4 5 0
7 8 9
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28. Write a C# Sharp program to calculate the determinant of a 3 x 3 matrix.
Test Data :
Input elements in the first matrix :
element - [0],[0] : 1
element - [0],[1] : 0
element - [0],[2] : -1
element - [1],[0] : 0
element - [1],[1] : 0
element - [1],[2] : 1
element - [2],[0] : -1
element - [2],[1] : -1
element - [2],[2] : 0
Expected Output:
The matrix is :
1 0 -1
0 0 1
-1 -1 0

The Determinant of the matrix is: 1
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29. Write a C# Sharp program to accept a matrix and determine whether it is a sparse matrix.
Test Data :
Input the number of rows of the matrix : 2
Input the number of columns of the matrix : 2
Input elements in the first matrix :
element - [0],[0] : 0
element - [0],[1] : 0
element - [1],[0] : 1
element - [1],[1] : 0
Expected Output :
The given matrix is sparse matrix.
There are 3 number of zeros in the matrix
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30. Write a C# Sharp program to accept two matrices and check equality.
Test Data :
Input Rows and Columns of the 1st matrix :2 2
Input Rows and Columns of the 2nd matrix :2 2
Input elements in the first matrix :
element - [0],[0] : 1
element - [0],[1] : 2
element - [1],[0] : 3
element - [1],[1] : 4
Input elements in the second matrix :
element - [0],[0] : 1
element - [0],[1] : 2
element - [1],[0] : 3
element - [1],[1] : 4
Expected Output :
The first matrix is :
1 2
3 4
The second matrix is :
1 2
3 4
The Matrices can be compared :
Two matrices are equal.
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31. Write a C# Sharp program to Check whether a Given Matrix is an Identity Matrix.
Test Data :
Input the orders(2x2, 3x3, ...) of squere matrix : 2
Input elements in the matrix :
element - [0],[0] : 1
element - [0],[1] : 0
element - [1],[0] : 0
element - [1],[1] : 1
Expected Output :
The matrix is :
1 0
0 1
The matrix is an Identity Matrix.
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32. Write a C# Sharp program to get only odd values from a given integer array.
Test Data :
Only the odd values of the said array:
Only the odd values of the said array:
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33. Write a C# Sharp program that removes all duplicate elements from a given array and returns an updated array.
Test Data :
Original array elements:
4/15/2021 12:10:51 PM
After removing duplicate elements from the said array:
4/15/2021 12:10:51 PM
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34. Write a C# Sharp program to find the missing number in a given array of numbers between 10 and 20.
Test Data :
Original array elements:
Missing number in the said array (10-20): 0
Original array elements:
Missing number in the said array (10-20): 10
Original array elements:
Missing number in the said array (10-20): 15
Original array elements:
Missing number in the said array (10-20): 20
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35. Write a C# Sharp program to calculate the sum of the two lowest negative numbers in a given array of integers.
An integer (from the Latin integer meaning "whole") is colloquially defined as a number that can be written without a fractional component. For example, 21, 4, 0, and −2048 are integers,
Test Data :
Original array elements:
-10 -11 -12 -13 -14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Sum of two lowest negative numbers of the said array of integers: -27
Original array elements:
-1 -2 -4 0 3 4 5 9
Sum of two lowest negative numbers of the said array of integers: -6
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36. Write a C# Sharp program to re-arrange the elements in a given array of numbers and check whether the numbers are consecutive or not.
From Wikipedia,
Consecutive numbers are numbers that follow each other in order. They have a difference of 1 between every two numbers. In a set of consecutive numbers, the mean and the median are equal.
If n is a number, then the next numbers will be n+1 and n+2.
Consecutive numbers that follow each other in order:

  • 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  • -3, −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
  • 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Test Data :
Original array elements:
-10 -11 -12 -13 -14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Check the numbers of the said array are consecutive or not! False
Original array elements:
-1 -2 -3 0 1 4 3 2
Check the numbers of the said array are consecutive or not! True
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37. Write a C# Sharp program that calculates the smallest gap between numbers in an array of integers.
Sample Data:
({ 7, 5, 8, 9, 11, 23, 18 }) -> 1
({ 200, 300, 250, 151, 162 }) -> 11
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38. Write a C# Sharp program that takes an array of numbers and a digit. Check whether the digit is present in this array of numbers.
Sample Data:
({7, 5, 85, 9, 11, 23, 18}, "1") - > "Present"
({7, 5, 85, 9, 11, 23, 18}, "1") - > "Present"
({7, 5, 85, 9, 11, 23, 18}, "1") - > "Not present..!"
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39. Write a C# Sharp program that calculates the sum of all prime numbers in an array of numbers.
Sample Data:
({ 7, 5, 85, 9, 11, 23, 18 }) -> 46
({ 200, 300, 250, 151, 162 }) -> 151
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40. Write a C# Sharp program that takes an array of integers and finds the smallest positive integer that is not present in that array.
Sample Data:
({ 1,2,3,5,6,7}) -> 4
({-1, -2, 0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6}) -> 2
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41. Write a C# Sharp program to find two numbers in an array of integers whose product is equal to a given number.
Sample Data:
({10, 18, 39, 75, 100}, 180) -> {10, 18}
({10, 18, 39, 75, 100}, 200) -> {}
({10, 18, 39, 75, 100}, 702) -> {18, 39}
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