C#: Find the string which starts and ends with a specific character
Write a program in C# Sharp to find a string that starts and ends with a specific character.
Sample Solution:
C# Sharp Code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
class LinqExercise8
static void Main(string[] args)
string chst, chen; // Declaring variables to store starting and ending characters
char ch; // Declaring a variable to temporarily store a character input
string[] cities = // Array containing city names
Console.Write("\nLINQ : Find the string which starts and ends with a specific character : ");
Console.Write("\nInput starting character for the string : ");
ch = (char)Console.Read(); // Accepting input for starting character
chst = ch.ToString(); // Converting the character input to a string
Console.Write("\nInput ending character for the string : ");
ch = (char)Console.Read(); // Accepting input for ending character
chen = ch.ToString(); // Converting the character input to a string
var _result = from x in cities // LINQ query to filter cities based on starting and ending characters
where x.StartsWith(chst)
where x.EndsWith(chen)
select x;
foreach(var city in _result) // Looping through the filtered cities and displaying them
Console.Write("The city starting with {0} and ending with {1} is : {2} \n", chst, chen, city);
Console.ReadLine(); // Allowing the user to view the output before closing the console
Sample Output:
LINQ : Find the string which starts and ends with a specific character : ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The cities are : 'ROME','LONDON','NAIROBI','CALIFORNIA','ZURICH','NEW DELHI','AMSTERDAM','ABU DHABI','PARIS' Input starting character for the string : N Input ending character for the string : I The city starting with N and ending with I is : NAIROBI The city starting with N and ending with I is : NEW DELHI
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