
Mastering String Operators for the PCEP-30-0x Examination

PCEP Certification Practice Test - Questions, Answers and Explanations

This comprehensive set of questions and explanations covers the fundamental topic of choosing operators and data types adequate to the problem, focusing on string operators: * +. This diverse set of interactions enhances understanding and prepares for the PCEP-30-02 examination.

Question 1: What is the result of the expression 'Hello' + ' ' + 'World'?

  1. Hello World
  2. HelloWorld
  3. Hello World
  4. Hello World

Answer: a) Hello World

Explanation: The + operator concatenates strings. 'Hello' + ' ' + 'World' results in Hello World.

Question 2: What is the result of the expression 'Python' * 3?

  1. PythonPythonPython
  2. Python*3
  3. Python3
  4. Python Python Python

Answer: a) PythonPythonPython

Explanation: The * operator repeats the string. 'Python' * 3 results in PythonPythonPython.

Question 3: What does the following expression evaluate to: 3 * 'abc'?

  1. 'abcabcabc'
  2. '3abc'
  3. 9
  4. 'abcabcabcabc'

Answer: a) 'abcabcabc'

Explanation: The * operator repeats the string. 3 * 'abc' results in abcabcabc.

Question 4: Which of the following expressions will result in 'HelloHelloHello'? (Select all that apply)

  1. 'Hello' * 3
  2. 3 * 'Hello'
  3. ('Hello' + 'Hello' + 'Hello')
  4. ('Hello' * 2) + 'Hello'

Answer: a) 'Hello' * 3, b) 3 * 'Hello', c) ('Hello' + 'Hello' + 'Hello'), d) ('Hello' * 2) + 'Hello'

Explanation: All expressions result in HelloHelloHello.

Question 5: Which of the following are valid string operations in Python? (Select all that apply)

  1. 'Python' + 'Programming'
  2. 'abc' * 3
  3. 'abc' + 3
  4. 3 + 'abc'

Answer:a) 'Python' + 'Programming', b) 'abc' * 3

Explanation: The + operator concatenates strings, and the * operator repeats strings. 'abc' + 3 and 3 + 'abc' are not valid string operations because they attempt to combine strings with integers without conversion.

Question 6: Arrange the following string operations to form 'HelloHelloWorld': 'Hello' + 'World', 'Hello' * 2.


  • 'Hello' * 2
  • ' + '
  • 'World'

Explanation: The correct sequence to form HelloHelloWorld is to first repeat Hello twice, and then concatenate it with World.

Question 7: Place the following string operations in the correct order to make the expression 'abcabcabc' true: 2 * 'abc' + 'abc', 'abc' * 3.


  • 'abc' * 3
  • 2 * 'abc' + 'abc'

Explanation: Both expressions will result in abcabcabc.

Question 8: The expression 'Hi' * 4 results in ______.

Answer: 'HiHiHiHi'

Explanation: The * operator repeats the string. 'Hi' * 4 results in HiHiHiHi.

Question 9: The operator used for concatenating strings in Python is ______.

Answer: +

Explanation: The + operator is used for concatenating strings in Python.

Question 10: Sort the following expressions by their result in alphabetical order: 'abc' * 2, 'b' + 'a' + 'c', 'abc' + 'abc'.


  • 'abc' * 2 (abcabc)
  • 'abc' + 'abc' (abcabc)
  • 'b' + 'a' + 'c' (bac)

Explanation: Alphabetically, abcabc comes before bac.

Question 11: Sort the following expressions in ascending order of their lengths: 'Python' + '3', 'Py' * 3, 'Python' * 2.


  • 'Py' * 3 (PyPyPy - 6 characters)
  • 'Python' + '3' (Python3 - 7 characters)
  • 'Python' * 2 (PythonPython - 12 characters)

Explanation: The lengths of the results are 6, 7, and 12 characters respectively.

Question 12: Fill in the missing code to correctly concatenate two strings.

result = 'Hello' ______ 'World'

Answer: +

Explanation: The + operator is used for concatenating strings in Python.

Question 13: Fill in the missing code to correctly repeat a string.

result = 'Hi' ______ 3

Answer: *

Explanation: The * operator is used for repeating strings in Python.

Question 14: Insert the correct operator to concatenate the strings.

result = 'Good' ______ 'Morning'

Answer: +

Explanation: The + operator is used for concatenating strings in Python.

Question 15: Insert the correct operator to repeat the string.

result = 'Go' ______ 2

Answer: *

Explanation: The * operator is used for repeating strings in Python.

Question 16: What is the result of the expression 2 * 'ab' + 'cd'?

  1. ababcd
  2. abab
  3. abcdcd
  4. abcdab

Answer: a) ababcd

Explanation: The * operator repeats the string ab twice, and the + operator concatenates abab with cd.

Question 17: What is the result of the expression 'Python' + ' ' * 3 + 'Rocks'?

  1. Python Rocks
  2. Python Rocks
  3. PythonRocks
  4. Python Rocks

Answer: b) Python Rocks

Explanation: The * operator repeats the space character three times, and the + operator concatenates Python, three spaces, and Rocks.

Question 18: Which of the following expressions result in 'HelloWorldHelloWorld'? (Select all that apply)

  1. ('HelloWorld') * 2
  2. 2 * ('Hello' + 'World')
  3. 'Hello' * 2 + 'World' * 2
  4. ('Hello' * 2) + ('World' * 2)

Answer: a) ('HelloWorld') * 2, b) 2 * ('Hello' + 'World')

Explanation: Both ('HelloWorld') * 2 and 2 * ('Hello' + 'World') result in HelloWorldHelloWorld.

Question 19: Which of the following are true about the * operator in Python when used with strings? (Select all that apply).

  1. It repeats the string a specified number of times
  2. It concatenates the string with itself
  3. It multiplies the length of the string
  4. It raises an error if used with strings

Answer: a) It repeats the string a specified number of times, b) It concatenates the string with itself

Explanation: The * operator repeats the string a specified number of times and effectively concatenates the string with itself multiple times. It does not multiply the length of the string or raise an error when used correctly.

Question 20: The result of the expression 'xyz' * 2 is ______.

Answer: 'xyzxyz'

Explanation: The * operator repeats the string. 'xyz' * 2 results in xyzxyz.

Question 21: The result of the expression 'a' + 'b' + 'c' is ______.

Answer: 'abc'

Explanation: The + operator concatenates strings. 'a' + 'b' + 'c' results in abc.

Question 22: Sort the following expressions by their result in ascending order: 'a' + 'b' + 'c', 'c' + 'b' + 'a', 'b' + 'a' + 'c'.

Answer: 2

  1. 'a' + 'b' + 'c' (abc)
  2. 'b' + 'a' + 'c' (bac)
  3. 'c' + 'b' + 'a' (cba

Explanation: Alphabetically, abc comes before bac and cba.

Question 23: Sort the following expressions in ascending order of their lengths: 'Hi' * 2, 'Hello' + 'World', 'Python' * 2.


  • 'Hi' * 2 (HiHi - 4 characters)
  • 'Hello' + 'World' (HelloWorld - 10 characters)
  • 'Python' * 2 (PythonPython - 12 characters)

Explanation: The lengths of the results are 4, 10, and 12 characters respectively

Question 24: Fill in the missing code to correctly concatenate two strings.

result = 'Data' ______ 'Science'

Answer: +

Explanation: The + operator is used for concatenating strings in Python.

Question 25: Fill in the missing code to correctly repeat a string.

result = 'Repeat' ______ 4

Answer: *

Explanation: The * operator is used for repeating strings in Python.

Question 26: Insert the correct operator to concatenate the strings.

result = 'Best' ______ 'Practices'

Answer: +

Explanation: The + operator is used for concatenating strings in Python.

Question 27: Insert the correct operator to repeat the string.

result = 'Echo' ______ 5

Answer: *

Explanation: The * operator is used for repeating strings in Python.

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