
Java: Calculate speed in meters per second, kilometers and miles per hour

Calculate Speeds (m/s, km/h, mph)

Write a Java program to take the user for a distance (in meters) and the time taken (as three numbers: hours, minutes, seconds), and display the speed, in meters per second, kilometers per hour and miles per hour (hint: 1 mile = 1609 meters).

Test Data
Input distance in meters: 2500
Input hour: 5
Input minutes: 56
Input seconds: 23

Java datatype Exercises: Calculate  speed in meters per second, kilometers and miles per hour

Sample Solution:

Java Code:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Exercise7 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
		Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); 

		float timeSeconds;
		float mps,kph, mph;

		System.out.print("Input distance in meters: ");
		float distance = scanner.nextFloat();

		System.out.print("Input hour: ");
		float hr = scanner.nextFloat();

		System.out.print("Input minutes: ");
		float min = scanner.nextFloat();

		System.out.print("Input seconds: ");
		float sec = scanner.nextFloat();

		timeSeconds = (hr*3600) + (min*60) + sec;
		mps = distance / timeSeconds;
		kph = ( distance/1000.0f ) / ( timeSeconds/3600.0f );
		mph = kph / 1.609f;

		System.out.println("Your speed in meters/second is "+mps);
		System.out.println("Your speed in km/h is "+kph);
		System.out.println("Your speed in miles/h is "+mph);


Sample Output:

Input distance in meters: 2500                                                                                
Input hour: 5                                                                                                 
Input minutes: 56                                                                                             
Input seconds: 23                                                                                             
Your speed in meters/second is 0.11691531                                                                     
Your speed in km/h is 0.42089513                                                                              
Your speed in miles/h is 0.26158804


Flowchart: Java Data Type Exercises - Calculate  speed in meters per second, kilometers and miles per hour

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Write a Java program to calculate speeds in m/s, km/h, and mph from a distance and time input, and then determine which speed unit is the fastest.
  • Write a Java program to compute speeds where time is given in a single total seconds value, then convert it to hours, minutes, and seconds before calculation.
  • Write a Java program to calculate speeds using user-defined conversion factors read from a configuration file.
  • Write a Java program to simulate a speed test where multiple distance and time measurements are processed and the average speed in each unit is computed.

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