
NumPy String: numpy.char.isupper() function

numpy.char.isupper() function

The numpy.char.isupper() function is used to check whether the given string is in uppercase letters or not. It returns an array of boolean values where each value represents whether the corresponding element in the input array is in uppercase or not.




Name Description Required /
a: array_like of str or unicode Input an array_like of string or unicode Required

Return value:

out : ndarray - Output array of bools

Example: Checking if a string has all uppercase letters using numpy.char.isupper()

>>> import numpy as np
>>> x = np.char.isupper('the quick brown fox')
>>> x

In the above code, the input string has lowercase letters, so the method returns a boolean array with False for each character that is not an uppercase letter. Therefore, the output is array(False)

Pictorial Presentation:

NumPy String operation: isupper() function

Example: Checking uppercase characters in a string using numpy.char.isupper()

>>> import numpy as np
>>> y = np.char.isupper('THE QUICK BROWN FOX')
>>> y

In the above example the method returns an array of all True values, indicating that all the characters in the string are uppercase.

Pictorial Presentation:

NumPy String operation: isupper() function

Example: Checking uppercase letters in a string using numpy.char.isupper()

>>> import numpy as np
>>> z = np.char.isupper('THE quick brown fox')
>>> z

In the above code, the string 'THE quick brown fox' is passed to the function. The function returns True only when all the characters in the string are in uppercase. Here, since the 'q' in 'quick' is in lowercase, the function returns False.

Pictorial Presentation:

NumPy String operation: isupper() function

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