
Java Date, Calendar and Time: Exercises, Practice, Solution

This resource offers a total of 230 Java Date, Time and Calendar problems for practice. It includes 46 main exercises, each accompanied by solutions, detailed explanations, and four related problems.

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1. Write a Java program to create a Date object using the Calendar class.

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2. Write a Java program to get and display information (year, month, day, hour, minute) about a default calendar.

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3. Write a Java program to get the maximum value of the year, month, week, and date from the current date of a default calendar.

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4. Write a Java program to get the minimum value of year, month, week, date from the current date of a default calendar.

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5. Write a Java program to get the current time in New York.

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6. Write a Java program to get the current date and time.

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7. Write a Java program to get the last day of the current month.

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8. Write a Java program to get the last date of the month.

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9. Write a Java program to calculate the first and last day of each week.

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10. Write a Java program to get the first and last day of a month.

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11. Write a Java program to get the number of days in a month.

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12. Write a Java program to get localized day-of-week names.

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13. Write a Java program to get a day of the week on a specific date.

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14. Write a Java program to get the current local time.

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15. Write a Java program to add hours to the current time.

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16. Write a Java program to get a date after 2 weeks.

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17. Write a Java program to get a date before and after 1 year and compare it to the current date.

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18. Write a Java program to check if a year is a leap year or not.

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19. Write a Java program to get the year and month between two dates.

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20. Write a Java program to get the current timestamp.

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21. Write a Java program to get the current time in all time zones.

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22. Write a Java program to get the dates 10 days before and after today.

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23. Write a Java program to get the number of months left in the year.

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24. Write a Java program to display dates in the following formats.

Sample format :

Default format of LocalDate=2016-09-16                                                                        
Default format of LocalDateTime=2016-09-16T11:46:01.455                                                       
16::Sep::2016 11::46::01                                                                                      
Default format of Instant=2016-09-16T06:16:01.456Z                                                            
Default format after parsing = 2014-04-27T21:39:48

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25. Write a Java program to get the information of the current/given year.

Sample format :

Sample Output :
Current Year: 2001                                                                                            
Is current year leap year? false                                                                              
Length of the year: 365 days

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26. Write a Java program to get the information of the current/given month.

Sample format :

Sample Output :
Integer value of the current month: 2                                                                         
Length of the month: 28                                                                                       
Maximum length of the month: 29                                                                               
First month of the Quarter: JANUARY

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27. Write a Java program to get information about a given time.

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28. Wrtie a Java program that displays the date time information before a certain number of hours and minutes from the current date.

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29. Write a Java program to convert a string to a date.

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30. Write a Java program to compute the difference between two dates (years, months, days).

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31. Write a Java program to compute the difference between two dates in hours, minutes, milliseconds, and nanoseconds.

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32. Write a Java program to calculate your age.

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33. Write a Java program to get the next and previous Fridays.

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34. Write a Java program to get today's date at midnight time.

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35. Write a Java program to extract date and time from the date string.

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36. Write a Java program to convert a Unix timestamp to a date.

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37. Write a Java program to find seconds since 1970.

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38. Write a Java program to calculate the difference between two dates in days.

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39. Write a Java program to convert String to date and time and vice versa.

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40. Write a Java program to display current date without time and current time without date.

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41. Write a Java program to combine local date and time into a single object.

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42. Write a Java program to define a period of time using date-based values (Period) and a duration of time using time-based values (Duration).

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43. Write a Java program to display all the available time zones in UTC and GMT.

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44. Write a Java program to define and extract zone offsets.

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45. Write a Java program to print yyyy-MM-dd, HH:mm:ss, yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss, E MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSSZ and HH:mm:ss,Z format pattern for date and time.

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46. Write a Java program to count the number of days between two years.

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