
C# Sharp STRUCTURE : Exercises, Practice, Solution

C# Sharp STRUCTURE [10 exercises with solution]

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1. Write a program in C# Sharp to declare a simple structure.
Expected Output:

Declare a simple structure :
The sum of x and y is 40  

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2. Write a program in C# Sharp to declare a simple structure and use static fields inside a struct.
Expected Output :

Structure with the use of static fields inside a structure :                            
The sum of x and y is 40 

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3. Write a C# Sharp program to create a nested struct that stores two data for an employee.
Test Data:

Create a nested structure and store data in an array :                              
Name of the employee : H.Rana                                                    
Input day of the birth : 05                                                      
Input month of the birth : 02                                                    
Input year for the birth : 58                                                    
Name of the employee : S.Mathur                                                  
Input day of the birth : 04                                                      
Input month of the birth : 08                                                    
Input year for the birth : 59 

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4. Write a C# Sharp program to create a structure, assign a value to it, and call it.
Expected Output:

Create a structure and Assign the Value and call it :                            
Assign in Class:       x:7500,   y:9500                                          
Assign in Structure:   x:750,    y:950 

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5. Write a program in C# Sharp that shows what happens when a structure and a class instance are passed to a method.
Expected Output:

When a structure and a class instance is passed to a method :                       
ns.n = 5                                                                         
nc.n = 8

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6. Write a program in C# Sharp that declares a struct with a property, a method, and a private field.
Expected Output:

Declares a structure with a property, a method, and a private field :               
The stored value is: 15 

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7. Write a program in C# Sharp to demonstrates structure initialization using both default and parameterized constructors.
Expected Output:

Structure declares using default and parameterized constructors :                    
newStruct 1: m = 0, n = 0                                                        
newStruct 2: m = 25, n = 25                                                      

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8. Write a program in C# Sharp to demonstrates structure initialization without using the new operator.
Expected Output :

Structure initialization without using the new operator :                    
newStruct : m = 30, n = 40                                                       

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9. Write a program in C# Sharp to insert two books' information.
Test Data :

Insert the information of two books :                    
Information of book 1 :                                  
Input name of the book : BASIC                           
Input the author : S.TROELSTRA                           
Information of book 2 :                                  
Input name of the book : C+                              
Input the author : G.RTRTG                               

Expected Output:

1: Title = BASIC,  Author = S.TROELSTRA                  
2: Title = C+,  Author = G.RTRTG 

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10. Write a program in C# Sharp to implement a method that returns a structure. This includes calling the method and using its value.
Test Data :

Method that returns a structure  :                                               
Input the dimensions of the Square( equal length and breadth ) :                 
length : 20                                                                      
breadth : 40                                                                     

Expected Output:

Perimeter and Area of the square :                                               
Length:    20                                                                    
Breadth:    40                                                                   
Perimeter: 120                                                                   
Area:      800 

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