
Understanding Python Literals: Booleans, Integers, and Floating-Point Numbers for PCEP-30-02 Exam ion

PCEP Certification Practice Test - Questions, Answers and Explanations

This comprehensive set of questions and explanations covers the fundamental topic of introducing literals and variables into code and using different numeral systems, providing a diverse set of interactions to enhance understanding and prepare for the PCEP-30-02 examination.

Question 1: Which of the following is a Boolean literal in Python?

  1. 1
  2. True
  3. "False"
  4. 0.0

Answer: B) True

Explanation: True and False are the Boolean literals in Python.

Question 2: Which of the following represents an integer literal in Python?

  1. 3.14
  2. "123"
  3. 101
  4. True

Answer: C) 101

Explanation: 101 is an integer literal, while 3.14 is a floating-point number, "123" is a string, and True is a Boolean.

Question 3: Which of the following are valid floating-point literals in Python? (Select all that apply)

  1. 3.14
  2. 10
  3. 0.001
  4. "3.14"

Answer: A) 3.14 C) 0.001

Explanation: 3.14 and 0.001 are floating-point literals, while 10 is an integer and "3.14" is a string.

Question 4: Match the following types of literals with their examples.

Literals Examples
Boolean 1. True
Integer 2. 3.14159
Floating-point 3. 42
String 4. "Hello, World!"


  • Boolean -> True
  • Integer -> 42
  • Floating-point -> 3.14159
  • String -> "Hello, World!"

Explanation: Each literal type matches its respective example.

Question 5: Fill in the blanks: In Python, True and False are examples of _______ literals, while 3.14 and 0.001 are examples of _______ literals.

Answer: In Python, True and False are examples of Boolean literals, while 3.14 and 0.001 are examples of floating-point literals.

Explanation: True and False are Boolean literals, and 3.14 and 0.001 are floating-point literals.

Question 6: Arrange the following literals in the order of their types: Boolean, Integer, Floating-point, String.

Literals Order
42 1
True 2
"Hello" 3
3.14 4


  • True (Boolean)
  • 42 (Integer)
  • 3.14 (Floating-point)
  • "Hello" (String)

Explanation: The order is based on the type of each literal.

Question 7: Fill in the code to assign the Boolean value False to a variable.

is_active = _______

Answer: False

Explanation: The variable is_active is assigned the Boolean value False.

Question 8: Insert the missing line of code to define a variable that holds the floating-point number 2.718.

e = _______

Answer: 2.718

Explanation: The variable e is assigned the floating-point number 2.718

Question 9: What will be the output of the following code?

x = 10
y = 3.14
z = True
print(x, y, z)
  1. 10 3.14 True
  2. 10.0 3.14 1
  3. 10, 3.14, True
  4. 10 3.14 1

Answer: A) 10 3.14 True

Explanation: The variables x, y, and z hold the values 10, 3.14, and True respectively, and print outputs them with spaces in between.

Question 10: Fill in the code to assign the Boolean value True to a variable named is_active.

is_active = _______

Answer: True

Explanation: The variable is_active is assigned the Boolean value True.

Question 11: Arrange the following variable declarations in the order of their types: String, Integer, Floating-point, Boolean.

Variable Declarations Order
name = "Alice" 1
height = 5.7 2
age = 30 3
is_student = False 4


  • name = "Alice" (String)
  • age = 30 (Integer)
  • height = 5.7 (Floating-point)
  • is_student = False (Boolean)

Explanation: The order is based on the type of each variable declaration.

Question 12: Fill in the blanks: In Python, a variable holding the value True is of type ________, while a variable holding the value 3.14 is of type ________.

Answer: In Python, a variable holding the value True is of type Boolean, while a variable holding the value 3.14 is of type floating-point.

Explanation: True is a Boolean value, and 3.14 is a floating-point value.

Question 13: What will be the output of the following code?

x = 5
y = 2.5
z = True
print(x, y, z)
  1. 5 2.5 True
  2. 5 2.5 1
  3. 5 2.5 0
  4. 5, 2.5, True

Answer: A) 5 2.5 True.

Explanation: The variables x, y, and z hold the values 5, 2.5, and True respectively, and print outputs them with spaces in between.

Question 14: Arrange the following variable assignments in the order of their types: Boolean, Integer, Floating-point.

Variable Assignments Order
pi = 3.14 1
is_valid = True 2
count = 10 3


  • is_valid = True (Boolean)
  • count = 10 (Integer)
  • pi = 3.14 (Floating-point)

Explanation: The order is based on the type of each variable assignment.

Question 15: Which of the following are valid Boolean literals in Python? (Select all that apply).

  1. 1
  2. True
  3. flase
  4. False

Answer: B) True D) False

Explanation: True and False are the Boolean literals in Python. Note that false is incorrect as Python is case-sensitive.

Question 16: Insert the missing line of code to define a variable that holds the Boolean value True.

is_authenticated = _______

Answer: True

Explanation: The variable is_authenticated is assigned the Boolean value True.

Question 17: What will be the output of the following code?

a = 1.23
b = 4
c = False
print(a, b, c)

  1. 1 4 False
  2. 1.23 4 False
  3. 1.23 4 0
  4. 1 4 0

Answer: B) 1.23 4 False

Explanation: The variables a, b, and c hold the values 1.23, 4, and False respectively, and print outputs them with spaces in between.

Question 18: Which of the following are valid floating-point literals in Python? (Select all that apply)

  1. 5.0
  2. 10
  3. 2.71828
  4. "3.14"

Answer: A) 5.0 C) 2.71828

Explanation: 5.0 and 2.71828 are floating-point literals, while 10 is an integer and "3.14" is a string.

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