How to Create a Table in SQL with Constraints and Best Practices
Create a Table
Write a SQL query to create a table with specific columns and constraints.
-- Create a table named "Employees" with columns for ID, Name, Age, and Salary.
CREATE TABLE Employees (
EmployeeID INT PRIMARY KEY, -- Define a primary key column for unique identification.
Name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, -- Name cannot be null.
Age INT CHECK (Age > 0), -- Age must be greater than 0.
Salary DECIMAL(10, 2) -- Salary is stored as a decimal with 2 decimal places.
- The goal is to define a new table called Employees with specific columns and constraints.
- This demonstrates how to structure a table with proper data types and rules to ensure data integrity.
- CREATE TABLE Employees : Specifies the creation of a new table named Employees.
- EmployeeID INT PRIMARY KEY : Defines the EmployeeID column as an integer and sets it as the primary key to ensure each record is uniquely identifiable.
- Name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL : Defines the Name column as a variable-length string with a maximum of 100 characters and ensures it cannot contain null values.
- Age INT CHECK (Age > 0) : Defines the Age column as an integer and adds a constraint to ensure the value is greater than 0.
- Salary DECIMAL(10, 2) : Defines the Salary column as a decimal number with up to 10 digits, 2 of which are after the decimal point.
- Constraints like PRIMARY KEY, NOT NULL, and CHECK help maintain data integrity by enforcing rules on the data being inserted or updated.
- For example, the CHECK (Age > 0) ensures that invalid ages (e.g., negative numbers) cannot be entered into the database.
- In a company database, this table could store employee information, ensuring that each employee has a unique ID, a valid name, a positive age, and a precise salary value.
1. Purpose of the Query :
2. Key Components :
3. Why use Constraints? :
4. Real-World Application :
Additional Notes:
- Defining primary keys and constraints helps in organizing data efficiently and avoiding redundancy.
- Scenarios where these constraints are critical, such as:
- Ensuring unique identifiers for employees (PRIMARY KEY).
- Preventing incomplete data entry (NOT NULL).
- Validating data ranges (CHECK).
For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:
- Write a SQL query to create a table with three columns: id, name, and age. Add a primary key constraint on the id column.
- Write a SQL query to create a table with four columns: product_id, product_name, price, and quantity. Ensure that the price column cannot have negative values.
- Write a SQL query to create a table with two columns: user_id and email. Make sure the email column only accepts unique values.
- Write a SQL query to create a table with five columns: order_id, customer_id, order_date, total_amount, and status. Add a NOT NULL constraint to the order_date column.
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