JavaFX UI Components Exercises and Solutions
JavaFx User Interface Components Exercises [21 exercises with solution]
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Buttons and Labels:
1. Write a JavaFX application with a button that changes the label text when clicked. Initially, the label should display "JavaFX!" When the button is clicked, change the label text to "Button Clicked!".
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2. Write a JavaFX program with two buttons. When the first button is clicked, the label should display "Button-1 clicked." Similarly, clicking the second button should change the label to "Button-2 clicked".
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3. Write a JavaFX application with a label and a button. Initially, the label should be empty. When the button is clicked, set the label text to a random number between 1 and 10.
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TextFields and PasswordFields:
4. Write a JavaFX application with a text field and a button. When text is entered in the field and the button is pressed, display the entered text in a label.
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5. Write a login form using JavaFX with username and password fields. Add a "Login" button. When the button is pressed, validate the entered username and password, and display a success or failure message.
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6. Write a JavaFX program with two password fields. When the user enters a password in both fields and presses a button, check if the passwords match and display a message accordingly.
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ChoiceBox and ComboBox:
7. Write an JavaFx application that creates a ChoiceBox with a list of colors. When a color is selected, display it in a label or change the background color of a rectangle to the selected color.
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8. Write a JavaFX application that uses a ComboBox to choose a month (e.g., January, February). When a month is selected, display the number of days in that month.
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9. Write a JavaFX application that builds a country selection form using a ChoiceBox or ComboBox. Populate the dropdown with a list of countries, and when a country is selected, display its capital in a label.
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CheckBox and RadioButton:
10. Write a JavaFX application with multiple CheckBox options (e.g., "Red," "Green"). Display a label showing the selected options when checkboxes are clicked.
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11. Write a JavaFX preference form using RadioButton options for choosing a Boolean value (e.g., "True," "False"). Display a message based on the selected value.
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12. Write a JavaFX food ordering application using CheckBox options for different food items (e.g., "Burger," "Pizza"). Calculate the total cost based on the selected items.
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ToggleButton and ToggleGroup:
13. Write a JavaFX application with two ToggleButtons that act as radio buttons. When one is selected, the other should be deselected. Display a label indicating the selected button.
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14. Write a JavaFX preference form with ToggleButtons to choose a color (e.g., "Red," "Green"). Ensure only one color can be selected at a time and display the chosen color.
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15. Write a JavaFX application for choosing a wireless mode using ToggleButtons (e.g., "Bluetooth," "WiFi," "hot-spot"). Highlight the selected wireless mode.
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Sliders and ProgressBars:
16. Write a JavaFX program with a slider that controls the radius of a circle. Display the width value using a label.
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17. Write a JavaFX media player interface with a slider to control playback progress. When the slider is moved, update the video or audio progress. Integration of media libraries is required to create a full-fledged JavaFX media player interface with video and audio playback. So create a simplified example that demonstrates how to implement a JavaFX interface with a slider to control progress. Use a dummy label to represent playback progress.
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18. Write a JavaFX program to build a download manager application with a ProgressBar to show download progress. When a download is in progress, update the ProgressBar accordingly.
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TextArea and ListView:
19. Write a JavaFX application with a TextArea and a button. When text is entered in the TextArea and the button is pressed, display the entered text in a ListView.
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20. Write a JavaFX program to develop a to-do list application using a ListView. Allow users to add, remove, and edit items in the list.
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21. Write a JavaFX program to build a chat application with a ListView for displaying messages. Allow users to enter and send messages using a TextArea. Messages should be added to the ListView when sent.
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