
Understanding Python Comments: Essential Practice for PCEP-30-02 Exam

PCEP Certification Practice Test - Questions, Answers and Explanations

This comprehensive set of questions and explanations covers the fundamental topic of comments in Python, providing a diverse set of interactions to enhance understanding and prepare for the PCEP examination.

Question 1: What is the purpose of a comment in Python code?

  1. To execute code
  2. To provide explanations or annotations within the code
  3. To define variables
  4. To create functions

Answer: B) To provide explanations or annotations within the code.

Explanation: Comments are used to leave notes or explanations in the code, making it easier to understand for others or for yourself in the future.

Question 2: Which of the following symbols is used for single-line comments in Python?

  1. //
  2. /* */
  3. #
  4. <!-- -->

Answer: C) #

Explanation: The # symbol is used to indicate a single-line comment in Python.

Question 3: Which of the following statements about comments in Python are true? (Select all that apply)

  1. Comments are ignored by the Python interpreter.
  2. Comments can be used to temporarily disable code.
  3. Comments must be placed at the beginning of a line.
  4. Comments improve code readability.

Answer: A) Comments are ignored by the Python interpreter. B) Comments can be used to temporarily disable code. D) Comments improve code readability.

Explanation: Comments are ignored by the interpreter, can be used to disable code temporarily, and improve readability, but they do not have to be placed at the beginning of a line.

Question 4: Match the following types of comments with their correct usage.

Types of Comments Usage
Single-line comment 1. Used to comment within a line of code
Multi-line comment 2. Used to comment out multiple lines of code
Inline comment 3. Used to comment out a single line of code


  1. Single-line comment -> 3. Used to comment out a single line of code
  2. Multi-line comment -> 2. Used to comment out multiple lines of code
  3. Inline comment -> 1. Used to comment within a line of code

Explanation: Single-line comments use #, multi-line comments use ''' or """, and inline comments use # within a line of code.

Question 5: Fill in the blanks: The # symbol is used for ________ comments, while ''' or """ can be used for ________ comments.

Answer: The # symbol is used for single-line comments, while ''' or """ can be used for multi-line comments.

Explanation: Single-line comments use #, and multi-line comments can use triple quotes.

Question 6: Arrange the following lines of code to correctly comment out a block of code that prints numbers from 1 to 3.

Lines of Code Order
for i in range(1, 4): 1
''' 2
print(i) 3
''' 4


  • '''
  • for i in range(1, 4):
  • print(i)
  • '''

Explanation: Triple quotes are used to comment out the block of code.

Question 7: Fill in the code to add a comment explaining that the following function prints a greeting.

def greet():
    # _______
    print("Hello, World!")


Answer: This function prints a greeting

Explanation: The comment explains what the function does.

Question 8: Insert the missing line of code to add an inline comment explaining the purpose of the following line of code.

x = 10  # _______

Answer: # This assigns the value 10 to the variable x

Explanation: The inline comment explains the purpose of the line of code.

Question 9: Which of the following is a valid multi-line comment in Python?

  1. /*
    This is a multi-line comment
  2. <!--
    This is a multi-line comment
  3. '''
    This is a multi-line comment
  4. //
    This is a multi-line comment

Answer: C)

This is a multi-line comment

Explanation: Triple quotes are used for multi-line comments in Python.

Question 10: What will be the output of the following code?

# This is a comment
print("Hello, World!")  # This prints a greeting
# print("This line is commented out")
  1. Hello, World!
    This line is commented out
  2. This is a comment
    Hello, World!
  3. Hello, World!
  4. # This is a comment
    Hello, World!
    # print("This line is commented out")

Answer: C)

Hello, World!

Explanation: The comments are ignored by the interpreter, and only print("Hello, World!") is executed.

Question 11: Which of the following are purposes of comments in Python code? (Select all that apply)

  1. To execute code
  2. To explain complex code
  3. To temporarily disable code
  4. To define functions

Answer: B) To explain complex code C) To temporarily disable code

Explanation: Comments are used to explain code and can be used to disable code temporarily but do not execute or define functions.

Question 12: Match the following comment styles with their examples.

Comment Styles Examples
Single-line comment 1. '''This is a multi-line comment'''
Multi-line comment 2. # This is a single-line comment
Inline comment 3. x = 10 # This is an inline comment


  • Single-line comment -> 2. # This is a single-line comment
  • Multi-line comment -> 1. '''This is a multi-line comment'''
  • Inline comment -> 3. x = 10 # This is an inline comment

Explanation: Each example matches its respective comment style in Python.

Question 13: Fill in the blanks: Inline comments are added at the end of a line of code using the ______ symbol, while multi-line comments are added using _______.

Answer: Inline comments are added at the end of a line of code using the # symbol, while multi-line comments are added using triple quotes.

Explanation: The # symbol is used for inline comments, and triple quotes are used for multi-line comments.

Question 14: Arrange the following lines of code to correctly comment out a single line of code that assigns a value to a variable

Lines of Code Order
x = 10 1
# This line assigns the value 10 to x 2


  • # This line assigns the value 10 to x
  • x = 10

Explanation:The comment explaining the code comes first, followed by the line of code.

Question 15: Fill in the code to add a comment explaining that the following line of code prints a farewell message.

print("Goodbye, World!")  # _______

Answer: # This prints a farewell message

Explanation: The comment explains what the print statement does.

Question 16: Insert the missing line of code to add a multi-line comment describing the purpose of the following function.

def add(a, b):
    return a + b

print(add(3, 4))

Answer: This function returns the sum of two numbers

Explanation: The multi-line comment describes the purpose of the function.

Question 17: Which of the following lines of code correctly comments out a block of code?

for i in range(3):
for i in range(3):
for i in range(3):
for i in range(3):



for i in range(3):

Explanation: Triple quotes are used for commenting out a block of code in Python.

Question 18: What will be the output of the following code snippet?

print("This will not print")
print("This will print")
This will not print
This will print
This will print
This will not print
This will print
This will not print


This will print

Explanation: The block of code inside the triple quotes is commented out and not executed.

Question 19: Which of the following are benefits of using comments in code? (Select all that apply)

  1. Makes the code self-explanatory.
  2. Helps in debugging.
  3. Increases code execution speed.
  4. Improves collaboration among developers.

Answer: A) Makes the code self-explanatory B) Helps in debugging D) Improves collaboration among developers

Explanation: Comments make the code easier to understand, help in debugging, and improve collaboration but do not affect execution speed.

Question 20: Match the following purposes with their respective comment styles.

Purposes Comment Styles
Explain a block of code 1. Multi-line comment
Disable a line of code 2. Inline comment
Annotate a specific line 3. Single-line comment


  • Explain a block of code -> 1. Multi-line comment
  • Disable a line of code -> 3. Single-line comment
  • Annotate a specific line -> 2. Inline comment

Explanation: Multi-line comments explain blocks of code, single-line comments can disable lines of code, and inline comments annotate specific lines

Question 21: Fill in the blanks: Comments are used to make the code more _______ and can also be used to _______ code for testing purposes.

Answer: Comments are used to make the code more readable and can also be used to disable code for testing purposes.

Explanation: Comments improve readability and can disable code during testing.

Question 22: Arrange the following lines of code to correctly add an inline comment explaining the purpose of a conditional statement.

Lines of Code Order
if x > 0: 1
# Check if x is positive 2
print("Positive") 3


  • # Check if x is positive
  • if x > 0:
  • print("Positive")

Explanation: The comment explaining the conditional statement comes first, followed by the conditional statement and its body.

Question 23: Fill in the code to add a comment explaining the following loop prints numbers from 0 to 4.

# _______
for i in range(5):

Answer: # This loop prints numbers from 0 to 4

Explanation: The comment explains the purpose of the loop.

Question 24: Insert the missing line of code to add a multi-line comment describing the purpose of the following class.

class Calculator:
    def add(self, a, b):
        return a + b

calc = Calculator()
print(calc.add(2, 3))

Answer: This class performs basic arithmetic operations

Explanation: The multi-line comment describes the purpose of the class.

Question 25: Which of the following lines of code correctly uses an inline comment?

x = 5 # Assign 5 to x
x = 5 // Assign 5 to x
x = 5 /* Assign 5 to x */
x = 5 <!-- Assign 5 to x -->


x = 5 # Assign 5 to x

Explanation: The # symbol is used for inline comments in Python.

Question 26: What is the output of the following code snippet?

# Initialize variable
x = 10
# Print variable
    Initialize variable
    Print variable
    # Initialize variable
    # Print variable
    Initialize variable

Answer:B) 10

Explanation: The comments are ignored by the interpreter, and only print(x) is executed, printing 10.

Question 27: Which of the following are valid ways to write comments in Python? (Select all that apply)

  1. # This is a comment
  2. '''This is a comment'''
  3. <!-- This is a comment -->
  4. /* This is a comment */

Answer: A) # This is a comment B) '''This is a comment'''

Explanation: In Python, # is used for single-line comments and ''' or """ for multi-line comments. The other options are not valid in Python.

Question 28: Match the following comments with their types.

Comments Types
# This is a single-line comment 1. Single-line comment
'''This is a multi-line comment''' 2. Inline comment
x = 10 # Inline comment 3. Multi-line comment


  • # This is a single-line comment -> 1. Single-line comment
  • '''This is a multi-line comment''' -> 3. Multi-line comment
  • x = 10 # Inline comment -> 2. Inline comment

Explanation: Each comment matches its respective type.

Question 29: Fill in the blanks: Comments are ignored by the _______ and are used to _______ the code.

Answer: Comments are ignored by the interpreter and are used to explain the code.

Explanation: Comments are not executed by the interpreter and are used to provide explanations or annotations.

Question 30: Arrange the following lines of code to correctly add a multi-line comment explaining the purpose of a function.

Lines of Code Order
''' 1
This function multiplies two numbers 2
def multiply(a, b): 3
''' 4
return a * b 5


  • '''
  • This function multiplies two numbers
  • '''
  • def multiply(a, b):
  • return a * b

Explanation: The multi-line comment explains the purpose of the function.

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