
Java Multithreading: Exercises, Practices, Solutions

This resource offers a total of 75 Java Multithreading problems for practice. It includes 15 main exercises, each accompanied by solutions, detailed explanations, and four related problems.

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1. Write a Java program to create and start multiple threads that increment a shared counter variable concurrently.

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2. Write a Java program to create a producer-consumer scenario using the wait() and notify() methods for thread synchronization.

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3. Write a Java program that uses the ReentrantLock class to synchronize access to a shared resource among multiple threads.

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4. Write a Java program to demonstrate Semaphore usage for thread synchronization.

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5. Write a Java program to showcase the usage of the CyclicBarrier class for thread synchronization.

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6. Write a Java program that uses the CountDownLatch class to synchronize the start and finish of multiple threads.

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7. Write a Java program to illustrate the usage of the ReadWriteLock interface for concurrent read-write access to a shared resource.

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8. Write a Java program demonstrating how to access a map concurrently using the ConcurrentHashMap class.

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9. Write a Java program that utilizes the ConcurrentLinkedQueue class to implement a thread-safe queue.

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10. Write a Java program to showcase the usage of the Phaser class for coordination and synchronization of multiple threads.

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11. Write a Java program that utilizes the Exchanger class for exchanging data between two threads.

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12. Write a Java program to demonstrate the usage of the Callable and Future interfaces for executing tasks asynchronously and obtaining their results.

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13. Write a Java program that uses the ScheduledExecutorService interface to schedule tasks for execution at a specified time or with a fixed delay.

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14. Write a Java program to demonstrate the usage of the ForkJoinPool class for parallel execution of recursive tasks.

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15. Write a Java program that utilizes the StampedLock class for optimizing concurrent read-write access to a shared resource.

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