
SQL Data Definition Language (DDL) Exercises with Solutions

SQL Data Definition Language (DDL) exercises with solutions [15 exercises with solution]

1. Create a Table

Write a SQL query to create a table with specific columns and constraints.

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2. Add a New Column

Write a SQL query to add a new column to an existing table.

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3. Modify a Column's Data Type

Write a SQL query to change the data type of an existing column in a table.

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4. Drop a Column

Write a SQL query to remove a column from an existing table.

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5. Add a Unique Constraint

Write a SQL query to add a unique constraint to a column in an existing table.

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6. Add a Foreign Key

Write a SQL query to create a foreign key relationship between two tables.

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7. Drop a Table

Write a SQL query to permanently delete a table and all its data.

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8. Truncate a Table

Write a SQL query to remove all rows from a table while retaining its structure.

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9. Create an Index

Write a SQL query to create an index on a column to improve query performance.

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10. Drop an Index

Write a SQL query to remove an index from a table.

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11. Rename a Table

Write a SQL query to rename an existing table.

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12. Add a Default Value

Write a SQL query to assign a default value to a column in an existing table.

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13. Remove a Constraint

Write a SQL query to remove a constraint from an existing table.

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14. Create a Schema

Write a SQL query to create a new schema in the database.

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15. Move a Table to a Schema

Write a SQL query to move a table from one schema to another.

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