C#: Accept the members of a list and display the members more than a specific value
Write a program in C# Sharp to accept list members through the keyboard and display them more than a specific value.
Sample Solution:
C# Sharp Code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
class LinqExercise10
static void Main(string[] args)
int i = 0; // Initializing a variable i with value 0
int memlist, n, m; // Declaring variables to store list members, count, and comparison value
List<int> templist = new List<int>(); // Creating a new list of integers named templist
Console.Write("\nLINQ : Accept the members of a list and display the members more than a specific value : ");
Console.Write("Input the number of members on the List : ");
n = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); // Accepting the number of members for the list
// Loop to input list members based on user input count 'n'
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
Console.Write("Member {0} : ", i);
memlist = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
templist.Add(memlist); // Adding each member to the templist
Console.Write("\nInput the value above which you want to display the members of the List : ");
m = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); // Accepting a value to filter the list
// Creating FilterList to store numbers greater than 'm' using FindAll method
List<int> FilterList = templist.FindAll(x => x > m ? true : false);
Console.WriteLine("\nThe numbers greater than {0} are : ", m);
// Displaying numbers in FilterList greater than 'm' using foreach loop
foreach (var num in FilterList)
Console.ReadLine(); // Allowing the user to view the output before closing the console
Sample Output:
LINQ : Accept the members of a list and display the members more than a specific value : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Input the number of members on the List : 5 Member 0 : 10 Member 1 : 20 Member 2 : 30 Member 3 : 40 Member 4 : 50 Input the value above you want to display the members of the List : 20 The numbers greater than 20 are : 30 40 50
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