SQL Exercises, Solution - SQL User Management
SQL User Management: 16 Exercise with Solution
1. How to create a user on localhost.
create user [user name]@[<localhost>|<IP address>|<any host('%')>] identified by ["password"];
create user ramaswamy@localhost identified by "mypassword";
- 'ramaswamy' is the user name
- 'localhost' is the machine name, here same machine
- 'mypassword' is the password
2. How to create a user for an IP address other than localhost.
create user [user name]@[<localhost>|<IP address>|<any host('%')>] identified by ["password"];
create user [email protected] identified by "mypassword";
- 'ramaswamy' is the user name
- '' is the IP address
- 'mypassword' is the password
3. How to grant permission to a user to select only from localhost.
Syntax :
grant [<permission_1,permission_2,...permission_n>|<all>] on [database].[<table_name>|<all_tables(*)>] to [user name]@[<localhost>|<IP address>|<any host('%')>] identified by ["password"];
Example :
grant select on posts.* to ramaswamy@localhost identified by 'mypassword';
flush privileges;
- 'select' is permission name
- 'posts' is the database name
- '*' is used for all tables in the database
- 'ramaswamy' is the user name
- 'localhost' is the machine name, here same machine
- 'mypassword' is the password
4. How to grant a user permission to create, insert, update, delete and create temporary tables from localhost.
Syntax :
grant [<permission_1,permission_2,...permission_n>|<all>] on [database].[<table_name>|<all_tables(*)>] to [user name]@[<localhost>|<IP address>|<any host('%')>] identified by ["password"];
Example :
grant select, create, insert, update, delete, create temporary tables on posts.* to amit@localhost identified by 'mypassword'; flush privileges;
- 'select','create','insert','update','delete','create temporary tables' are the permission name
- 'posts' is the database name
- '*' is used for all tables in the database
- 'amit' is the user name
- 'localhost' is the machine name, here same machine
- 'mypassword' is the password
5. How to grant a user permission to create, insert, update, delete and create temporary tables from any host.
Syntax :
grant [<permission_1,permission_2,...permission_n>|<all>] on [database].[<table_name>|<all_tables(*)>] to [user name]@[<localhost>|<IP address>|<any host('%')>] identified by ["password"];
Example :
grant select, create, insert, update, delete, create temporary tables on posts.*
to amit@'%' identified by 'mypassword';
flush privileges;
- 'select','create','insert','update','delete','create temporary tables' are the permission name
- 'posts' is the database name
- '*' is used for all tables in the database
- 'amit' is the user name
- '%' is used for any host
- 'mypassword' is the password
6. How to grant a user permission to select only from any host but to a specific table of a database.
Syntax :
grant [<permission_1,permission_2,...permission_n>|<all>] on [database].[<table_name>|<all_tables(*)>] to [user name]@[<localhost>|<IP address>|<any host('%')>] identified by ["password"];
Example :
grant select on posts.url_master to jhon@'%' identified by 'mypassword';
flush privileges;
- 'select' is the permission name
- 'posts' is the database name
- 'url_master' is the table name in the database 'posts'
- 'jhon' is the user name
- '%' is used for any host
- 'mypassword' is the password
7. How to grant all privileges to a user from all machines.
Syntax :
grant [<permission_1,permission_2,...permission_n>|<all>] on [database].[<table_name>|<all_tables(*)>] to [user name]@[<localhost>|<IP address>|<any host('%')>] identified by ["password"];
Example :
grant all on posts.* to joy@'%' identified by 'mypassword';
flush privileges;
- 'all' is used for all the permission
- 'posts' is the database name
- '*' is used for all tables in the database
- 'joy' is the user name
- '%' is used for any host
- 'mypassword' is the password
8. How to revoke all privileges from a user.
Syntax :
revoke [<permission_1,permission_2,...permission_n>|<all privileges>] on [database].[<table_name>|<all_tables(*)>] from [user name]@[<localhost>|<IP address>|<any host('%')>];
Example :
revoke all privileges on posts.* from joy@'%';
flush privileges;
- 'all privileges' is used for all the permission
- 'posts' is the database name
- '*' is used for all tables in the database
- 'joy' is the user name
- '%' is used for any host
9. How to revoke specific privilege from a user.
Syntax :
revoke [<permission_1,permission_2,...permission_n>|<all privileges>] on [database].[<table_name>|<all_tables(*)>] from [user name]@[<localhost>|<IP address>|<any host('%')>];
Example :
revoke select on posts.* from joy@'%';
flush privileges;
- 'select' is permission name
- 'posts' is the database name
- '*' is used for all tables in the database
- 'joy' is the user name
- '%' is used for any host
10. How to check permissions granted to a specific user.
Example :
show grants for amit;
11. How to check the list of system privileges that the MySQL server supports.
Example :
show privileges;
12. How to Grant permission to a user so that (s)he can execute not more than a specific number of queries in an hour.
Example :
create user steffi@localhost identified by 'mypassword';
grant select on posts.* to steffi@localhost
identified by 'mypassword' with MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR 50;
flush privileges;
13. How to Grant permission to a user so that (s)he can execute not more than a specific number of queries in an hour.
Example :
set password for steffi@localhost = password('mypassword123');
14. How to delete user.
Example :
drop user steffi@'localhost';
15. How to rename a user.
Example :
rename user amit@localhost to sumit@localhost;
16. How to create a user and granting no privileges
Example :
grant usage on posts.* to boris@localhost identified by 'mypassword';
Note : Command shown as solution is executed successfully on MySQL Server 5.6
Previous: Write a query to create a view that find the salesmen who issued orders on either August 17th, 2012 or October 10th, 2012.
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