
Python PCEP Certification Preparation Guide: Exam Details & Syllabus

PCEP Certification Practice Test - Questions, Answers and Explanations

Python is a versatile programming language that opens numerous career opportunities. Mastering Python equips you for various roles across multiple industries.

The PCEPTM - Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer certification (Exam PCEP-30-02) assesses a candidate's ability to perform essential Python programming tasks. It verifies knowledge of core programming concepts, Python syntax and semantics, and the ability to solve common implementation challenges using the Python Standard Library.

PCEPTM certification is valuable for:

  • Aspiring programmers and hobbyists.
  • Learners aiming for entry-level roles as software developers, data analysts, or testers.
  • Industry professionals exploring Python-related technologies.
  • Team leaders and project managers seeking to understand software development terminology and processes for better management and communication.

PCEPTM: Exam Information

Exam name: PCEPTM - Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer

Validity: Lifetime

Format: Single- and multiple-select questions, drag & drop, gap fill, sort, code fill, code insertion | Python 3.x

Number of Questions: 30

Passing Score: 70%

Languages: English, Spanish

Note: Here you will find detailed information.

Here is the PCEPTM - Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer exam syllabus. Each section covers various topics and includes a set of MCQs to ensure you understand the key concepts. This will help you thoroughly prepare for the exam.

Section 1: Computer Programming and Python

Objectives covered by the block (7 exam items).

Understand fundamental terms and definitions:

Understand Python's logic and structure

Introduce literals and variables into code and use different numeral systems

Choose operators and data types adequate to the problem

Perform Input/Output console operations

Section 2: Control Flow - Conditional Blocks and Loops

Objectives covered by the block (8 exam items).

Make decisions and branch the flow with the if instruction:

Perform different types of iterations

Section 3: Data Collections - Tuples, Dictionaries, Lists, and Strings

Objectives covered by the block (7 exam items).

Collect and process data using lists:

Collect and process data using tuples

Collect and process data using dictionaries

Operate with strings

Section 4: Functions and Exceptions

Objectives covered by the block (8 exam items).

Decompose the code using functions:

Organize interaction between the function and its environment

  • parameters vs. arguments
  • positional, keyword, and mixed argument passing
  • default parameter values
  • name scopes, name hiding (shadowing), and the global keyword

Python Built-In Exceptions Hierarchy

  • BaseException
  • Exception
  • SystemExit
  • KeyboardInterrupt
  • abstract exceptions
  • ArithmeticError
  • LookupError
  • IndexError
  • KeyError
  • TypeError
  • ValueError

Basics of Python Exception Handling

  • try-except / the try-except Exception
  • ordering the except branches
  • propagating exceptions through function boundaries
  • delegating responsibility for handling exceptions