
Java Unit Test: Exercises, Solutions, and Practice

This resource offers a total of 50 Java Unit Test problems for practice. It includes 10 main exercises, each accompanied by solutions, detailed explanations, and four related problems.

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1. Write a Java unit test case to assert that a given method returns the expected value.

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2. Write a Java test case to verify that a specific exception is thrown when a method is called with invalid input.

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3. Write a Java test case that implements a JUnit test with setup and teardown methods to prepare and clean up resources for multiple test cases.

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4. Write a Java program that implements parameterized test to verify that a method behaves correctly for different input values.

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5. Write a Java test case that fails if a method takes longer than a specified time to execute.

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6. Write a Java test case that is intentionally ignored, and explain the scenarios where test skipping might be useful.

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7. Write a Java program that uses assertions with custom error messages to provide meaningful feedback when a test fails.

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8. Write a Java program to explore strategies for testing private methods in a class.

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9. Write a Java program that tests a singleton class, ensuring it behaves as expected in a multi-threaded environment.

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10. Write a Java program that create tests that verify the interaction between different components or modules in your application.

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Next: Java Unit Test Case: Asserting Expected method returns.

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