
C# Sharp LINQ : Exercises, Practice, Solution

C# Sharp LINQ [30 exercises with solution]

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1. Write a program in C# Sharp to show how the three parts of a query operation execute.
Expected Output:
The numbers which produce the remainder 0 after divided by 2 are :
0 2 4 6 8
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2. Write a program in C# Sharp to find the +ve numbers from a list of numbers using two where conditions in LINQ Query.
Expected Output:
The numbers within the range of 1 to 11 are :
1 3 6 9 10
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3. Write a program in C# Sharp to find the number of an array and the square of each number.
Expected Output :
{ Number = 9, SqrNo = 81 }
{ Number = 8, SqrNo = 64 }
{ Number = 6, SqrNo = 36 }
{ Number = 5, SqrNo = 25 }
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4. Write a program in C# Sharp to display the number and frequency of a given number from an array.
Expected Output :
The number and the Frequency are :
Number 5 appears 3 times
Number 9 appears 2 times
Number 1 appears 1 times
. . . .
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5. Write a program in C# Sharp to display the characters and frequency of each character in a given string.
Test Data:
Input the string: apple
Expected Output:
The frequency of the characters are :
Character a: 1 times
Character p: 2 times
Character l: 1 times
Character e: 1 times
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6. Write a program in C# Sharp to display the name of the days of the week.
Expected Output:
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7. Write a program in C# Sharp to display numbers, multiplication of numbers with frequency and the frequency of a number in an array.
Test Data :
The numbers in the array are :
5, 1, 9, 2, 3, 7, 4, 5, 6, 8, 7, 6, 3, 4, 5, 2
Expected Output :
Number Number*Frequency Frequency
5 15 3
1 1 1
9 9 1
2 4 2
. . . . . . . .
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8. Write a program in C# Sharp to find a string that starts and ends with a specific character.
Test Data :
Input starting character for the string : A
Input ending character for the string : M
Expected Output :
The city starting with A and ending with M is : AMSTERDAM
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9. Write a program in C# Sharp to create a list of numbers and display numbers greater than 80.
Test Data :
The members of the list are :
55 200 740 76 230 482 95
Expected Output :
The numbers greater than 80 are :
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10. Write a program in C# Sharp to accept list members through the keyboard and display them more than a specific value.
Test Data :
Input the number of members on the List : 5
Member 0 : 10
Member 1 : 48
Member 2 : 52
Member 3 : 94
Member 4 : 63
Input the value above you want to display the members of the List : 59
Expected Output :
The numbers greater than 59 are :
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11. Write a program in C# Sharp to display the top n-th records.
Test Data :
The members of the list are :
How many records you want to display ? : 3
Expected Output :
The top 3 records from the list are :
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12. Write a program in C# Sharp to find uppercase words in a string.
Test Data :
Input the string : this IS a STRING
Expected Output :
The UPPER CASE words are :
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13. Write a program in C# Sharp to convert a string array to a string.
Test Data :
Input number of strings to store in the array :3
Input 3 strings for the array :
Element[0] : cat
Element[1] : dog
Element[2] : rat
Expected Output:
Here is the string below created with elements of the above array :
cat, dog, rat
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14. Write a program in C# Sharp to find the n-th maximum grade point achieved by the students from the list of students.
Test Data :
Which maximum grade point(1st, 2nd, 3rd, ...) you want to find : 3
Expected Output:
Id : 7, Name : David, achieved Grade Point : 750
Id : 10, Name : Jenny, achieved Grade Point : 750
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15. Write a program in C# Sharp to count file extensions and group it using LINQ.
Test Data :
The files are : aaa.frx, bbb.TXT, xyz.dbf,abc.pdf
aaaa.PDF,xyz.frt, abc.xml, ccc.txt, zzz.txt
Expected Output :
Here is the group of extension of the files :
1 File(s) with .frx Extension
3 File(s) with .txt Extension
1 File(s) with .dbf Extension
2 File(s) with .pdf Extension
1 File(s) with .frt Extension
1 File(s) with .xml Extension
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16. Write a program in C# Sharp to calculate size of file using LINQ.
Expected Output :
The Average file size is 3.4 MB
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17. Write a program in C# Sharp to remove items from list using remove function by passing the object.
Test Data :
Here is the list of items :
Char: m
Char: n
Char: o
Char: p
Char: q
Expected Output:
Here is the list after removing the item 'o' from the list :
Char: m
Char: n
Char: p
Char: q
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18. Write a program in C# Sharp to remove items from list by creating an object internally by filtering.
Test Data :
Here is the list of items :
Char: m
Char: n
Char: o
Char: p
Char: q
Expected Output :
Here is the list after removing the item 'p' from the list :
Char: m
Char: n
Char: o
Char: q
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19. Write a program in C# Sharp to remove items from list by passing filters.
Test Data :
Here is the list of items :
Char: m
Char: n
Char: o
Char: p
Char: q
Expected Output :
Here is the list after removing item 'q' from the list :
Char: m
Char: n
Char: o
Char: p
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20. Write a program in C# Sharp to remove items from list by passing the item index.
Test Data :
Here is the list of items :
Char: m
Char: n
Char: o
Char: p
Char: q
Expected Output:
Here is the list after removing item index 3 from the list :
Char: m
Char: n
Char: o
Char: q
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21. Write a program in C# Sharp to remove a range of items from a list by passing the start index and number of elements to remove.
Test Data :
Here is the list of items :
Char: m
Char: n
Char: o
Char: p
Char: q
Expected Output:
Here is the list after removing the three items starting from the item index 1 from the list :
Char: m
Char: q
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22. Write a program in C# Sharp to find the strings for a specific minimum length.
Test Data :
Input number of strings to store in the array :4
Input 4 strings for the array:
Element[0] : this
Element[1] : is
Element[2] : a
Element[3] : string
Input the minimum length of the item you want to find : 5
Expected Output:
The items of minimum 5 characters are :
Item: string
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23. Write a program in C# Sharp to generate a cartesian product of two sets.
Expected Output :
The cartesian product are :
{ letterList = X, numberList = 1 }
{ letterList = X, numberList = 2 }
{ letterList = X, numberList = 3 }
{ letterList = X, numberList = 4 }
. . .
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24. Write a program in C# Sharp to generate a cartesian product of three sets.
Expected Output :
The cartesian product are :
{ letter = X, number = 1, colour = Green }
{ letter = X, number = 1, colour = Orange }
{ letter = X, number = 2, colour = Green }
{ letter = X, number = 2, colour = Orange }
{ letter = X, number = 3, colour = Green }
{ letter = X, number = 3, colour = Orange }
{ letter = Y, number = 1, colour = Green }
{ letter = Y, number = 1, colour = Orange }
. . .
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25. Write a program in C# Sharp to generate an Inner Join between two data sets.
Expected Output :

Item ID         Item Name       Purchase Quantity                                                             
1               Biscuit                 458                                                                   
2               Chocolate               650                                                                   
3               Butter                  800                                                                   
3               Butter                  900                                                                   
3               Butter                  900                                                                   
4               Brade                   700                                                                   
4               Brade                   650

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26. Write a program in C# Sharp to generate a Left Join between two data sets.
Expected Output :

Here is the list after joining  :                                                                             
Item ID         Item Name       Purchase Quantity                                                             
1               Biscuit                 458                                                                   
2               Chocolate               650                                                                   
3               Butter                  800                                                                   
3               Butter                  900                                                                   
3               Butter                  900                                                                   
4               Brade                   700                                                                   
4               Brade                   650                                                                   
5               Honey                   0   

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27. Write a program in C# Sharp to generate a Right Outer Join between two data sets.
Expected Output :

Here is the list after joining  :                                                                             
Item ID         Item Name       Purchase Quantity                                                             
3               Butter                  800                                                                   
5               Honey                   650                                                                   
3               Butter                  900                                                                   
4               Brade                   700                                                                   
3               Butter                  900                                                                   
4               Brade                   650                                                                   
1               Biscuit                 458   

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28. Write a program in C# Sharp to display the list of items in the array according to the length of the string then by name in ascending order.
Expected Output :
Here is the arranged list :
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29. Write a program in C# Sharp to split a collection of strings into some groups.
Expected Output :
Here is the group of cities :

-- here is a group of cities --

-- here is a group of cities --

-- here is a group of cities --

-- here is a group of cities --
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30. Write a program in C# Sharp to arrange the distinct elements in the list in ascending order.
Expected Output :
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