C Programming Structure Exercises and Solutions
C programming related to structures [9 exercises with solution]
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From Wikipedia -
A struct (Structures) in the C programming language (and many derivatives) is a composite data type (or record) declaration that defines a physically grouped list of variables under one name in a block of memory, allowing the different variables to be accessed via a single pointer or by the struct declared name which returns the same address. The struct data type can contain other data types so is used for mixed-data-type records such as a hard-drive directory entry (file length, name, extension, physical address, etc.), or other mixed-type records (name, address, telephone, balance, etc.).
1. Create a structure called "Student" with members name, age, and total marks. Write a C program to input data for two students, display their information, and find the average of total marks.
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2. Define a structure named Time with members hours, minutes, and seconds. Write a C program to input two times, add them, and display the result in proper time format.
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3. Create a structure named Book to store book details like title, author, and price. Write a C program to input details for three books, find the most expensive and the lowest priced books, and display their information.
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4. Define a structure named Circle to represent a circle with a radius. Write a C program to calculate the area and perimeter of two circles and display the results.
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5. Create a structure named "Employee" to store employee details such as employee ID, name, and salary. Write a program to input data for three employees, find the highest salary employee, and display their information.
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6. Define a structure named "Date" with members day, month, and year. Write a C program to input two dates and find the difference in days between them.
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7. Write a C program that implements a simple queue using a structure. The structure should contain an array representing the queue and front and rear indices. Include functions for enqueue and dequeue operations.
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8. Create a structure named Complex to represent a complex number with real and imaginary parts. Write a C program to add and multiply two complex numbers.
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9. Design a structure named "Car" to store details like car ID, model, and rental rate per day. Write a C program to input data for three cars, calculate the total rental cost for a specified number of days, and display the results.
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