
C#: Create a new string using 3 copies of the first 2 characters of a given string

Three Copies of First Two Characters

Write a C# Sharp program to create a new string using 3 copies of the first 2 characters of a given string. If the string length is less than 2 use the whole string.

Visual Presentation:

C# Sharp: Basic Algorithm Exercises - Create a new string using 3 copies of the first 2 characters of a given string.

Sample Solution:-

C# Sharp Code:

using System; // Importing the System namespace

namespace exercises // Defining a namespace called 'exercises'
    class Program // Defining a class named 'Program'
        static void Main(string[] args) // The entry point of the program
            // Output the results of the test function with different strings as arguments
            Console.WriteLine(test("abc")); // Pass "abc" to the test function and display the result
            Console.WriteLine(test("Python")); // Pass "Python" to the test function and display the result
            Console.WriteLine(test("J")); // Pass "J" to the test function and display the result
            Console.ReadLine(); // Wait for user input before closing the console window

        // Function definition of the test function that takes a string 's1' as input and returns a string
        public static string test(string s1)
            string extra_Front = String.Empty; // Declaring an empty string variable 'extra_Front'

            if (s1.Length < 2) // If the length of 's1' is less than 2
                return s1 + s1 + s1; // Return 's1' concatenated with itself three times
            else // If the length of 's1' is 2 or more
                extra_Front = s1.Substring(0, 2); // Extract the first two characters of 's1' and assign them to 'extra_Front'
                return extra_Front + extra_Front + extra_Front; // Return 'extra_Front' concatenated with itself three times

Sample Output:



C# Sharp: Flowchart: Create a new string using 3 copies of the first 2 characters of a given string.

C# Sharp Code Editor:

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Previous: Write a C# Sharp program to concate two given strings. If the given strings have different length remove the characters from the longer string.
Next: Write a C# Sharp program to create a new string from a given string. If the two characters of the given string from its beginning and end are same return the given string without the first two characters otherwise return the original string.

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