
NumPy String: numpy.char.isspace() function

numpy.char.isspace() function

The numpy.char.isspace() function returns true for each element if there are only whitespace characters in the string and there is at least one character, false otherwise.

The function is useful in text processing tasks where you need to identify and remove whitespace characters from strings.




Name Description Required /
a: array_like, unicode Input array. Required

Return value:

Array of booleans of same shape as a.

Example: Checking for whitespace in a string

>>> import numpy as np
>>> x = np.char.isspace('thequickbrownfox')
>>> x

In the above example, since there are no whitespace characters in the string 'thequickbrownfox', the method returns an array of False values.

Pictorial Presentation:

NumPy String operation: isspace() function

Example: Checking for whitespaces in a string

>>> import numpy as np
>>> y = np.char.isspace('                ')
>>> y

In the above code, np.char.isspace(' ') returns an array with a single Boolean value True since the input string consists only of whitespaces.

Pictorial Presentation:

NumPy String operation: isspace() function

Example: Checking for white space using numpy.char.isspace()

>>> import numpy as np
>>> z = np.char.isspace('ABCD  GHIJ')
>>> z

In the above example, the input string 'ABCD GHIJ' contains a whitespace character at the 5th position, so the method returns an array of False values except for the 5th position which is True.

Pictorial Presentation:

NumPy String operation: isspace() function

Python - NumPy Code Editor:

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