PostgreSQL PG_CLIENT_ENCODING() function
The PostgreSQL pg_client_encoding function is used to get the current client encoding name.
This encoding determines how characters are interpreted between the client application and the PostgreSQL server.
Uses of PG_CLIENT_ENCODING() Function
- Check Client Encoding: Identify the current encoding used by the client application for data communication.
- Debug Encoding Issues: Diagnose and troubleshoot character encoding problems by verifying the client encoding.
- Configuration Validation: Ensure that the client encoding settings match the expected or required encoding for proper data handling.
- Compatibility Checking: Verify encoding settings to ensure compatibility between different systems or applications interacting with the PostgreSQL database.
pg_client_encoding (string)
PostgreSQL Version: 9.3
Pictorial Presentation of PostgreSQL PG_CLIENT_ENCODING() function
Example: PostgreSQL PG_CLIENT_ENCODING() function:
The example below returns the current client encoding name.
SELECT pg_client_encoding();
Sample Output:
pg_client_encoding -------------------- WIN1252 (1 row)
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