
Java Generic Methods - Exercises, Practices, Solutions

This resource offers a total of 35 Java Generic Method problems for practice. It includes 7 main exercises, each accompanied by solutions, detailed explanations, and four related problems.

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Generic Methods:

Generic methods are methods that introduce their own type parameters. This is similar to declaring a generic type, but the type parameter's scope is limited to the method where it is declared. Static and non-static generic methods are allowed, as well as generic class constructors.

The syntax for a generic method includes a list of type parameters, inside angle brackets, which appears before the method's return type. For static generic methods, the type parameter section must appear before the method's return type

1. Write a Java program to create a generic method that takes two arrays of the same type and checks if they have the same elements in the same order.

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2. Write a Java program to create a generic method that takes a list of numbers and returns the sum of all the even and odd numbers.

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3. Write a Java program to create a generic method that takes a list of any type and a target element. It returns the index of the first occurrence of the target element in the list. Return -1 if the target element cannot be found.

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4. Write a Java program to create a generic method that takes a list of any type and returns it as a new list with the elements in reverse order.

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5. Write a Java program to create a generic method that takes two lists of the same type and merges them into a single list. This method alternates the elements of each list.

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6. Write a Java program to create a generic method that takes a list of any type and a predicate. It returns an array list containing only elements that satisfy the predicate.

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7. Write a Java program to create a generic method that takes a map of any type and prints each key-value pair.

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