
C#: Insert New value in the array (sorted list )

Write a C# Sharp program to insert an additional value into an array (sorted list).

Sample Solution:-

C# Sharp Code:

using System;

public class Exercise13  
    public static void Main() 
        int[] arr1 = new int[10]; // Declare an array to store integers
        int i, n, p = 0, inval; // Declare variables for array size, counting, position, and new value

        // Display a message prompting the user to input the size of the array
        Console.Write("\n\nInsert New value in the sorted array :\n");

        Console.Write("Input the size of array : ");
        n = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); // Read the size of the array entered by the user

        /* Store values into the array */
        Console.Write("Input {0} elements in the array in ascending order:\n", n);
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
            Console.Write("element - {0} : ", i);
            arr1[i] = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); // Store user input in the array

        Console.Write("Input the value to be inserted : ");
        inval = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); // Read the value to be inserted

        Console.Write("The existing array list is :\n ");
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
            Console.Write("{0} ", arr1[i]); // Display the existing array

        /* Determine the position where the new value will be inserted */
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
            if (inval < arr1[i])
                p = i;

        /* Move all data at the right side of the array */
        for (i = n; i >= p; i--)
            arr1[i] = arr1[i - 1];

        /* Insert the value at the proper position */
        arr1[p] = inval;

        Console.Write("\n\nAfter Insert, the list is :\n ");
        for (i = 0; i <= n; i++)
            Console.Write("{0} ", arr1[i]); // Display the updated array with the inserted value


Sample Output:

Insert New value in the sorted array:                                                                        
Input the size of array : 2                                                                                   
Input 2 elements in the array in ascending order:                                                             
element - 0 : 2                                                                                               
element - 1 : 4                                                                                               
Input the value to be inserted : 3                                                                            
The exist array list is :                                                                                     
 2 4                                                                                                       
After Insert the list is :                                                                                    
 2 3 4 


Flowchart: Insert New value in the array (sorted list )

C# Sharp Code Editor:

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Previous: Write a program in C# Sharp to sort elements of the array in descending order.
Next: Write a program in C# Sharp to insert New value in the array (unsorted list ).

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