
NumPy String: numpy.char.join() function


The numpy.char.join() function is used to concatenate elements of a string array using a specified delimiter.

This function is useful in -

  • Data preprocessing: When working with data containing string arrays, you may need to concatenate elements using a specific delimiter for further analysis or manipulation. The numpy.char.join() function can be used to perform this task efficiently.
  • Data import and export: When importing or exporting data between different systems or file formats, you may need to concatenate string arrays using a specific delimiter to ensure compatibility and consistency across systems.
  • Data cleaning: In some cases, you may need to correct inconsistencies within a dataset by joining string arrays using a specified delimiter.


numpy.char.join(sep, seq)


Name Description Required /
sep array_like of str or unicode Required
seq array_like of str or unicode Required

Return value:

Returns a new array with the same shape as the input array, where each element is a string resulting from joining the input elements using the specified delimiter.

Example: Joining characters of a string with a delimiter using NumPy

>>> import numpy as np
>>> x = np.char.join(':', 'ABC')
>>> x
array('A:B:C', dtype='<U5')

In the above code the numpy.char.join() function is called with the delimiter ':' and the input string 'ABC'. This function concatenates the characters of the input string using the specified delimiter and returns a 0-dimensional array (scalar) containing the resulting joined string.

Pictorial Presentation:

NumPy String operation: join() function

Example: Joining characters of multiple strings with different delimiters using NumPy

>>> import numpy as np
>>> x = np.char.join([':','*'],['ABC', 'XYZ'])
>>> x
array(['A:B:C', 'X*Y*Z'], dtype='<U5')

In the above example numpy.char.join() function is called with two input lists: the first list contains the delimiters ([':', '*']), and the second list contains the input strings (['ABC', 'XYZ']). This function concatenates the characters of the input strings using their corresponding specified delimiters and returns a one-dimensional array containing the resulting joined strings.

Pictorial Presentation:

NumPy String operation: join() function

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