
MySQL TIME() function

TIME() function

MySQL TIME() extracts the time part of a time or datetime expression as string format. It allows to work specifically with the time component of a datetime, which can be very useful in various scenarios.

This function is useful in -

  • TIME() can be used to format and present the time component of a datetime value in a custom way.
  • TIME() is valuable for filtering records or data based on time criteria, such as selecting records within a specific time range.
  • It's useful for displaying only the time part of a datetime value when presenting data to users or in reports.
  • It allows you to perform time-based operations, such as comparing times, calculating durations, or performing time-based arithmetic.
  • TIME() is used in time series analysis to work specifically with the time component of datetime values.
  • It can be used to extract and display the time when certain events or records were created or updated.
  • The function supports various time-related calculations, such as finding the time difference between two events.



Where expr is a datetime.

Syntax Diagram:

MySQL TIME() Function - Syntax Diagram

MySQL Version: 8.0

Pictorial Presentation:

Pictorial Presentation of MySQL TIME() function


The following statement will return the time portion from the given date-time value 2009-05-18 15:45:57.005678.


SELECT TIME('2009-05-18 15:45:57.005678');


mysql> SELECT TIME('2009-05-18 15:45:57.005678');
| TIME('2009-05-18 15:45:57.005678') |
| 15:45:57.005678                    | 
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

Video Presentation:

All Date and Time Functions:

Click here to see the MySQL Date and time functions.

Previous: TIME_TO_SEC()

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