SQL Exercises, Practice, Solution - exercises on AdventureWorks Database
SQL Queries of AdventureWorks Database:
The AdventureWorks Database is a Microsoft product sample that provides an example of an online transaction processing (OLTP) database. Adventure Works Cycles is a fictitious multinational manufacturing company that is supported by the AdventureWorks Database.
List of Schemas and Tables and ER Diagram in the AdventureWorks database:
Schema: humanresources
E R Diagram of humanresources Schema:
![Adventureworks humanresources schema](https://www.w3resource.com/w3r_images/adventureworks-humanresources.png)
Schema: person
- address
- addresstype
- businessentity
- businessentityaddress
- businessentitycontact
- contacttype
- countryregion
- emailaddress
- person
- personphone
- phonenumbertype
- stateprovince
E R Diagram of person Schema:
![Adventureworks person schema](https://www.w3resource.com/w3r_images/adventureworks-person.png)
Schema: production
- location
- illustration
- productcategory
- productcosthistory
- productlistpricehistory
- productmodelproductdescriptionculture
- productreview
- scrapreason
- productsubcategory
- transactionhistory
- transactionhistoryarchive
- productmodelillustration
- unitmeasure
- productmodel
- workorderrouting
- billofmaterials
- productdescription
- productdocument
- culture
- product
- productphoto
- productinventory
- productproductphoto
- workorder
E R Diagram of production Schema:
![Adventureworks production schema](https://www.w3resource.com/w3r_images/adventureworks-production.png)
Schema: purchasing
E R Diagram of purchasing Schema:
![Adventureworks purchasing schema](https://www.w3resource.com/w3r_images/adventureworks-purchasing.png)
Schema: sales
- salesorderheadersalesreason
- customer
- countryregioncurrency
- currencyrate
- creditcard
- specialoffer
- specialofferproduct
- currency
- store
- personcreditcard
- salestaxrate
- salespersonquotahistory
- salesreason
- salesterritoryhistory
- salesterritory
- salesperson
- salesorderheader
- salesorderdetail
- shoppingcartitem
E R Diagram of sales Schema:
![Adventureworks sales schema](https://www.w3resource.com/w3r_images/adventureworks-sales.png)
Download Postgre verseion of AdventureWorks Database. Clickhere.
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