
C#: Create a nested structure and store data in an array

Write a C# Sharp program to create a nested struct that stores two data for an employee.

Sample Solution:-

C# Sharp Code:

using System;

class strucExer3
    // Definition of the employee structure
    struct employee
        public string eName; // Member to store employee name
        public dtObirth Date; // Member to store date of birth (nested structure)

    // Definition of the dtObirth structure (nested within the employee structure)
    struct dtObirth
        public int Day; // Member to store day
        public int Month; // Member to store month
        public int Year; // Member to store year

    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Declaration of variables to store day, month, year, and total employees
        int dd = 0, mm = 0, yy = 0;
        int total = 2;

        // Displaying a message indicating the process to create a nested structure and store data in an array
        Console.Write("\n\nCreate a nested structure and store data in an array :\n");

        // Array to store employees
        employee[] emp = new employee[total];

        // Loop to input data for multiple employees
        for (int i = 0; i < total; i++)
            // Input employee name
            Console.Write("Name of the employee : ");
            string nm = Console.ReadLine();
            emp[i].eName = nm;

            // Input day of birth
            Console.Write("Input day of the birth : ");
            dd = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
            emp[i].Date.Day = dd;

            // Input month of birth
            Console.Write("Input month of the birth : ");
            mm = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
            emp[i].Date.Month = mm;

            // Input year of birth
            Console.Write("Input year for the birth : ");
            yy = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
            emp[i].Date.Year = yy;

Sample Output:

Create a nested structure and store data in an array :                                                           
Name of the employee : H.Rana                                                                                 
Input day of the birth : 04                                                                                   
Input month of the birth : 05                                                                                 
Input year for the birth : 1787

Name of the employee : D.Das                                                                                  
Input day of the birth : 08                                                                                   
Input month of the birth : 04                                                                                 
Input year for the birth : 1784  


Flowchart: Create a nested structure and store data in an array.

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