Java Data Types: Exercises, Practice, Solution
This resource offers a total of 75 Java Data Types problems for practice. It includes 15 main exercises, each accompanied by solutions, detailed explanations, and four related problems.
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1. Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius
Write a Java program to convert temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius degrees.
Test Data
Input a degree in Fahrenheit: 212
Expected Output:
212.0 degree Fahrenheit is equal to 100.0 in Celsius
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2. Convert Inches to Meters
Write a Java program that reads a number in inches and converts it to meters.
Note: One inch is 0.0254 meter.
Test Data
Input a value for inch: 1000
Expected Output :
1000.0 inch is 25.4 meters
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3. Sum of Digits in Integer
Write a Java program that reads an integer between 0 and 1000 and adds all the digits in the integer.
Test Data
Input an integer between 0 and 1000: 565
Expected Output :
The sum of all digits in 565 is 16
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4. Convert Minutes to Years and Days
Write a Java program to convert minutes into years and days.
Test Data
Input the number of minutes: 3456789
Expected Output :
3456789 minutes is approximately 6 years and 210 days
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5. Display Current Time in GMT
Write a Java program that prints the current time in GMT.
Test Data
Input the time zone offset to GMT: 256
Expected Output:
Current time is 23:40:24
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6. Compute BMI
Write a Java program to compute the body mass index (BMI).
Test Data
Input weight in pounds: 452
Input height in inches: 72
Expected Output:
Body Mass Index is 61.30159143458721
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7. Calculate Speeds (m/s, km/h, mph)
Write a Java program to take the user for a distance (in meters) and the time taken (as three numbers: hours, minutes, seconds), and display the speed, in meters per second, kilometers per hour and miles per hour (hint: 1 mile = 1609 meters).
Test Data
Input distance in meters: 2500
Input hour: 5
Input minutes: 56
Input seconds: 23
Expected Output :
Your speed in meters/second is 0.11691531
Your speed in km/h is 0.42089513
Your speed in miles/h is 0.26158804
8. Compute Square, Cube, and Fourth Power
Write a Java program that reads a number and displays the square, cube, and fourth power.
Expected Output:Square: .2f
Cube: .2f
Fourth power: 50625.00
9. Arithmetic Operations on Two Integers
Write a Java program that accepts two integers from the user and prints the sum, the difference, the product, the average, the distance (the difference between the integers), the maximum (the largest of the two integers), and the minimum (the smallest of the two integers).
Test Data
Input 1st integer: 25
Input 2nd integer: 5
Expected Output :
Sum of two integers: 30
Difference of two integers: 20
Product of two integers: 125
Average of two integers: 15.00
Distance of two integers: 20
Max integer: 25
Min integer: 5
10. Break Integer into Digits
Write a Java program to break an integer into a sequence of digits.
Test Data
Input six non-negative digits: 123456
Expected Output :
1 2 3 4 5 6
11. Check Finite Floating-Point Value
Write a Java program to test whether a given double/float value is a finite floating-point value or not.
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12. Compare Signed and Unsigned Numbers
Write a Java program to compare two signed and unsigned numbers.
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13. Compute Floor Division and Modulus
Write a Java program to compute the floor division and floor modulus of the given dividend and divisor.
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14. Extract Primitive Value from BigInteger
Write a Java program to extract the primitive type value from a given BigInteger value.
A primitive type is predefined by the language and is named by a reserved keyword. Primitive values do not share state with other primitive values. The eight primitive data types supported by the Java programming language are byte, short, int, long, float, double, Boolean and char.
BigInteger() translates the sign-magnitude representation of a BigInteger into a BigInteger. The sign is represented as an integer signum value: -1 for negative, 0 for zero, or 1 for positive. The magnitude is a byte array in big-endian byte-order: the most significant byte is in the zeroth element. A zero-length magnitude array is permissible, and will result in a BigInteger value of 0, whether signum is -1, 0 or 1.
15. Next Floating-Point Adjacent to Infinity
Write a Java program to get the next floating-point adjacent to positive and negative infinity from a given floating/double number.
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