
NumPy String: numpy.char.zfill() function

numpy.char.zfill() function

The numpy.char.zfill() function is used to pad a string with zeros on the left side.

This function is useful for formatting strings that need to have a fixed length, such as numbers with leading zeros.


numpy.char.zfill(a, width)


Name Description Required /
a: array_like, {str, unicode} Input array. Required
width: int Width of string to left-fill elements in a. Required

Return value:

Output array of str or unicode, depending on input type.

Example: Filling zeros to left of string using numpy.char.zfill()

>>> import numpy as np
>>> a = np.char.zfill('w3resource', 20)
>>> a
array('0000000000w3resource', dtype='<U20')

In the above code, the string 'w3resource' is filled with zeros to make it of length 20. The resulting output is an array with dtype <U20. This means the array has Unicode strings of length 20.

Pictorial Presentation:

NumPy String operation: zfill() function

Example: Filling zeros to the left of a string using numpy.char.zfill()

>>> import numpy as np
>>> b = np.char.zfill('hello', 20)
>>> b
array('000000000000000hello', dtype='<U20')

In the above code numpy.char.zfill() function is applied to the string 'hello' with a width of 20. The resulting array contains the string 'hello' with 15 leading zeros to make the length of the string 20 characters.

Pictorial Presentation:

NumPy String operation: zfill() function

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