
Java Math: Exercises, Practice, Solution

This resource offers a total of 145 Java Math problems for practice. It includes 29 main exercises, each accompanied by solutions, detailed explanations, and four related problems.

[An Editor is available at the bottom of the page to write and execute the scripts.]

1. Round Up Integer Division

Write a Java program to round up integer division results.
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2. Split Whole and Fractional Parts

Write a Java program to get whole and fractional parts from a double value.
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3. Check if Double is Integer

Write a Java program to test if a double number is an integer.
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4. Round Float to Specified Decimals

Write a Java program to round a float number to specified decimals.
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5. Count Absolute Distinct Values in Array

Write a Java program to count the absolute distinct value in an array.
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6. Reverse an Integer

Write a Java program to reverse an integer number.
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7. Roman to Integer Conversion

Write a Java program to convert a Roman number to an integer number.
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8. Integer to Absolute Value

Write a Java program to convert an integer value to an absolute value.
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9. Float to Absolute Value

Write a Java program to convert a floating value to an absolute value.
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10. Round Float Value

Write a Java program to accept a float value of a number and return a rounded float value.
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11. Check for 15 Condition

Write a Java program to accept two integers and return true if either is 15 or if their sum or difference is 15.
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12. Count Primes Below Number

Write a Java program to count the number of prime numbers less than a given positive number.
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13. Longest Binary Zero Sequence

Write a Java program to find the length of the longest sequence of zeros in binary representation of an integer.
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14. Babylonian Square Root

Write a Java program to find the square root of a number using the Babylonian method.
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15. Multiply Without Operators

Write a Java program to multiply two integers without multiplication, division, bitwise operators, and loops.
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16. Power Without Multiplication or Division

Write a Java program to calculate power of a number without using multiplication(*) and division(/) operators.
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17. Stream Average Calculation

Write a Java program to calculate and print the average (or mean) of the stream of given numbers.
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18. Count Numbers Without 7

Write a Java program to count numbers without 7 from 1 to a given number.
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19. Generate Magic Square

Write a Java program to generate a magic square of order n (all row, column, and diagonal sums are equal).
From Wikipedia,
In recreational mathematics and combinatorial design, a magic square is a n x n square grid (where n is the number of cells on each side) filled with distinct positive integers in the range 1, 2, ..., n2 such that each cell contains a different integer and the sum of the integers in each row, column and diagonal is equal. The sum is called the magic constant or magic sum of the magic square. A square grid with n cells on each side is said to have order n.
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20. Sieve of Eratosthenes for Primes

In mathematics, the sieve of Eratosthenes is an ancient algorithm for finding all prime numbers up to any given limit.
Write a Java program to print all primes smaller than or equal to any given number.
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21. Max Distinct Prime Factors in Range

Write a Java program to find the number with the maximum number of distinct prime factors in a given range.
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22. Next Smallest Palindrome

Write a Java program to find the next smallest palindrome.
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23. Evaluate Polynomial Efficiently

A fast scheme for evaluating a polynomial such as:
-19+ 7x- 4x2 + 6x3
is to arrange the computation as follows:((((0)x+6)x+(-4))x+7)x+(-19)
Write a Java program to compute the result from the innermost brackets.
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24. Calculate Binomial Coefficient

Write a Java program to calculate the Binomial Coefficient of two positive numbers.
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25. Taylor Series for e^x

Write a Java program to calculate e raise to the power x using the sum of the first n terms of the Taylor Series.
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26. Prime Factors of Number

Write a Java program to print all the prime factors of a given number.
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27. Check Fibonacci Number

Write a Java program to check if a given number is a Fibonacci number or not.
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28. Excel Column from Number

Write a Java program to find the Excel column name that corresponds to a given column number (integer value).
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29. Angle Between Clock Hands

Write a Java program to find the angle between the hour and minute hands.
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