
JavaFX Basic Exercises and Solutions

JavaFx Basic Exercises [10 exercises with solution]

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Each of these exercises introduces essential JavaFX concepts and can serve as a stepping stone for users to learn more about the framework.

1. Write a JavaFX application that displays a "Hello, JavaFX!" message in a window. Your system's Java and JavaFX versions are displayed as well.
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2. Write a JavaFX application that creates a button. On clicking the button, display an alert.
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3. Write a JavaFX application with multiple components (buttons, labels, text fields) arranged in a VBox or HBox layout.
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4. Write a JavaFX application with a text input field and a button. When the button is clicked, display the text entered in the input field in a label.
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5. Write a JavaFX application that creates a ChoiceBox with a list of colors. Display a label that changes its text based on the selected color from the ChoiceBox.
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6. Write a JavaFX application that loads an image and displays it in a JavaFX window.
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7. Write a JavaFX application that creates a basic calculator application that can add, subtract, multiply, and divide two numbers entered by the user.
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8. Write a JavaFX application that applies CSS styles to change the appearance of buttons and labels.
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9. Write a JavaFX application with a circle that changes its color when clicked.
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10. Write a JavaFX application that animates a shape (e.g., a circle) to move across the window in response to a button click.
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