
C#: Structure declare using default and parameterized constructors

Write a program in C# Sharp to demonstrates structure initialization using both default and parameterized constructors.

Sample Solution:-

C# Sharp Code:

using System;

// Declaration of a public structure named newStruct
public struct newStruct
    public int m, n; // Public fields 'm' and 'n' within the structure

    // Parameterized constructor for the newStruct
    public newStruct(int pt1, int pt2)
        m = pt1; // Initializing 'm' with the value of pt1
        n = pt2; // Initializing 'n' with the value of pt2

// Main class
class strucExer7
    // Main method
    static void Main()
        // Displaying a message indicating the usage of default and parameterized constructors in a structure
        Console.Write("\n\nStructure declares using default and parameterized constructors :\n");

        // Creating instances of newStruct using default and parameterized constructors
        newStruct myPoint1 = new newStruct(); // Using default constructor (fields initialized to default values)
        newStruct myPoint2 = new newStruct(25, 25); // Using parameterized constructor

        // Displaying the values of fields m and n for myPoint1 and myPoint2 instances
        Console.Write("\nnewStruct 1: ");
        Console.WriteLine("m = {0}, n = {1}", myPoint1.m, myPoint1.n);

        Console.Write("newStruct 2: ");
        Console.WriteLine("m = {0}, n = {1}", myPoint2.m, myPoint2.n);

        Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to exit.");

Sample Output:

Structure declares using default and parameterized constructors :                                                
newStruct 1: m = 0, n = 0                                                                                     
newStruct 2: m = 25, n = 25                                                                                        
Press any key to exit.


Flowchart: Structure declare using default and parameterized constructors.

C# Sharp Code Editor:

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Previous: Write a program in C# Sharp to declares a structure with a property, a method, and a private field.
Next: Write a program in C# Sharp to demonstrates structure ure initialization without using the new operator.

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