SQL Exercises: View to show the number of orders in each day
14. From the following table, create a view to display the number of orders per day. Return order date and number of orders.
Sample table: orders
Sample Solution:
-- Creating a VIEW named 'dateord' with columns 'ord_date' and 'odcount'
CREATE VIEW dateord(ord_date, odcount)
-- Selecting distinct order dates and counting the number of orders for each date
-- Using the 'orders' table and grouping by 'ord_date'
AS SELECT ord_date, COUNT (*)
FROM orders
GROUP BY ord_date;
sqlpractice=# SELECT * sqlpractice-# FROM dateord; ord_date | odcount ------------+--------- 2012-10-05 | 2 2012-08-17 | 3 2012-07-27 | 1 2012-09-22 | 1 2012-09-10 | 3 2012-10-10 | 2 2012-06-27 | 1 2012-04-25 | 1 (8 rows)
Code Explanation:
The provided statement in SQL creates a view named dateord, which returns the count of orders placed on each unique order date.
The COUNT function have used to return the total number of orders on each unique order date.
Then groups the results by the ord_date column and returns the count of orders for each unique order date.
Inventory database model:
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Next SQL Exercise: View to show the salesmen issued orders on given date.
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