
SQL Exercises with Solution - VIEW

SQL [16 exercises with solution]

1. From the following table, create a view for those salespeople who belong to the city of New York. 

Sample table: salesman

Sample Output:

sqlpractice=# select * from newyorkstaff;
 salesman_id |    name    |   city   | commission
        5001 | James Hoog | New York |       0.15
(1 row)

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2. From the following table, create a view for all salespersons. Return salesperson ID, name, and city.  

Sample table: salesman


sqlpractice=# SELECT *
sqlpractice-# FROM salesown;
 salesman_id |     name     |   city
        5002 | Nail Knite   | Paris
        5005 | Pit Alex     | London
        5006 | Mc Lyon      | Paris
        5003 | Lauson Hense |
        5001 | James Hoog   | New York
        5007 | Paul Adam    | London
(6 rows)

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3. From the following table, create a view to locate the salespeople in the city 'New York'.

Sample table: salesman


sqlpractice=# SELECT *
sqlpractice-# FROM newyorkstaff
sqlpractice-# WHERE commission > .13;
 salesman_id | name       |   city   | commission
        5001 | James Hoog | New York |       0.15
(1 row)

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4. From the following table, create a view that counts the number of customers in each grade.  

Sample table: customer


sqlpractice=# SELECT *
sqlpractice-# FROM gradecount
sqlpractice-# WHERE number = 2;
 grade | number
       |      2
   200 |      2
   300 |      2
(3 rows)

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5. From the following table, create a view to count the number of unique customers, compute the average and the total purchase amount of customer orders by each date.

Sample table : orders


sqlpractice=# SELECT *
sqlpractice-# FROM totalforday;
  ord_date  | count |          avg          |   sum
 2012-04-25 |     1 | 3045.6000000000000000 | 3045.60
 2012-06-27 |     1 |  250.4500000000000000 |  250.45
 2012-07-27 |     1 | 2400.6000000000000000 | 2400.60
 2012-08-17 |     3 |   95.2633333333333333 |  285.79
 2012-09-10 |     3 | 2326.3833333333333333 | 6979.15
 2012-09-22 |     1 |  322.0000000000000000 |  322.00
 2012-10-05 |     2 |  132.6300000000000000 |  265.26
 2012-10-10 |     2 | 2231.9150000000000000 | 4463.83
(8 rows)

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6. From the following tables, create a view to get the salesperson and customer by name. Return order name, purchase amount, salesperson ID, name, customer name.

Sample table: salesman

Sample table: customer

Sample table: orders


sqlpractice=# SELECT *
sqlpractice-# FROM nameorders
sqlpractice-# WHERE name = 'Mc Lyon';
 ord_no | purch_amt | salesman_id |  name   |   cust_name
  70010 |   1983.43 |        5006 | Mc Lyon | Fabian Johnson
  70015 |    322.00 |        5006 | Mc Lyon | Varun
(2 rows)

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7. From the following table, create a view to find the salesperson who handles a customer who makes the highest order of the day. Return order date, salesperson ID, name.

Sample table: salesman

Sample table: orders


sqlpractice=# SELECT *
sqlpractice-# FROM elitsalesman;
  ord_date  | salesman_id |     name
 2012-08-17 |        5003 | Lauson Hense
 2012-07-27 |        5001 | James Hoog 
 2012-09-10 |        5001 | James Hoog 
 2012-10-10 |        5003 | Lauson Hense
 2012-06-27 |        5002 | Nail Knite
 2012-04-25 |        5001 | James Hoog 
 2012-10-05 |        5002 | Nail Knite
 2012-09-22 |        5006 | Mc Lyon
(8 rows)

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8. From the following table, create a view to find the salesperson who deals with the customer with the highest order at least three times per day. Return salesperson ID and name.

Sample table: customer

Sample table: elitsalesman


sqlpractice=# SELECT *
sqlpractice-# FROM incentive;
 salesman_id | name
        5001 | James Hoog 
(1 row)

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9. From the following table, create a view to find all the customers who have the highest grade. Return all the fields of customer.

Sample table: customer


sqlex=# select * from highgrade;
 customer_id |   cust_name    |  city  | grade | salesman_id 
        3008 | Julian Green   | London |   300 |        5002
        3004 | Fabian Johnson | Paris  |   300 |        5006
(2 rows)

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10. From the following table, create a view to count the number of salespeople in each city. Return city, number of salespersons.

Sample table: salesman


sqlpractice-# FROM citynum;
   city   | count
 London   |     1
 New York |     1
 Paris    |     2
 Rome     |     1
          |     1
(5 rows)

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11. From the following table, create a view to compute the average purchase amount and total purchase amount for each salesperson. Return name, average purchase and total purchase amount. (Assume all names are unique.).

Sample table: salesman

Sample table: orders


sqlpractice=# SELECT *
sqlpractice-# FROM norders;
     name     |          avg          |   sum
 Mc Lyon      | 1152.7150000000000000 |  2305.43
 James Hoog   | 2817.8650000000000000 | 11271.46
 Pit Alex     |  270.6500000000000000 |   270.65
 Lauson Hense | 1295.4500000000000000 |  2590.90
 Paul Adam    |   87.6450000000000000 |   175.29
 Nail Knite   |  466.3166666666666667 |  1398.95
(6 rows)

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12. From the following table, create a view to identify salespeople who work with multiple clients. Return all the fields of salesperson.

Sample table: salesman

Sample table: customer


sqlpractice=# SELECT *
sqlpractice-# FROM mcustomer;
 salesman_id |     name     |   city   | commission
        5002 | Nail Knite   | Paris    |       0.13
        5001 | James Hoog   | New York |       0.15
(2 rows)

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13. From the following table, create a view that shows all matching customers with salespeople, ensuring that at least one customer in the city of the customer is served by the salesperson in the city of the salesperson.

Sample table: salesman

Sample table: customer


sqlpractice=# SELECT *
sqlpractice-# FROM citymatch;
  custcity  | salescity
 Seattle    | Paris
 Moscow     | Rome
 New York   | New York
 NC         |
 Paris      | Paris

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14. From the following table, create a view to display the number of orders per day. Return order date and number of orders.

Sample table: orders


sqlpractice=# SELECT *
sqlpractice-# FROM dateord;
  ord_date  | odcount
 2012-10-05 |       2
 2012-08-17 |       3
 2012-07-27 |       1
 2012-09-22 |       1

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15. From the following table, create a view to find the salespeople who placed orders on October 10th, 2012. Return all the fields of salesperson.

Sample table: salesman

Sample table: orders


sqlpractice=# SELECT *
sqlpractice-# FROM salesmanonoct;
 salesman_id |     name     | city  | commission
        5006 | Mc Lyon      | Paris |       0.14
        5003 | Lauson Hense |       |       0.12
(2 rows)

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16. From the following table, create a view to find the salespersons who issued orders on either August 17th, 2012 or October 10th, 2012. Return salesperson ID, order number and customer ID.

Sample table: orders


sqlpractice=# SELECT *
sqlpractice-# FROM sorder;
 salesman_id | ord_no | customer_id
        5003 |  70004 |        3009
        5006 |  70010 |        3004
        5003 |  70003 |        3009
        5007 |  70011 |        3003
        5007 |  70014 |        3005
(5 rows)

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Query visualizations are generated using Postgres Explain Visualizer (pev)

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