
Java Exception Handling - Exercises, Practices, Solutions

This resource offers a total of 35 Java handling and managing exceptions problems for practice. It includes 7 main exercises, each accompanied by solutions, detailed explanations, and four related problems.

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Java Exceptions to handle errors:

Java programming language uses exceptions to handle errors and other exceptional events. An exception is an event that occurs during the execution of a program that disrupts the normal flow of instructions.

This section covers how to catch and handle exceptions. It includes try, catch, and finally block, as well as chained exceptions and logging exercises.

1. Write a Java program that throws an exception and catch it using a try-catch block.

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2. Write a Java program to create a method that takes an integer as a parameter and throws an exception if the number is odd.

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3. Write a Java program to create a method that reads a file and throws an exception if the file is not found.

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4. Write a Java program that reads a list of numbers from a file and throws an exception if any of the numbers are positive.

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5. Write a Java program that reads a file and throws an exception if the file is empty.

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6. Write a Java program that reads a list of integers from the user and throws an exception if any numbers are duplicates.

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7. Write a Java program to create a method that takes a string as input and throws an exception if the string does not contain vowels.

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