
C#: Create a new list from a given list of integers removing those values end with 7

Remove Integers Ending in 7

Write a C# Sharp program to create a list from a given list of integers, removing all values ending in 7.

Visual Presentation:

C# Sharp: Basic Algorithm Exercises - Create a new list from a given list of integers removing those values end with 7.

Sample Solution:-

C# Sharp Code:

using System; // Importing the System namespace for basic functionality
using System.Collections.Generic; // Importing the namespace for working with collections
using System.Linq; // Importing the namespace for LINQ operations

namespace exercises // Defining a namespace called 'exercises'
    class Program // Defining a class named 'Program'
        static void Main(string[] args) // The entry point of the program
            // Calling the 'test' method with a new list of integers as input
            List<int> mylist = test(new List<int>(new int[] { 10, 22, 35, 47, 53, 67 }));

            // Displaying elements of 'mylist' in the console
            foreach(var i in mylist)
                Console.Write(i.ToString()+" "); // Output each element followed by a space

        // Method that filters a List of integers to include only those whose last digit is less than 7
        public static List<int> test(List<int> nums)
            // Using LINQ to filter 'nums' list and select elements whose last digit is less than 7
            return nums.Where(n => n % 10 < 7).ToList();

Sample Output:

10 22 35 53


C# Sharp: Flowchart: Create a new list from a given list of integers removing those values end with 7.

C# Sharp Code Editor:

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