
PCEP - Python interpreting and the interpreter, compilation and the compiler

PCEP Certification Practice Test - Questions, Answers and Explanations

Below is a set of questions with answers and explanations covering the topic "interpreting and the interpreter, compilation and the compiler" for the Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer Exam (PCEP-30-02 exam). These questions include a variety of formats such as single and multiple-select questions, drag & drop, gap fill, sort, code fill, and code insertion.

Question 1: Which of the following best describes the role of an interpreter in Python?

  1. Translates Python code into machine code before execution.
  2. Translates and executes Python code line-by-line.
  3. Optimizes and compiles Python code into an executable file.
  4. Analyzes Python code for syntax errors without executing it.

Answer: B) Translates and executes Python code line-by-line.

Explanation: An interpreter in Python translates and executes code line-by-line, allowing for immediate execution and debugging.

Question 2: What is the primary difference between a compiler and an interpreter?

  1. A compiler translates code into machine language all at once, while an interpreter translates code line-by-line.
  2. A compiler is used for high-level languages, while an interpreter is used for low-level languages.
  3. A compiler is slower than an interpreter.
  4. A compiler is only used for Python, while an interpreter is used for other languages.

Answer: A) A compiler translates code into machine language all at once, while an interpreter translates code line-by-line.

Explanation: The main difference is that a compiler translates the entire code into machine language before execution, while an interpreter translates and executes code line-by-line.

Question 3: Which of the following statements about interpreters are true? (Select all that apply)

  1. Interpreters execute code line-by-line.
  2. Interpreters require an entire program to be error-free before execution.
  3. Interpreters allow for interactive programming.
  4. Interpreters convert code into machine language before execution.

Answer: A) Interpreters execute code line-by-line. C) Interpreters allow for interactive programming.

Explanation: Interpreters execute code line-by-line and allow for interactive programming, providing immediate feedback after each line is executed.

Question 4: Match the following programming concepts with their descriptions.

Terms Descriptions
Interpreter 1. Binary code directly executed by the CPU.
Compiler 2. Translates entire code into machine language before execution.
High-level Language 3. Easier to read and write, closer to human language.
Machine Code 4. Translates and executes code line-by-line.


  • Interpreter -> 4. Translates and executes code line-by-line.
  • Compiler -> 2. Translates entire code into machine language before execution.
  • High-level Language -> 3. Easier to read and write, closer to human language.
  • Machine Code -> 1. Binary code directly executed by the CPU.

Explanation: Interpreters execute code line-by-line, compilers translate entire code before execution, high-level languages are closer to human language, and machine code is binary code executed by the CPU.

Question 5: Fill in the blanks: An __________ translates and executes code line-by-line, while a __________ translates the entire code into machine language before execution.

Answer: An interpreter translates and executes code line-by-line, while a compiler translates the entire code into machine language before execution.

Explanation: Interpreters execute code line-by-line, providing immediate feedback, while compilers translate the entire code before execution, usually resulting in an executable file.

Question 6: Sort the following steps in the process of code execution by a compiler.

  1. Translates high-level code into intermediate code
  2. Optimizes intermediate code
  3. Translates intermediate code into machine code
  4. Executes machine code


  1. Optimizes intermediate code
  2. Translates high-level code into intermediate code
  3. Translates intermediate code into machine code
  4. Executes machine code

Explanation: A compiler typically translates high-level code into intermediate code, optimizes it, translates it into machine code, and then executes the machine code.

Question 7: Fill in the code to print "Hello, World!" using the Python interpreter.

___("Hello, World!")

Answer: print("Hello, World!")

Explanation: The print function in Python is used to output text to the console.

Question 8: Insert the missing line of code to define a simple Python function that prints "Hello, World!".

def greet(): ____

Answer: print("Hello, World!")

Explanation: The print function is used to output "Hello, World!" within the greet function.

Question 9: Which of the following is a disadvantage of using an interpreter?

  1. Slower execution compared to compiled code.
  2. More difficult to debug code.
  3. Requires more memory.
  4. Harder to write code.

Answer: A) Slower execution compared to compiled code.

Explanation: Interpreted code tends to run slower than compiled code because it is translated line-by-line during execution.

Question 10: What is the output of the following code snippet if executed by an interpreter?

  1. First Second
  2. Second First
  3. Error
  4. None

Answer: A) First Second

Explanation: The code is executed line-by-line, so "First" is printed before "Second".

Question 11: Which of the following are characteristics of a compiler? (Select all that apply)

  1. Translates the entire program before execution
  2. Generates an executable file
  3. Executes code line-by-line
  4. Provides immediate feedback after each line

Answer: A) Translates the entire program before execution B) Generates an executable file.

Explanation: A compiler translates the entire program and usually generates an executable file. It does not provide immediate feedback after each line like an interpreter does.

Question 12: Arrange the following steps in the process of code execution by an interpreter into the correct order.

Steps Order
Execute translated line 1
Provide immediate feedback 2
Proceed to next line 3
Translate line-by-line 4


  • Translate line-by-line
  • Execute translated line
  • Provide immediate feedback
  • Proceed to next line

Explanation: An interpreter works by translating and executing each line of code sequentially, providing immediate feedback, and then moving on to the next line.

Question 13: A __________ checks the entire source code for errors before converting it into machine code, whereas an __________ converts the source code into machine code one line at a time during execution.

Answer: A compiler checks the entire source code for errors before converting it into machine code, whereas an interpreter converts the source code into machine code one line at a time during execution.

Explanation: Compilers perform a complete check and translation of the source code before execution, while interpreters translate and execute code line-by-line.

Question 14: Complete the following code to define and call a function that prints "Python is fun!".

def fun_message():


Answer: print("Python is fun!")

Explanation: The print function is used to output "Python is fun!" within the fun_message function, which is then called.

Question 15: Insert the missing line of code to calculate and print the sum of two numbers using a function.

def calculate_sum(a, b):

calculate_sum(3, 5)

Answer: print(a + b)

Explanation: The print function is used to output the sum of a and b within the calculate_sum function.

Question 16: Which of the following best describes a high-level programming language?

  1. Requires machine-specific instructions
  2. Close to human language and abstracted from machine code
  3. Hard to debug and understand
  4. Directly executed by the CPU

Answer: B) Close to human language and abstracted from machine code.

Explanation: High-level programming languages are designed to be easy to read and write, abstracting away from the machine-specific details.

Question 17: What is one of the main advantages of using an interpreter during software development?

  1. Faster execution of the final program
  2. Easier to debug and test code interactively
  3. Better optimization of the code
  4. Requires no additional software

Answer: B) Easier to debug and test code interactively

Explanation: Interpreters allow for interactive programming, making it easier to debug and test code line-by-line.

Question 18: Which of the following are true about high-level programming languages? (Select all that apply)

  1. Easier to understand and write
  2. Platform-independent
  3. Require manual memory management
  4. Provide higher abstraction from machine code

Answer: A) Easier to understand and write B) Platform-independent D) Provide higher abstraction from machine code.

Explanation: High-level programming languages are designed to be easier to understand and write, platform-independent, and provide a higher level of abstraction from machine code.

Question 19: Match the following programming concepts to their descriptions.

Concepts Descriptions
Source Code 1. Binary code executed by the CPU
Machine Code 2. Original code written by the programmer
Compilation 3. Translating and executing code line-by-line
Interpretation 4. Translating entire code before execution


  1. Source Code -> 2. Original code written by the programmer
  2. Machine Code -> 1. Binary code executed by the CPU
  3. Compilation -> 4. Translating entire code before execution
  4. Interpretation -> 3. Translating and executing code line-by-line

Question 20: In software development, a __________ language is closer to human language, whereas __________ code is executed directly by the CPU.

Answer: In software development, a high-level language is closer to human language, whereas machine code is executed directly by the CPU.

Explanation: High-level languages provide easier syntax closer to human language, while machine code consists of binary instructions executed by the CPU.

Question 21: Complete the following code to check if a number is positive, negative, or zero.

def check_number(num):
    if num > 0:
    elif num < 0:




Explanation: The elif statement checks if the number is negative, and the else statement handles the zero case.

Question 22: Insert the missing line of code to calculate and return the square of a number.

def square_number(n):

result = square_number(4)

Answer: return n * n

Explanation: The return statement is used to return the square of the number n.

Question 23: What is an advantage of compiled languages over interpreted languages?

  1. Easier to debug
  2. Faster execution of the final program
  3. Allows interactive programming
  4. More portable across different platforms

Answer: B) Faster execution of the final program

Explanation: Compiled programs generally execute faster than interpreted programs because they are translated into machine code before execution.

Question 24: What does the term "source code" refer to?

  1. The compiled version of a program
  2. The machine code executed by the CPU
  3. The original code written by the programmer
  4. The output of the program

Answer: C) The original code written by the programmer

Explanation: Source code is the human-readable code written by the programmer in a high-level language.

Question 25: Which of the following are examples of high-level programming languages? (Select all that apply)

  1. Python
  2. Assembly
  3. Java
  4. C++

Answer: A) Python C) Java D) C++

Explanation: High-level programming languages include Python, Java, and C++, which are designed to be easier to read and write compared to low-level languages like Assembly.

Question 26: Arrange the steps in the process of code execution by a compiler into the correct order.

Steps Order
Optimize intermediate code 1
Translate high-level code 2
Execute machine code 3
Translate to machine code 4


  • Translate high-level code
  • Optimize intermediate code
  • Translate to machine code
  • Execute machine code

Explanation: A compiler typically translates high-level code into intermediate code, optimizes it, translates it into machine code, and then executes the machine code.

Question 27: A __________ translates source code into machine code all at once, whereas an __________ translates and executes code line-by-line.

Answer: A compiler translates source code into machine code all at once, whereas an interpreter translates and executes code line-by-line.

Explanation: Compilers translate the entire source code into machine code before execution, while interpreters handle code line-by-line during execution.

Question 28: Fill in the code to define a function that checks if a number is even or odd.

def check_even_odd(num):
    if num % 2 == 0:


if num % 2 == 0:

Explanation: The if statement checks if the number is even, and the else statement handles the odd case.

Question 29: Insert the missing line of code to define and call a function that prints "Learning Python".

def print_message():


Answer: print("Learning Python")

Explanation: The print function is used to output "Learning Python" within the print_message function, which is then called.

Question 30: Which of the following describes a "high-level" programming language?

  1. Requires direct interaction with hardware
  2. Is closer to machine code
  3. Provides abstraction from hardware details
  4. Is harder to learn and use

Answer: C) Provides abstraction from hardware details.

Explanation: High-level programming languages provide abstraction from hardware details, making them easier to learn and use compared to low-level languages.

Question 31: What does the Python interpreter do when you execute a .py file?

  1. Compiles the file into an executable
  2. Translates and executes the code line-by-line
  3. Converts the file into machine code
  4. Optimizes the code for performance

Answer: B) Translates and executes the code line-by-line

Explanation: The Python interpreter translates and executes the code line-by-line, allowing for immediate execution and debugging.

Question 32: Which of the following are advantages of using an interpreter? (Select all that apply)

  1. Immediate error detection
  2. Faster execution of the final program
  3. Interactive testing and debugging
  4. Better optimization of the code

Answer: A) Immediate error detection C) Interactive testing and debugging

Explanation: Interpreters allow for immediate error detection and provide an interactive environment for testing and debugging.

Question 33: Match the following types of programming languages to their descriptions.

Types of Languages Descriptions
Assembly language 1. Closer to machine code
High-level language 2. Binary code executed by the CPU
Low-level language 3. Uses mnemonics to represent opcodes
Machine Code 4. Closer to human language


  • Assembly language -> 3. Uses mnemonics to represent opcodes
  • High-level language -> 4. Closer to human language
  • Low-level language -> 1. Closer to machine code
  • Machine Code -> 2. Binary code executed by the CPU

Explanation: High-level languages are closer to human language, low-level languages are closer to machine code, assembly language uses mnemonics to represent opcodes, and machine code consists of binary instructions executed by the CPU.

Question 34: A __________ language is designed to be easy to read and write, abstracting away from hardware details, while a __________ language provides low-level access to the hardware.

Answer: A high-level language is designed to be easy to read and write, abstracting away from hardware details, while a low-level language provides low-level access to the hardware.

Explanation: High-level languages are designed for ease of use and abstraction, whereas low-level languages are closer to the machine's hardware

Question 35: Complete the following code to define and call a function that prints the sum of two numbers.

def print_sum(a, b):

print_sum(4, 6)

Answer: print(a + b).

Explanation: The print function is used to output the sum of a and b within the print_sum function

Question 36: Insert the missing line of code to define a function that returns the product of two numbers.

def multiply_numbers(a, b):

result = multiply_numbers(3, 5)

Answer: return a * b

Explanation: The return statement is used to return the product of a and b.

Question 37: Which of the following best describes a "compiler"?

  1. Translates and executes code line-by-line
  2. Translates entire code into machine language before execution
  3. Interactively tests and debugs code
  4. Provides immediate feedback after each line

Answer: B) Translates entire code into machine language before execution

Explanation: A compiler translates the entire source code into machine language before execution, often resulting in an executable file.

Question 38: What is an "interpreter" in the context of programming languages?

  1. A tool that converts high-level code into machine code all at once
  2. A tool that translates and executes code line-by-line
  3. A tool that compiles code into an executable file
  4. A tool that optimizes code for performance

Answer: B) A tool that translates and executes code line-by-line

Explanation: An interpreter translates and executes code line-by-line, providing immediate execution and feedback.

Question 39: Which of the following are characteristics of high-level programming languages? (Select all that apply)

  1. Easier to debug
  2. More readable and maintainable
  3. Requires knowledge of hardware
  4. Provides higher-level abstractions

Answer: A) Easier to debug B) More readable and maintainable D) Provides higher-level abstractions

Explanation: High-level programming languages are designed to be more readable, maintainable, easier to debug, and provide higher-level abstractions compared to low-level languages.

Question 40: Match the following programming terms to their corresponding definitions.

Terms Definitions
Semantics 1. The process of executing code line-by-line.
Compilation 2. The meaning of the syntactic elements and the relationships between them.
Syntax 3. The process of translating high-level code into machine code before execution.
Interpretation 4. The set of rules defining the combinations of symbols that are considered to be correctly structured programs.


  • Semantics -> 2. The meaning of the syntactic elements and the relationships between them.
  • Compilation -> 3. The process of translating high-level code into machine code before execution.
  • Syntax -> 4. The set of rules defining the combinations of symbols that are considered to be correctly structured programs.
  • Interpretation -> 1. The process of executing code line-by-line.

Explanation: Syntax refers to the rules for structuring code, semantics refers to the meaning of the code, compilation is translating code before execution, and interpretation is executing code line-by-line.

Question 41: A __________ is used to translate high-level source code into machine code all at once, creating an executable file, while an __________ translates and executes code line-by-line.

Answer: A compiler is used to translate high-level source code into machine code all at once, creating an executable file, while an interpreter translates and executes code line-by-line.

Explanation: Compilers translate entire source code into machine code before execution, while interpreters handle code line-by-line during execution.

Question 42: Fill in the code to define a function that checks if a number is positive, negative, or zero and prints the result.

def check_number(num):
    if num > 0:
    elif num < 0:



    elif num < 0:

Explanation: The if statement checks if the number is positive, the elif statement checks if it is negative, and the else statement handles the zero case.

Question 43: Insert the missing line of code to define and call a function that prints "Python programming".

def print_message():



		print("Python programming")

Explanation: The print function is used to output "Python programming" within the print_message function, which is then called.

Question 44: Which of the following best describes the purpose of an interpreter in programming?

  1. To optimize the code for better performance
  2. To translate and execute code line-by-line
  3. To compile code into an executable file
  4. To check code for syntax errors without executing it

Answer: B) To translate and execute code line-by-line

Explanation: An interpreter's primary purpose is to translate and execute code line-by-line, allowing for immediate feedback and execution.

Question 45: What does the term "compilation" refer to in programming?

  1. The process of executing code line-by-line
  2. The process of translating source code into machine code all at once
  3. The process of optimizing code for performance
  4. The process of interpreting and executing code

Answer: B) The process of translating source code into machine code all at once

Explanation: Compilation refers to the process of translating the entire source code into machine code before execution, often resulting in an executable file.

Question 46: Which of the following are advantages of using a compiler? (Select all that apply)

  1. Faster execution of the final program
  2. Easier interactive testing and debugging
  3. Better optimization of the code
  4. Immediate error detection

Answer: A) Faster execution of the final program C) Better optimization of the code

Explanation: Compilers generally produce faster executable programs and allow for better optimization of the code, although they do not provide immediate error detection like interpreters.

Question 47: Drag the following terms to match their functions.

Terms Functions
Interpreter 1. Translates entire code before execution
Compiler 2. Translates and executes code line-by-line
High-level Lang 3. Binary code executed by the CPU
Machine Code 4. Closer to human language


  • Interpreter -> 2. Translates and executes code line-by-line
  • Compiler -> 1. Translates entire code before execution
  • High-level Lang -> 4. Closer to human language
  • Machine Code -> 3. Binary code executed by the CPU

Explanation: Each term matches its function based on its role in programming.

Question 48: In programming, a __________ language provides higher-level abstractions and is closer to human language, while __________ code is directly executed by the CPU.

Answer: In programming, a high-level language provides higher-level abstractions and is closer to human language, while machine code is directly executed by the CPU.

Explanation: High-level languages offer abstractions that make them easier to read and write, while machine code consists of binary instructions that the CPU can execute directly.

Question 49: Complete the following code to define and call a function that prints whether a number is positive, negative, or zero.

def check_number(num):
    if num > 0:
    elif num < 0:


Answer: The code is already complete and correctly defines and calls the function.

Explanation: The function check_number correctly checks if the number is positive, negative, or zero, and the call to check_number(0) tests this functionality.

Question 50: Insert the missing line of code to define a function that returns the sum of two numbers.

def sum_numbers(a, b):

result = sum_numbers(2, 8)

Answer: return a + b

Explanation: The return statement is used to return the sum of a and b.

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